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===CNM Cyber Placement-Product Development===
This very page shall discuss ideas and strategies in form of various Conceptual deliverables, for the development of [[CNM Cyber Placement]].
====Product Perspective====
After graduating from [[CNM Cyber Welcome Session | Welcome Course ]] and [[ CNM Cyber Orientation | Orientation ]] , aspiring candidates would undertake Placement course which mainly aims to conceptually and practically train them according to the tasks and activities they have to perform as [[WorldOpp fellow]]s . For example , as measurable deliverables are mostly drafted on CNM Wiki, trainees are educated to operate and format Wiki.
Analyzing the lectures , to deduce new ideas and suggestions for adding anything that might be helpful for the content  and '''Placement''' wikipage itself. Working on additional materials such as videos and graphics etc as to better candidate's learning experience . In addition working on adding quizzes , exams or practical activities at the end of each lecture . They can be graded or non-graded.
====Section on Job Description====
==Delivery design==
*A section with video demonstration of Job description wiki page , [[WorldOpp fellow]]s can be added. It can be beneficial as the page is quite extensive and apart form just reading the text, candidates will get primary knowledge of their job in a concise video demonstration for which they will be allowed to ask any questions as well. It can be Lecture 0.
Every ''Session'' consists of [[#Concepts|concept]] and [[#Experiments|experiment part]]s.
*A video about each of CNM Cyber's service mainly focusing on how we can access them and main interfaces. All modules will be discussed concisely in a single video.
====Requirement analysis activities====
A major part of WorldOpp fellows work will consist of developing requirements . In addition to "Identifying and Analyzing Data" , basic knowledge and activities for requirement analysis can also be introduced.
:All of the concepts related to any ''Session'' are published, video lectures are pre-recorded and expected to be reviewed prior to practical activities called ''experiments''.  
For Example, we have a method of  "Surveying" and "Interviewing the stakeholder" for requirement gathering. We can have text and practical activity such as using Jitsi on Cert where candidate will get to interview a potential stakeholder for a task.  Survey (learning activity) can also be used.
====CNM Agile Basics====
In addition to DREPD and for working on Conceptual deliverables, CNM Agile can also be a part of this curriculum. Basic Agile and CNM Agile knowledge, concepts  in addition with Product backlog, creating Epic, User Stories, Sprint, Sprint Retrospective (how it works in CNM Agile) can be added via video demonstration, text and practical activity.  
:Practical activities are related to the [[#Concepts|concept]]; all of those activities utilize [[CNM Wiki]].
====Incorporating [[CNM Social]]====
A separate Space on [[CNM Social]] can be dedicated to Placement candidates where they will be able to communicate with fellow candidates as well as concerned people for any of their questions and information. Alternatively, we can use dedicated learning activities From CNM Cert for this purpose as well. For example, Chat, Feedback, Forum, Cohorts.
This very section shall discuss basic ''Requirements'', epics and user stories from basic to successor versions of [[CNMCyber Bootcamps]].
====Incorporating Learning activities====
*The Placement outline should cover all aspects of and topics that are identified on the [[Educaship fellow]] job description (hereinafter, the ''job description'').
Incorporate learning activities on Cert in most of our Placement activities. Some examples are described briefly as follows:
*Simple wiki lessons on the top (of the outline) , so we can start giving the fellow candidates some work as soon as possible.
*Forum , Chats, Cohorts, Survey, Groups: For interactive activities and communication between fellows and managers to fellows.
*An introductory video of Placement in the start.
*Quizzes and Assignments can be used for graded or non-graded quizzes and exams.
*Concentrate on something minimal that would allow the fellow candidates start working.
*Badges and Certificates .  If candidates achieve specified milestones or get graduated. We can issue certificates as well as Badges.
*Our fellow candidates should be able to create (a) test reports, (b) wiki learning content, (c) wiki epics, and (d) user stories in order to start working
*These activities, along with other have multiple features that can be utilized.
*Paid wiki assignments will be given to the ''candidates'' as soon as they know the job description + basic wiki editing.
*Eventually, following outline is envisioned:
===Placement Curriculum===
:#Job description -- every detail. If this detail is not needed in the Placement, it should be excluded from the job description.
:{|class="wikitable" width=100% style="text-align:center;"
:#Knowledge management.
:#Event management
:#Specialty hands-on courses related to various services such as CNM Cert et cetera.
*Wiki editing lessons, will have image illustrations as well for better understanding.
*Practical assignments should follow the lessons.
|rowspan="1"|Cyber Placement Essentials
*In the course content, general description of the position --  accessibility requirements, desired skills, educational credentials, required abilities (especially asking immediately when anything is not clear), apprentice payments, future employment details, etc shall also be addressed for aspiring ''candidates'' as they should be well aware of the work environment and considerations. Also, they should ask questions when anything is not clear. Also, working on understanding the tasks is another important skill for candidates.
*In the course outline, what candidates are expected to report will be emphasized, at the very beginning, and candidates will be granted as much time as needed.
![[Placement Overview]]
*The general position description should be a vital part of formal curriculum and training activities. It is far more important than wiki editing and so on.
| Placement description, Whom the Course Targets, Course Format (About course content, training and additional activities), Course Tips ( about additional information and assistance for candidates) , Options during the course (work options during the course), Upon Graduation (Options for graduates)
*The scope of the basic wiki editing should be limited by the skills needed to do the vocabs -- links, new page creations, simple lists, headings, categories.
*The cost of our training will be increasing as the training goes. So, the earlier we separate those who ask questions and the others, the more money we save.
|rowspan="4"|Fellow Position Essentials
*No job would be given to any candidate unless the person asks questions.
*Test Reports will be in the form of simple reports like "On that page, I expected to get that, but have got this -- see the attached screenshot."
*To start working on the vocabulary, the candidates should be able to report any inconsistencies.The placement graduates should know about testing more.
![[Position Overview]]
*Each 3-10 minutes of reading/listening should be followed by some "active" activity.
| Position Description, Accessibility Requirements, Desired Skills, Educational Credentials, Required Abilities
*We should add training activities in the entrance exam, following lectios, and fellow candidate qualification assignment.
*The exam should reflect the welcome session and orientation. The assignment should reflect new learning content.
*The fellows should be able to ask questions, propose improvements, etc
![[Work Environment]]
*Concentrate on the skill set needed to work on vocabs productively -- i.e. ask questions, report problems, suggest improvements, etc.
|Nature of Work, Responsibilities, Available Assets
*Specifically, https://wiki.cnmcyber.com/en/CNM_Cyber_Placement is a product epic -- we don't have that training yet and use this page to create a long story (aka epic) to describe the future training. Later, this epic should be chunked in the user stories such as "As the Orientation candidate, I shall be able to know how I can enroll myself in the Placement" and so on.
*The ''Cyber Placement Essentials" should be the first session of the Placement.
*No, manually graded assignments should precede big changes such as qualifying learners as fellow candidates and so on.
![[Financial Procedures]]
*The placement is a complicated thing; it should be gradually-incremental.
|Billing, Billable Items (tracking time and detail on what to bill for), Work authorization, Specifying Pay rates (All terms and conditions)
*After the Orientation, outline will be:
:#Cyber Placement Essentials (brief for now, no more than one lesson)
:#Placement Entrance Exam (quiz)
:#Fellow Position Essentials (lessons)
|Challenges while on job (Importance of Communication, Lacking full requirements, Progressing as you go, Updating your skills,Missing the right resources, Keeping up with the tasks, Managing expectations, engaging with the community, Being lost) , Some general content to motivate candidates before starting off with the formal curriculum as well as a WorldOpp fellow
:#Candidate Qualification Project (assignment)
:Further outline would be:
|rowspan="4"|Cyber Deliverables
:#Knowledge Management Essentials (lessons)
:#Lead Candidate Project (assignment)
![[Concepts of Deliverables]]
:#Event Management Essentials (lessons)
| What Deliverables are, Deliverables of CNM Cyber (Requirements, DevOp instruments, Shippable Deliverables)
:#Senior Candidate Project (assignment)
:#CNM Agile Essentials (lessons)
:#Fellow Qualification Project (assignment)
![[Developing Deliverables]]
*As our product backlog grows, any user story should have been included in the sprint backlog first.
*Placement Entrance exam format will be the same as old version of welcome course.
*First version of Entrance exam shall have 40 questions.
![[Stating the Requirements]]
|rowspan="5"|[[Working with CNM Wiki]]
![[Introduction and Basics]]
|What [[CNM Wiki]] Is , Your CNM Wiki account, Structure of a wiki page (Navigation, History, Tools and all components explained)
![[Formatting and Wiki Markup]]
|Basic layout and components of wiki page, Headings and Sections, Indentation, Lists (ordered and unordered), Text Styles (Bold/Italic)
![[Links and URLs]]
|Internal linking / free linking, Creating new Wiki pages, Renaming links, Blended links, Linking to section of same wiki page, Redirects , Categories (Categorizing wiki pages, Using multiple categories)

Latest revision as of 15:34, 16 November 2023

Delivery design

Every Session consists of concept and experiment parts.


All of the concepts related to any Session are published, video lectures are pre-recorded and expected to be reviewed prior to practical activities called experiments.


Practical activities are related to the concept; all of those activities utilize CNM Wiki.


This very section shall discuss basic Requirements, epics and user stories from basic to successor versions of CNMCyber Bootcamps.

  • The Placement outline should cover all aspects of and topics that are identified on the Educaship fellow job description (hereinafter, the job description).
  • Simple wiki lessons on the top (of the outline) , so we can start giving the fellow candidates some work as soon as possible.
  • An introductory video of Placement in the start.
  • Concentrate on something minimal that would allow the fellow candidates start working.
  • Our fellow candidates should be able to create (a) test reports, (b) wiki learning content, (c) wiki epics, and (d) user stories in order to start working
  • Paid wiki assignments will be given to the candidates as soon as they know the job description + basic wiki editing.
  • Eventually, following outline is envisioned:
  1. Job description -- every detail. If this detail is not needed in the Placement, it should be excluded from the job description.
  2. Knowledge management.
  3. Event management
  4. Specialty hands-on courses related to various services such as CNM Cert et cetera.
  • Wiki editing lessons, will have image illustrations as well for better understanding.
  • Practical assignments should follow the lessons.
  • In the course content, general description of the position -- accessibility requirements, desired skills, educational credentials, required abilities (especially asking immediately when anything is not clear), apprentice payments, future employment details, etc shall also be addressed for aspiring candidates as they should be well aware of the work environment and considerations. Also, they should ask questions when anything is not clear. Also, working on understanding the tasks is another important skill for candidates.
  • In the course outline, what candidates are expected to report will be emphasized, at the very beginning, and candidates will be granted as much time as needed.
  • The general position description should be a vital part of formal curriculum and training activities. It is far more important than wiki editing and so on.
  • The scope of the basic wiki editing should be limited by the skills needed to do the vocabs -- links, new page creations, simple lists, headings, categories.
  • The cost of our training will be increasing as the training goes. So, the earlier we separate those who ask questions and the others, the more money we save.
  • No job would be given to any candidate unless the person asks questions.
  • Test Reports will be in the form of simple reports like "On that page, I expected to get that, but have got this -- see the attached screenshot."
  • To start working on the vocabulary, the candidates should be able to report any inconsistencies.The placement graduates should know about testing more.
  • Each 3-10 minutes of reading/listening should be followed by some "active" activity.
  • We should add training activities in the entrance exam, following lectios, and fellow candidate qualification assignment.
  • The exam should reflect the welcome session and orientation. The assignment should reflect new learning content.
  • The fellows should be able to ask questions, propose improvements, etc
  • Concentrate on the skill set needed to work on vocabs productively -- i.e. ask questions, report problems, suggest improvements, etc.
  • Specifically, https://wiki.cnmcyber.com/en/CNM_Cyber_Placement is a product epic -- we don't have that training yet and use this page to create a long story (aka epic) to describe the future training. Later, this epic should be chunked in the user stories such as "As the Orientation candidate, I shall be able to know how I can enroll myself in the Placement" and so on.
  • The Cyber Placement Essentials" should be the first session of the Placement.
  • No, manually graded assignments should precede big changes such as qualifying learners as fellow candidates and so on.
  • The placement is a complicated thing; it should be gradually-incremental.
  • After the Orientation, outline will be:
  1. Cyber Placement Essentials (brief for now, no more than one lesson)
  2. Placement Entrance Exam (quiz)
  3. Fellow Position Essentials (lessons)
  4. Candidate Qualification Project (assignment)
Further outline would be:
  1. Knowledge Management Essentials (lessons)
  2. Lead Candidate Project (assignment)
  3. Event Management Essentials (lessons)
  4. Senior Candidate Project (assignment)
  5. CNM Agile Essentials (lessons)
  6. Fellow Qualification Project (assignment)
  • As our product backlog grows, any user story should have been included in the sprint backlog first.
  • Placement Entrance exam format will be the same as old version of welcome course.
  • First version of Entrance exam shall have 40 questions.