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:[[CNM Cabin]] is the [[user management system]] of [[CNM Cyber]]. Every other system of [[CNM Cyber]] utilizes the [[user data]] of [[CNM Cabin]] that this other ''system'' needs. For instance, [[CNM Cert]] takes [[CNM Cabin]]'s data to track your learning progress.
:[[Service landing]]
:[[CNM Cabin]] is powered by [[WorldOpp Middleware]]. When you use the [[user interface]] ([[user interface|UI]]) of [[CNM Cabin]], you literally communicate with that [[software application]]. [[WorldOpp Middleware]] is called ''middleware'' because it is in the middle of [[CNM Cyber]].
A landing page (alternatively known as capture webpage; hereinafter, the Page) a single webpage that welcomes a visitor to the website to which the Page belongs. The Page casually returns in response to user's clicking on a search result delivered by a web search engine, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement, as well as typing the website's hostname.
:That ''application'' provides all the systems of [[CNM Cyber]] with [[federated service]]s. [[WorldOpp Middleware]] uses special [[application protocol]]s such as [[LDAP|Lightweight Directory Access Protocol]] ([[LDAP]]) to communicate with other ''systems''.
Any website has at least one, but theoretically can have many Pages. The Page that uploads when a user of the World Wide Web enters the URL of the highest hierarchy of a website in his or her web browser is called website front page, lead capture page, homepage (or, alternatively spelled, home page). If the Page is not specified, it assumes to be the homepage.  
:Every system of [[CNM Cyber]] provides its users with local [[user dashboard]]. However, only [[CNM Cyber]]'s ''dashboard'' displays various systems. The word, ''Cabin'', in the service's name, indicates that this service provides you with a separate and private space where you can interact with [[CNM Cyber]] as a whole.
:[[WorldOpp Middleware]] literally transforms various systems of [[CNM Cyber]], which otherwise would be standalone, into a united [[career-enhancement platform|platform]]. And [[CNM Cabin]] is your tool to access it.
'''[[What CNM Lab Is]]''' is the successor [[lectio]].
'''[[What CNM Lab Is]]''' is the successor [[lectio]].

Revision as of 21:27, 21 September 2020

CNM Cyber Landing (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Work Suite Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cabin. This lesson belongs to the CNM Cyber for Experience session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is What CNM Cabin Is.

Key terms


Service landing

A landing page (alternatively known as capture webpage; hereinafter, the Page) a single webpage that welcomes a visitor to the website to which the Page belongs. The Page casually returns in response to user's clicking on a search result delivered by a web search engine, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement, as well as typing the website's hostname.

Any website has at least one, but theoretically can have many Pages. The Page that uploads when a user of the World Wide Web enters the URL of the highest hierarchy of a website in his or her web browser is called website front page, lead capture page, homepage (or, alternatively spelled, home page). If the Page is not specified, it assumes to be the homepage.

What CNM Lab Is is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
  • Would you be interested in working on CNM Cabin? --Yes/No/I'm not sure/Let me think/Let's move on

Placement entrance questions