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'''Meeting Script'''
Gary:  What's up? I'm trying to see what you wrote. I wrote something too. Office needed, like just CNMCyber week and then like a date and
      maybe for a date, it's better to do like a year, because yeah -- I will kind of -- I will change one and you will see what I kind of
      think we need to do. Because, ‘week of’ means kind of week starting on that day but it is not precisely correct because we are talking
      about the week before. So in the kind of literate English language sense it’s not really correct. So ‘of’, we will take ‘of’. Kevin
      RSVP’d, that’s interesting. Kevin and Miriam. Miriam also like she, she expressed her interest, but she didn't emerge. Okay like two
      more minutes. Wow! Someone is getting, wow! Kevin.
Kevin: Hello
Gary:  Hello, hello
Kevin: How are you.
Gary:  Yeah, I’m fine
Kevin: It’s been a while
Gary:  Yeah, long time no see.
Kevin: Yeah, I’ve been trying to join your meetings for the last, I think two meetings I wasn’t able to.
Gary:  By the way, it’s kind of Sonya needs to be blamed she she failed, she failed her responsibilities -- yeah we wanted to record and kind
      of post some recording but it didn't happen well
Kevin: Okay okay
Gary:  How are you? how's it ? how is everything with you?
Kevin: Everything is fine, I'm doing fine
Gary:  Yeah
Kevin: Yes
Gary:  Do you work in this like British company? Yes or no?
Kevin: I still, I'm still working at that company thanks to your recommendation. 
Gary:  No, no problem. Anytime ,anytime. We can give more if you need.
Kevin: Yeah so, what has been going on at CNNCyber?
Gary:  We like for two years, we I moved the project to Ukraine and we had kind of had ups and downs there, but the war definitely like
      destroyed their, not destroyed, but like damaged, badly damaged the project and it's really difficult like before the war we started
      advertising campaign in September of 2021 we had six coordinators and the war started and they kind of all vanished.
Kevin: Wow okay.
Gary:  Like some even disappeared, I have no idea about like what happened. One gentleman his name was Alexander. He was in Kharkiv kind of
      this eastern city, Sonya also from Kharkiv but she moved.
Kevin: Okay
Gary:  So I even have no idea what happened, he just and now we kind of we're trying to restore this program back to English and kind of get
      the same like courses and make like everything as it was like in the good times.
Kevin: Yeah sure that's nice. Hi Sonya, this is Sonya right?
Sonya: Yeah
Gary:  Yeah this is Sonya. Sonia looks like frozen no?
Kevin: Yeah
Sonya: Can you hear me well or not?
Gary:  Sonya, no it's kind of some disruptions maybe on my side. Uh, maybe my connection is not good. Sonya is in Kyiv by the way. She's there
      right now. She's in the capital of Ukraine.
Kevin: Oh, I hope everything is safe over there.
Gary:  Sonya, it was a question to you. Is everything safe and Kyiv?
Sonya: Uh sorry, yeah yes it's safe enough because, yeah. It’s okay
Kevin: Okay
Gary:  Yeah but they, kind of the the biggest problem, the latest problem was electricity. Because kind of the Russians bombed like all the
      time and, and right now it's kind of it looks like they helped, Germany helped a lot in kind of many like in terms of
      equipment and defense, air defense systems and it's kind of new experience but anyway it's like it's not too many people and those who
      are is again it’s difficult to recruit. Also when I started in Ukraine, I thought about Russia and Belarus and Moldova and now
      everything is kind of just, everything is in trouble let’s say it this way. This is why we are restoring like
um English programs, English language program.
Kevin: Yeah
Gary:  And we still build like uhm, all the technology. We will see what to do with the courses because they most likely, will modify some of
      them and I'm working right now precisely me I'm working on um on this like how new coordinators will start working. Like what
      what to do first, what to do second, what to do third, what to do forth. Like more structure to this
Kevin: Okay
Gary : This is what I'm working on and Sonya mostly work on the technology last
week but didn't work right. What Sonya? What happened on your end?
Sonya: Uh, what happened last week or?
Gary:  Yeah, like what did you do?
Sonia: Uh, last week I was not so productive because I hoped we will have a productive meeting today and after this meeting, because we are
      going to talking with Gary and Natalia about the best way to document our projects and about necessary things to mention when we
      document the project. I told Natalia what we discussed last week and what we should mention in software instance section and standing
      operation procedure section when we are documenting a project. Also, I created standing operating procedures page and wrote down the
      requirements which Gary sent me. Also, I created CNMcyber Event organizer group in CNMCyber Social and added some informationm not so
Gary:  That’s good
Sonya : Also I made the CNMCyber guided tours pages and the CNMCyber This week
Gary:  But why did you say it's like it was not so productive?
Sonya: Because we hope
Kevin: That's a good question
Sonya: Because we hope next meeting was more productive.
Gary:  Last meeting, okay. Okay sounds good. So like we do you feel like, oh basically you bet right now on our talk with Natalia after
      meeting right?
Sonya: Mhm
Gary:  Okay so kind of the key thing is that um, like Natalia is still working, you probably remember Kevin her right?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I think I do.
Gary:  Yeah because she was, she is in the program for like seven years
Kevin: Wow
Gary:  So I remember it was like you, Miriam and her.
Kevin: Yeah.
Gary:  At least I restored my kind of my email of like two years ago, I see like your name, Miriam name and Natalia. So right now the main
      goal is like for Natalia and Sonya, so we have tons of Technology but it is not kind of, but it is not described on the Wiki or like
      not documented and what Sonya is working on, she's working with Natalia to put like uhm, documents in place and we will, yeah and then
      we will try to bring more contractors. Uh like when we have a better requirements (what to do) so we will start hiring. I remember we
      hired it like your designer right?
Kevin: Yes.
Gary:  But again, because it was no requirements like what he did it was not like useful for us and, but I may kind of restart just like when
      we have better requirements for like for pictures and for technology as well, we can restart like hiring.
Kevin: Yeah, so when all the requirements are done?
Gary:  Yeah but, correct right now we don't have a description of what we have we    don't have description what we need to do and since we
      don't have a description of what we need to do we don't have requirements and we try to hire
      new contractors so right now the technology is like moved to the next level. So for instance right now like this jitsi, I believe it is
      like high availability stage not fully but partially. So at least, like it doesn't depend on one server. It kind of includes several
      servers if one fails  another should kind of, should take over but like we couldn't move like further because we kind of, we don't have
      kind of a good description of what we have. Plus we plan to do like Hands-On assignments on our technology for kind of students to play
      with, uhm not like complete courses. I remember you did a course with Miriam on moodle  but again it's not like we don't have kind of
      interest to teach people let's say to have a course like how to work with Moodle. We have interest in showing how to work with our
      moodle right? Which should sound like CNN Moodle and so on so forth and if they're interested in Moodle then we will help them to move
      on, to go further.
Kevin: Okay that's nice. I like the the progress that has been made for the past few years.
Gary:  Yeah two. But there are many many initiatives, also we had an initiative with the high school students and I talked to a high school
      principal, uhm it's still like the talks hasn't been, haven’t been stopped yet but it's kind of it's going slow because again like the
      school, high school principal whom I talk to she, her school is in their territory which is occupied right now, so it's kind of it's
      difficult like kids are in different places and it's difficult to coordinate also teachers are in different places too. So, but I
      believe like this program can be really attractive to to high school students because they will kind of start working and I'm hiring
      everyone like let's say, I agree to hire every coordinator let's say like a dollar per hour everyone, like everyone and as long as they
      will be successful like in the program and I plan to do it if it's not if we don't have a partner in Ukraine we will definitely look
      for partners and everywhere including like Pakistan and Kenya.
Kevin: All right
Gary:  Kenya was a good country for a few people from Kenya, it was like yeah mostly like positive experience. You were the last but I had a
      few more yeah.
Kevin: What was your experience about people in Kenya in general?
Gary:  My experience?
Kevin: Yes.
Gary:  Yeah, good English, good attitude, uhm right now like your connection is good because I kind of, I have disruptions with Sonya but kind
      of your talk is like very clear. Are you still there in Nairobi?
Kevin: Yes
Gary:  So you have a fiber or?
Kevin: Yes the one I'm using I installed it in the house not uh the one I used to use through my mobile phone. I used to hotspot through my
      mobile phone but now I installed in the house.
Gary:  Oh that’s good. Positive experience, I will go there. If I have like a good partner I will go there. I had a lady in Kisii, I told you
      about her but I just um I don't have kind of enough right now to offer. When we will we finish the courses I guess maybe like somewhere
      in the summer uhm I plan kind of to start looking for partners especially like maybe in Kenyan. Kenya is a good time country too.
Kevin: Sure
Gary:  And we have like a partially Kenyan President whom I was happy with.
Kevin: Sure, sure. That's good to hear.
Gary:  You don't have a war now? as kind of
Kevin: Oh no, no we don’t.
Gary:  That's good. Ukraine, Ukraine will kind of, will pass it through too.
      Okay so what like uh, so our strategy right now, we’re building the technology, we plan to kind of to move the technology and we're
      building kind of this courses the first course will, we will translate from Russian most likely. We have two versions Russian -
      Ukrainian for school kids which was a translation from Russian but it was never in use. It was never tested. Uhm and the second course
      we will concentrate only on job search, like what is needed on the job. So kind of the first introduction about what our program is,
      decide whether you will be benefited or not and the second course is about job search. Kind of what employers are looking for,
      recommendations, resumes, LinkedIn, whatever and the third course will be not really a course we will call it boot-camp mostlikely. It
      will be directly like teaching what you need to do on the job and give this job so the people will start kind of working with no
      profession, with no specialty, just general like coordination, event organizing, coordination, maybe website development not web
      development, website development like making kind of pictures or content the for the websites and we will kind of see what is
      next when we have like two courses and people will get kind of some practice
      so they will be more prepared to choose what they like and how jobs look
      like and so on so forth. So we plan maybe kind of to do it, to work, it's difficult to plan because we are, all of us are temporary right? Sonya tomorrow can come and say oh I found a better job, right! And we will say like yeay and we will kind of  move on right? So it's the same with Natalia or maybe the same with me. I can move on too. So, but if kind of everything will go as it goes right now, so maybe in the summer we will have a kind of a good, MVP - minimal viable product for a new kind of a new set of services.
Kevin: Nice, nice, so are these course is going to be hosted on moodle?
Gary: Huh?
Kevin: Are the courses going to be hosted on moodle?
Gary:  No, it's not necessarily. I plan to move the first course on another software. I plan to keep the second and the third moodle. I plan to move the first one on something simpler because moodle is not like self-intuitive it's a little bit complicated, it's a little bigger than we need, you know. It's kind of, so uh maybe, but this is not like the, we will start with the moodle but we, but I really kind of eventually, I will prefer to have it on something like simpler software and the forth and fifth course when they're available, they will be on open edx. We already kind of, we will already put it there. So, because one of the ideas to give uh we're not a training company but we want to give like students experience with working with different software. This is one of one of the goals so, but we have like issues with Moodle. We still have, we need a Contractor on moodle. So we need like to; create requirements, what do we need and hire someone and move it to our moodle too. Right now we have like a few issues. Because our like, our instance is pretty old and needs to be refreshed and there are something which we don't know. Oh my goodness, they kind of, I don't see your kind of. All the images disappeared maybe because of my connection or?
Kevin:  I can see you properly.
Gary:  You can see? Yeah, but I don't see you. Okay, you got back. Sonya didn’t.
Sonya: I see you.
Gary:  Oh, okay.
Sonya: I see, you and Kevin
Gary: Okay Sony is back, Sonya is back. Yeah so again, it's not, it's not moving fast but
I'm happy, like for me it's like my hobby. I like it whatever it happens, I like it and we had like a few people who kinf of moved on like got experience had jobs, got jobs and moved on and it was a positive experience so I feel like we are we're in a good position Kevin disappeared again
Sonya: Yeah I don't see Kevin, but I see you I don't know why?
Gary: Okay I will check right now the kind of the page what you wrote.
Sonya: Okay.
Gary: Not so productive, meeting, uh I have no any comments it's basically it's pretty much good like what you wrote and and the structure is pretty good too. So again we will kind of, we will give the updates it will be kind of maybe some like Community calls, similar to community call uhm we probably will update on the strategy maybe kind of coordinators report maybe like start with the strategy, coordinators reports and what else? And then open for like a hiring recruitment.
Sonya: Yeah. Do you hear me?
Gary: So we don't, yeah I can hear you well. Uh right now, so what else? Do we have anything else to talk? To discuss?
Sonya: Uhm,
Gary: I talked about what I did.
Sonya: I want to ask about, you said we should have a link to the
meeting list? I didn’t follow
Gary: Yeah, yeah because yeah, because right now you put like uhm, you started putting on their, on this page but it is kind of uhm CNMCyber This Week, uhm. The problem with the page is that when we have like too many events, first of all the page is big and to send people to the page they can get lost right? Secondly when we have too many events, they will overwhelm that page. The solution probably is to make a category and we'll put like a previous event or like event archive and we will just set like all events kind of check this category for all the past events and then we will put like a link to the category let's try. I will kind of, I will do it right now, I will try to do it right now.
Sonya:I added a link to the current event and a link to the previous event in the description on Meetup and for example when someone opens a link to any event they see link to next or previous event, I did it in similar way
Gary: Wait, wait. When you say, you're making the same mistake. You said event uh like in English it’s Event, Event because it's kind of, I understand you but it Event, Event and V is kind of very hard. Vent, Event not event. Event Event okay coom
Sonya: So I did it like uhm with lecture.
Gary: Like Kevin, is not. Okay cool. I decided to include the year, because I want to post
our previous,  our previous, my previous emails which I sent like two years ago or wherever. I want to include them, post on them Wiki too because it's kind of interesting uhm how it went through. Uhm, and we will make a category and category will be anything else we basically or no CNM Cyber This Week or maybe This Week are archived no This Week is good, This Week Events this week events I will change maybe later. So right now it looks like the, and we will include just a link to the category.
Sonya: Uhm okay.
Gary: Here we go, uhm, so I will put on the Meetup uh maybe it kind of easier, maybe not because I'm working right now, I did on one laptop because I use like the second laptop just for our connection. So I created the category and we will assign the category to all past events and or in the Meetup description you will put for a list of all like all uh meetup events consulted that category right?
Sonya: Uhu
Gary: Does it make sense?
Sonya: Yeah sure.
Gary:  Kevin is back
Sonya: Yeah
Gary: it should be him. Successor event, yeah it's a good idea too.
Kevin: Sorry about that.
Gary: Sorry about what?
Kevin: My lights went out.
Gary: Everything is good, nothing to be sorry about, whatsoever. Okay is there anything else? Let’s say Kevin uhm yeah. I changed the names kind of all the names like move the pages uh again because I want to um why I'd included a year and make kind of this model, in this model all of them will be kind of chronologically uh all the events there, on their, on the kind of this category page they will be more like uhm chronologically advanced so I right now I click the category, yeah we have two events do you see what I'm saying? No?
Sonya: Yeah
'''Do you have any questions?'''
'''Do you have any questions?'''
: ''Write here''
: ''Write here''

Revision as of 16:32, 5 April 2023

Meeting Script

Gary: What's up? I'm trying to see what you wrote. I wrote something too. Office needed, like just CNMCyber week and then like a date and

      maybe for a date, it's better to do like a year, because yeah -- I will kind of -- I will change one and you will see what I kind of 
      think we need to do. Because, ‘week of’ means kind of week starting on that day but it is not precisely correct because we are talking 
      about the week before. So in the kind of literate English language sense it’s not really correct. So ‘of’, we will take ‘of’. Kevin 
      RSVP’d, that’s interesting. Kevin and Miriam. Miriam also like she, she expressed her interest, but she didn't emerge. Okay like two 
      more minutes. Wow! Someone is getting, wow! Kevin.

Kevin: Hello Gary: Hello, hello Kevin: How are you. Gary: Yeah, I’m fine Kevin: It’s been a while Gary: Yeah, long time no see. Kevin: Yeah, I’ve been trying to join your meetings for the last, I think two meetings I wasn’t able to. Gary: By the way, it’s kind of Sonya needs to be blamed she she failed, she failed her responsibilities -- yeah we wanted to record and kind

      of post some recording but it didn't happen well

Kevin: Okay okay Gary: How are you? how's it ? how is everything with you? Kevin: Everything is fine, I'm doing fine Gary: Yeah Kevin: Yes Gary: Do you work in this like British company? Yes or no? Kevin: I still, I'm still working at that company thanks to your recommendation. Gary: No, no problem. Anytime ,anytime. We can give more if you need. Kevin: Yeah so, what has been going on at CNNCyber? Gary: We like for two years, we I moved the project to Ukraine and we had kind of had ups and downs there, but the war definitely like

      destroyed their, not destroyed, but like damaged, badly damaged the project and it's really difficult like before the 	war we started 
      advertising campaign in September of 2021 we had six coordinators and the war started and they kind of all vanished. 

Kevin: Wow okay. Gary: Like some even disappeared, I have no idea about like what happened. One gentleman his name was Alexander. He was in Kharkiv kind of

      this eastern city, Sonya also from Kharkiv but she moved. 

Kevin: Okay Gary: So I even have no idea what happened, he just and now we kind of we're trying to restore this program back to English and kind of get

      the same like courses and make like everything as it was like in the good times. 

Kevin: Yeah sure that's nice. Hi Sonya, this is Sonya right? Sonya: Yeah Gary: Yeah this is Sonya. Sonia looks like frozen no? Kevin: Yeah Sonya: Can you hear me well or not? Gary: Sonya, no it's kind of some disruptions maybe on my side. Uh, maybe my connection is not good. Sonya is in Kyiv by the way. She's there

      right now. She's in the capital of Ukraine.

Kevin: Oh, I hope everything is safe over there. Gary: Sonya, it was a question to you. Is everything safe and Kyiv? Sonya: Uh sorry, yeah yes it's safe enough because, yeah. It’s okay Kevin: Okay Gary: Yeah but they, kind of the the biggest problem, the latest problem was electricity. Because kind of the Russians bombed like all the

      time and, and right 	now it's kind of it looks like they helped, Germany helped a lot in kind of many like in terms of 
      equipment and defense, air defense systems and it's kind of new 	experience but anyway it's like it's not too many people and those who 
      are is 	again it’s difficult to recruit. Also when I started in Ukraine, I thought about Russia and Belarus and Moldova and now 
      everything is kind of just, everything is in trouble let’s say it this way. This is why we are restoring like

um English programs, English language program. Kevin: Yeah Gary: And we still build like uhm, all the technology. We will see what to do with the courses because they most likely, will modify some of

      them and I'm working right now precisely me I'm working on um on this like how new coordinators will start working. Like what 
      what to do first, what to do second, what to do third, what to do forth. Like more structure to this

Kevin: Okay Gary : This is what I'm working on and Sonya mostly work on the technology last week but didn't work right. What Sonya? What happened on your end? Sonya: Uh, what happened last week or? Gary: Yeah, like what did you do? Sonia: Uh, last week I was not so productive because I hoped we will have a productive meeting today and after this meeting, because we are

      going to talking with Gary and Natalia about the best way to document our projects and about necessary things to mention when we 
      document the project. I told Natalia what we discussed last week and what we should mention in software instance section and standing 
      operation procedure section when we are documenting a project. Also, I created standing operating procedures page and wrote down the 
      requirements which Gary sent me. Also, I created CNMcyber Event organizer group in CNMCyber Social and added some informationm not so 

Gary: That’s good Sonya : Also I made the CNMCyber guided tours pages and the CNMCyber This week Gary: But why did you say it's like it was not so productive? Sonya: Because we hope Kevin: That's a good question Sonya: Because we hope next meeting was more productive. Gary: Last meeting, okay. Okay sounds good. So like we do you feel like, oh basically you bet right now on our talk with Natalia after

      meeting right? 

Sonya: Mhm Gary: Okay so kind of the key thing is that um, like Natalia is still working, you probably remember Kevin her right? Kevin: Yeah, yeah, I think I do. Gary: Yeah because she was, she is in the program for like seven years Kevin: Wow Gary: So I remember it was like you, Miriam and her. Kevin: Yeah. Gary: At least I restored my kind of my email of like two years ago, I see like your name, Miriam name and Natalia. So right now the main

      goal is like for Natalia and Sonya, so we have tons of Technology but it is not kind of, but it is not described on the Wiki or like 
      not documented and what Sonya is working on, she's working with Natalia to put like uhm, documents in place and we will, yeah and then 
      we will try to bring more contractors. Uh like when we have a better requirements (what to do) so we will start hiring. I remember we 
      hired it like your designer right?

Kevin: Yes. Gary: But again, because it was no requirements like what he did it was not like useful for us and, but I may kind of restart just like when

      we have better requirements for like for pictures and for technology as well, we can restart like hiring.

Kevin: Yeah, so when all the requirements are done? Gary: Yeah but, correct right now we don't have a description of what we have we don't have description what we need to do and since we

      don't have a description of what we need to do we don't have requirements and we try to hire
      new contractors so right now the technology is like moved to the next level. So for instance right now like this jitsi, I believe it is 
      like high availability stage not fully but partially. So at least, like it doesn't depend on one server. It kind of includes several 
      servers if one fails  another should kind of, should take over but like we couldn't move like further because we kind of, we don't have 
      kind of a good description of what we have. Plus we plan to do like Hands-On assignments on our technology for kind of students to play 
      with, uhm not like complete courses. I remember you did a course with Miriam on moodle  but again it's not like we don't have kind of 
      interest to teach people let's say to have a course like how to work with Moodle. We have interest in showing how to work with our 
      moodle right? Which should sound like CNN Moodle and so on so forth and if they're interested in Moodle then we will help them to move 
      on, to go further.

Kevin: Okay that's nice. I like the the progress that has been made for the past few years. Gary: Yeah two. But there are many many initiatives, also we had an initiative with the high school students and I talked to a high school

      principal, uhm it's still like the talks hasn't been, haven’t been stopped yet but it's kind of it's going slow because again like the 
      school, high school principal whom I talk to she, her school is in their territory which is occupied right now, so it's kind of it's 
      difficult like kids are in different places and it's difficult to coordinate also teachers are in different places too. So, but I 
      believe like this program can be really attractive to to high school students because they will kind of start working and I'm hiring 
      everyone like let's say, I agree to hire every coordinator let's say like a dollar per hour everyone, like everyone and as long as they 
      will be successful like in the program and I plan to do it if it's not if we don't have a partner in Ukraine we will definitely look 
      for partners and everywhere including like Pakistan and Kenya.

Kevin: All right Gary: Kenya was a good country for a few people from Kenya, it was like yeah mostly like positive experience. You were the last but I had a

      few more yeah.

Kevin: What was your experience about people in Kenya in general? Gary: My experience? Kevin: Yes. Gary: Yeah, good English, good attitude, uhm right now like your connection is good because I kind of, I have disruptions with Sonya but kind

      of your talk is like very clear. Are you still there in Nairobi?

Kevin: Yes Gary: So you have a fiber or? Kevin: Yes the one I'm using I installed it in the house not uh the one I used to use through my mobile phone. I used to hotspot through my

      mobile phone but now I installed in the house. 

Gary: Oh that’s good. Positive experience, I will go there. If I have like a good partner I will go there. I had a lady in Kisii, I told you

      about her but I just um I don't have kind of enough right now to offer. When we will we finish the courses I guess maybe like somewhere 
      in the summer uhm I plan kind of to start looking for partners especially like maybe in Kenyan. Kenya is a good time country too. 

Kevin: Sure Gary: And we have like a partially Kenyan President whom I was happy with. Kevin: Sure, sure. That's good to hear. Gary: You don't have a war now? as kind of Kevin: Oh no, no we don’t. Gary: That's good. Ukraine, Ukraine will kind of, will pass it through too.

      Okay so what like uh, so our strategy right now, we’re building the technology, we plan to kind of to move the technology and we're 
      building kind of this courses the first course will, we will translate from Russian most likely. We have two versions Russian - 
      Ukrainian for school kids which was a translation from Russian but it was never in use. It was never tested. Uhm and the second course 
      we will concentrate only on job search, like what is needed on the job. So kind of the first introduction about what our program is, 
      decide whether you will be benefited or not and the second course is about job search. Kind of what employers are looking for, 
      recommendations, resumes, LinkedIn, whatever and the third course will be not really a course we will call it boot-camp mostlikely. It 
      will be directly like teaching what you need to do on the job and give this job so the people will start kind of working with no 
      profession, with no specialty, just general like coordination, event organizing, coordination, maybe website development not web 
      development, website development like making kind of pictures or content the for the websites and we will kind of see what is
      next when we have like two courses and people will get kind of some practice
     so they will be more prepared to choose what they like and how jobs look
     like and so on so forth. So we plan maybe kind of to do it, to work, it's difficult to 	plan because we are, all of us are temporary right? Sonya tomorrow can come and say oh I found a better job, right! And we will say like yeay and we will kind of  move on right? So it's the same with Natalia or maybe the same with me. I can move on too. So, but if kind of everything will go as it goes right now, so maybe in the summer we will have a kind of a good, MVP - minimal viable product for a new kind of a new set of services.

Kevin: Nice, nice, so are these course is going to be hosted on moodle? Gary: Huh? Kevin: Are the courses going to be hosted on moodle?

Gary: No, it's not necessarily. I plan to move the first course on another software. I plan to keep the second and the third moodle. I plan to move the first one on something simpler because moodle is not like self-intuitive it's a little bit complicated, it's a little bigger than we need, you know. It's kind of, so uh maybe, but this is not like the, we will start with the moodle but we, but I really kind of eventually, I will prefer to have it on something like simpler software and the forth and fifth course when they're available, they will be on open edx. We already kind of, we will already put it there. So, because one of the ideas to give uh we're not a training company but we want to give like students experience with working with different software. This is one of one of the goals so, but we have like issues with Moodle. We still have, we need a Contractor on moodle. So we need like to; create requirements, what do we need and hire someone and move it to our moodle too. Right now we have like a few issues. Because our like, our instance is pretty old and needs to be refreshed and there are something which we don't know. Oh my goodness, they kind of, I don't see your kind of. All the images disappeared maybe because of my connection or?

Kevin: I can see you properly.

Gary: You can see? Yeah, but I don't see you. Okay, you got back. Sonya didn’t. Sonya: I see you. Gary: Oh, okay.

Sonya: I see, you and Kevin

Gary: Okay Sony is back, Sonya is back. Yeah so again, it's not, it's not moving fast but I'm happy, like for me it's like my hobby. I like it whatever it happens, I like it and we had like a few people who kinf of moved on like got experience had jobs, got jobs and moved on and it was a positive experience so I feel like we are we're in a good position Kevin disappeared again

Sonya: Yeah I don't see Kevin, but I see you I don't know why?

Gary: Okay I will check right now the kind of the page what you wrote. Sonya: Okay. Gary: Not so productive, meeting, uh I have no any comments it's basically it's pretty much good like what you wrote and and the structure is pretty good too. So again we will kind of, we will give the updates it will be kind of maybe some like Community calls, similar to community call uhm we probably will update on the strategy maybe kind of coordinators report maybe like start with the strategy, coordinators reports and what else? And then open for like a hiring recruitment. Sonya: Yeah. Do you hear me? Gary: So we don't, yeah I can hear you well. Uh right now, so what else? Do we have anything else to talk? To discuss? Sonya: Uhm, Gary: I talked about what I did. Sonya: I want to ask about, you said we should have a link to the meeting list? I didn’t follow Gary: Yeah, yeah because yeah, because right now you put like uhm, you started putting on their, on this page but it is kind of uhm CNMCyber This Week, uhm. The problem with the page is that when we have like too many events, first of all the page is big and to send people to the page they can get lost right? Secondly when we have too many events, they will overwhelm that page. The solution probably is to make a category and we'll put like a previous event or like event archive and we will just set like all events kind of check this category for all the past events and then we will put like a link to the category let's try. I will kind of, I will do it right now, I will try to do it right now.

Sonya:I added a link to the current event and a link to the previous event in the description on Meetup and for example when someone opens a link to any event they see link to next or previous event, I did it in similar way

Gary: Wait, wait. When you say, you're making the same mistake. You said event uh like in English it’s Event, Event because it's kind of, I understand you but it Event, Event and V is kind of very hard. Vent, Event not event. Event Event okay coom

Sonya: So I did it like uhm with lecture.

Gary: Like Kevin, is not. Okay cool. I decided to include the year, because I want to post our previous, our previous, my previous emails which I sent like two years ago or wherever. I want to include them, post on them Wiki too because it's kind of interesting uhm how it went through. Uhm, and we will make a category and category will be anything else we basically or no CNM Cyber This Week or maybe This Week are archived no This Week is good, This Week Events this week events I will change maybe later. So right now it looks like the, and we will include just a link to the category.

Sonya: Uhm okay.

Gary: Here we go, uhm, so I will put on the Meetup uh maybe it kind of easier, maybe not because I'm working right now, I did on one laptop because I use like the second laptop just for our connection. So I created the category and we will assign the category to all past events and or in the Meetup description you will put for a list of all like all uh meetup events consulted that category right? Sonya: Uhu Gary: Does it make sense? Sonya: Yeah sure. Gary: Kevin is back Sonya: Yeah Gary: it should be him. Successor event, yeah it's a good idea too. Kevin: Sorry about that.

Gary: Sorry about what? Kevin: My lights went out. Gary: Everything is good, nothing to be sorry about, whatsoever. Okay is there anything else? Let’s say Kevin uhm yeah. I changed the names kind of all the names like move the pages uh again because I want to um why I'd included a year and make kind of this model, in this model all of them will be kind of chronologically uh all the events there, on their, on the kind of this category page they will be more like uhm chronologically advanced so I right now I click the category, yeah we have two events do you see what I'm saying? No?

Sonya: Yeah

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