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#Also provides online access for the CNM Team to job seekers, volunteers, speakers, instructors,
#Also provides online access for the CNM Team to job seekers, volunteers, speakers, instructors,
The development of the ''Software'' occurs under the [[CNM Digital Project]].
The development of the ''Software'' occurs under the [[CNM Cloud Project]].
 1 Connecting Job Seeking Candidates
o 1.1 Roles Involved
o 1.2 Description
o 1.3 Attributes
o 1.4 Epic
o 1.5 User Stories
 2 Recruiters Find/Are Found by Job Seeking Candidates
o 2.1 Roles Involved
o 2.2 Description
o 2.3 Attributes
o 2.4 Epic
o 2.5 User Stories
 3 Online Professional Training
o 3.1 Roles Involved
o 3.2 Types of Professional Training
o 3.3 Description
o 3.4 Attributes
o 3.5 Epic
o 3.6 User Stories
 4 Volunteer Staffing
o 4.1 Roles Involved
o 4.2 Description
o 4.3 Attributes
o 4.4 Epic
o 4.5 User Stories
 5 Reports
o 5.1 Roles Involved
o 5.2 Types of Professional Training
o 5.3 Description
o 5.4 Attributes
==Connecting Job Seeking Candidates==
o 5.5 Epic
===Roles Involved===
o 5.6 User Stories (Reports, CNM Team Members)
*Job Seeking Candidates
o 5.7 User Stories (Reports, Job Seeking Candidates)
o 5.8 User Stories (Reports, Volunteers)
o 5.9 User Stories (Reports, Recruiters)
o 5.10 User Stories (Reports, Instructors)
o 5.11 User Stories (Reports, CNM Digital Users - Professional Training)
Connecting Job Seeking Candidates
Roles Involved
 Job Seeking Candidates
*Job Seeking Candidate (Unemployed): Somebody who does not have a job.
Job Seeking Candidate (Unemployed): Somebody who does not have a job.
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates (Unemployed): Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry,
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates (Unemployed): Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry,
Location, Interests/Hobbies.
Location, Interests/Hobbies.
Job Seeking Candidate (Employed): Somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their
*Job Seeking Candidate (Employed): Somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their
contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.
contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates (Employed): Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates (Employed): Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job
Line 62: Line 25:
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information
about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Company Title - free text, optional
*Company Title - free text, optional
Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
*Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not
multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not
appear in searches, if this field is not filled
appear in searches, if this field is not filled
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job
Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not
Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not
Location, mandatory:
*Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
Interests/Hobbies - free text, optional
*Interests/Hobbies - free text, optional
As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to connect with similar Job Seeking Candidates so
As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to connect with similar Job Seeking Candidates so
that we learn from each other's experience, network, socialize.
that we learn from each other's experience, network, socialize.
User Stories
===User Stories===
1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to enter data about myself so that I can be found
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to enter data about myself so that I can be found
by similar Job Seeking Candidates.
by similar Job Seeking Candidates.
2. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by job title
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by job title
so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in my profession. There should be an option that
so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in my profession. There should be an option that
allows to look up candidates who did not fill in this field.
allows to look up candidates who did not fill in this field.
3. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by industry
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by industry
so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in my industry. There should be an option that
so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in my industry. There should be an option that
allows to look up candidates who did not fill in this field.
allows to look up candidates who did not fill in this field.
4. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by location
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by location
so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in or around my location.
so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in or around my location.
5. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by
interests/hobbies so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates with similar interests/hobbies.
interests/hobbies so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates with similar interests/hobbies.
6. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by name
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by name
so that I can find a specific Job Seeking Candidate.
so that I can find a specific Job Seeking Candidate.
7. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by email
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by email
address so that I can find a specific Job Seeking Candidate.
address so that I can find a specific Job Seeking Candidate.
8. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to filter the list of Job Seeking Candidates by
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to filter the list of Job Seeking Candidates by
combinations of the following attributes: industry, job title, company title, location,
combinations of the following attributes: industry, job title, company title, location,
hobbies/interests. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when
hobbies/interests. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when
Line 105: Line 69:
companies in that industry, the list of Job Titles will be limited to only the ones available for the
companies in that industry, the list of Job Titles will be limited to only the ones available for the
companies mentioned, etc.
companies mentioned, etc.
Recruiters Find/Are Found by Job Seeking Candidates
==Recruiters Find/Are Found by Job Seeking Candidates==
Roles Involved
===Roles Involved===
Job Seeking Candidates
*Job Seeking Candidates
Recruiter: A professional who matches companies looking for a specific candidate with that
particular candidate.
*Recruiter: A professional who matches companies looking for a specific candidate with that particular candidate.
Attributes of Recruiters: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Industry.
Attributes of Recruiters: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Industry.
Job Seeking Candidate: Somebody who does not have a job or somebody who has a job, and is
*Job Seeking Candidate: Somebody who does not have a job or somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.
unhappy, or knows their contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry, Location.
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry,
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information
about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
Recruiter attributes provided -
Recruiter attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Company Title - free text, mandatory
*Company Title - free text, mandatory
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Company Title - free text, optional
Company Title - free text, optional
*Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),  
Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that Recruiters who are looking for candidates might not find them if this field is not filled
multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that Recruiters who are
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that Recruiters who are looking for candidates might not find them if this field is not filled
looking for candidates might not find them if this field is not filled
*Location, mandatory:
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job
Seeking Candidate should be informed that Recruiters who are looking for candidates might not
find them if this field is not filled
Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
As a Recruiter, I want to be able to browse through a Job Seeking Candidate list so that I find the
*As a Recruiter, I want to be able to browse through a Job Seeking Candidate list so that I find the
ideal candidate for a job.
ideal candidate for a job.
As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to browse through a Recruiter list so that I find the
*As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to browse through a Recruiter list so that I find the
best recruiter match for my job search.
best recruiter match for my job search.
User Stories
1. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by industry so that I find
the ideal candidate for a specific industry.
2. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by company title so that I
===User Stories===
find the ideal candidate within a company.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by industry so that I find the ideal candidate for a specific industry.
3. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by job title so that I find
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by company title so that I find the ideal candidate within a company.
the ideal candidate for a specific job title.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by job title so that I find the ideal candidate for a specific job title.
4. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by location so that I find
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by location so that I find the ideal candidate who lives close to work.
the ideal candidate who lives close to work.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by name so that I can look up a specific candidate.
5. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by name so that I can look
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by email address so that I can look up a specific candidate.
up a specific candidate.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to filter the list of Job Seeking Candidates by combinations of the following attributes: industry, job title, company title, location. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when you select one of them, the available list of the others will be filtered based on that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the list of possible companies will be limited to only companies in that industry, the list of Job Titles will be limited to only the ones available for the companies mentioned, etc.
6. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by email address so that I
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by industry so that I find a specific recruiter in a specific industry.
can look up a specific candidate.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by company title so that I find a specific industry recruiter.
7. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to filter the list of Job Seeking Candidates by combinations of
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by name so that I find a specific recruiter.
the following attributes: industry, job title, company title, location. The values available for
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by email address so that I find a specific recruiter.
these attributes are interdependent, meaning when you select one of them, the available list of
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to filter the list of Recruiters by combination of attributes: industry, company title. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when you select one of them, the available list of the others will be filtered based on that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the list of possible companies will be limited to only companies in that industry.
the others will be filtered based on that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the
list of possible companies will be limited to only companies in that industry, the list of Job Titles
will be limited to only the ones available for the companies mentioned, etc.
8. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by industry so that I find a
specific recruiter in a specific industry.
9. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by company title so that I
find a specific industry recruiter.
10. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by name so that I find a
specific recruiter.
11. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by email address so that I
find a specific recruiter.
12. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to filter the list of Recruiters by combination of
attributes: industry, company title. The values available for these attributes are interdependent,
meaning when you select one of them, the available list of the others will be filtered based on
that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the list of possible companies will be
limited to only companies in that industry.
Online Professional Training
Roles Involved
 Job Seeking Candidates
 Instructors
Types of Professional Training
 Courses
 Workshops
 Seminars
 Presentations
Instructor: A professional who offers live or online courses/workshops/seminars/presentations.
==Online Professional Training==
Attributes of Instructors: Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Company Title, Company
===Roles Involved===
*Job Seeking Candidates
Professional Training: A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for a
profession or job.
Attributes of Professional Training: Type (Courses/workshops/seminars/presentations), Title,
===Types of Professional Training===
Description, Session Capacity, Date, Time, Location, Instructor Name, Prerequisites (optional),
Live/Recorded, Free/Fee-Based
Note: If a course is fee-based, the software needs to accommodate a link to PayPal or have a
Credit Card payment feature.
*Instructor: A professional who offers live or online courses/workshops/seminars/presentations.
Attributes of Instructors: Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Company Title, Company Location.
*Professional Training: A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for a profession or job.
Attributes of Professional Training: Type (Courses/workshops/seminars/presentations), Title, Description, Session Capacity, Date, Time, Location, Instructor Name, Prerequisites (optional), Live/Recorded, Free/Fee-Based
Note: If a course is fee-based, the software needs to accommodate a link to PayPal or have a Credit Card payment feature.
Instructor attributes provided -
Instructor attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
*Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing), mandatory
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
*Company Title - free text, mandatory
Company Title - free text, mandatory
*Location, mandatory:
Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
Professional Training attributes provided -
Professional Training attributes provided -
Type - choose a type from predefined list (valid values: Course, Workshop, Seminar,
*Type - choose a type from predefined list (valid values: Course, Workshop, Seminar, Presentation), mandatory
Presentation), mandatory
*Title - free text, mandatory
Title - free text, mandatory
*Description - free text, mandatory
Description - free text, mandatory
*Session Capacity - integer number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory only for live sessions
Session Capacity - integer number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory only for live sessions
*Date - choose from calendar or enter date, mandatory only for live sessions
Date - choose from calendar or enter date, mandatory only for live sessions
*Time - enter time, mandatory only for live sessions
Time - enter time, mandatory only for live sessions
*Location - Room No, mandatory only for live sessions
Location - Room No, mandatory only for live sessions
*Instructor Name - free text, mandatory
Instructor Name - free text, mandatory
*Prerequisites - choose from a list of other Training titles, mandatory
Prerequisites - choose from a list of other Training titles, mandatory
*Choose Live or Recorded, mandatory
Choose Live or Recorded, mandatory
*Cost - Free or Enter $ amount, mandatory
Cost - Free or Enter $ amount, mandatory
As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to access professional training online so that I can
further my knowledge, expertise, skills.
*As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to access professional training online so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills.
As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer professional training so that people can have access
*As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer professional training so that people can have access to it.
to it.
User Stories
===User Stories===
1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to find specific professional training so that I can
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to find specific professional training so that I can take that training.
take that training.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to find a specific instructor so that I can take professional training with that specific instructor.
2. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to find a specific instructor so that I can take
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to view or listen to specific recorded professional training so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills. Note: Added flexibility can be provided to the Job Seeking Candidate to download the specific recorded professional training for later viewing or listening.
professional training with that specific instructor.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to register for specific live professional training so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills. Note: Registration will be allowed only up to available capacity.
3. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to view or listen to specific recorded professional
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to enter data to populate all the fields about the professional training I offer so that people can have access to it.
training so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills. Note: Added flexibility can be
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer live/recorded courses/presentations so that people can have access to them.
provided to the Job Seeking Candidate to download the specific recorded professional training
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer seminars/workshops so that people can have access to them.
for later viewing or listening.
4. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to register for specific live professional training so
==Volunteer Staffing==
that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills. Note: Registration will be allowed only up to
===Roles Involved===
available capacity.
5. As an Instructor, I want to be able to enter data to populate all the fields about the professional
*CNM Team
training I offer so that people can have access to it.
6. As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer live/recorded courses/presentations so that people
can have access to them.
7. As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer seminars/workshops so that people can have access
*Volunteer: A person who freely gives up their time for the benefit of others, in this case CNM.
to them.
Volunteer Staffing
Roles Involved
CNM Team
Volunteer: A person who freely gives up their time for the benefit of others, in this case CNM.
Attributes of Volunteers: Name, Email Address, Location, Type of Volunteering, Volunteering
Attributes of Volunteers: Name, Email Address, Location, Type of Volunteering, Volunteering
Day, Volunteering Time, Number of hours volunteered, Availability.
Day, Volunteering Time, Number of hours volunteered, Availability.
CNM Team: Senior members of CNM, who oversee various types of volunteering needed for
*CNM Team: Senior members of CNM, who oversee various types of volunteering needed for CNM activities.
CNM activities.
Attributes of CNM Team (Members): Name, Email Address, Location.
Attributes of CNM Team (Members): Name, Email Address, Location.
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
Volunteer attributes provided -
Volunteer attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Location, mandatory:
*Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
Type of Volunteering - choose a type from predefined list, mandatory
*Type of Volunteering - choose a type from predefined list, mandatory
List of Volunteering Instances, where instance is defined by Day, Time, Duration:
*List of Volunteering Instances, where instance is defined by Day, Time, Duration:
o Volunteering Day - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Day - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Time - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Time - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Duration (per instance) - number from 0 to max 12, mandatory
o Volunteering Duration (per instance) - number from 0 to max 12, mandatory
Total number of hours volunteered - number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory
*Total number of hours volunteered - number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory
Availability - choose from calendar, mandatory
*Availability - choose from calendar, mandatory
CNM Team Member attributes provided -
CNM Team Member attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
As a Volunteer, I want to be able to look up volunteer needs, choose the day, time, kind of
volunteering job I do, log in my time accordingly, mark unavailability (temporary or long term)
*As a Volunteer, I want to be able to look up volunteer needs, choose the day, time, kind of volunteering job I do, log in my time accordingly, mark unavailability (temporary or long term) so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
*As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to access the Volunteer list, see Volunteer availability or unavailability, see Volunteer time log, be able to get in touch with Volunteers quickly and efficiently so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to access the Volunteer list, see Volunteer
availability or unavailability, see Volunteer time log, be able to get in touch with Volunteers
===User Stories===
quickly and efficiently so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
#As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the day I plan to volunteer so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
User Stories
#As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the time I plan to volunteer so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
1. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the day I plan to volunteer so that I and others have
#As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the type of volunteer job I want to contribute with so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
#As a Volunteer, I want to be able to mark my availability so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
2. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the time I plan to volunteer so that I and others have
#As a Volunteer, I want to be able to mark my unavailability (temporary or long term) so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
#As a Volunteer, I want to be able to log in the time I volunteered so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
3. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the type of volunteer job I want to contribute with
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see Volunteer availability so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see Volunteer time log so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
4. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to mark my availability so that I and others have an accurate
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to get in touch with Volunteers quickly and efficiently so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
account of my CNM volunteering.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see what types of volunteering people are available for so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
5. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to mark my unavailability (temporary or long term) so that I
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see what days and times are covered or need to be filled so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
6. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to log in the time I volunteered so that I and others have an
accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
7. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see Volunteer availability so that volunteer
===Roles Involved===
positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
*CNM Team
*Job Seeking Candidates
*CNM Digital Users
===Types of Professional Training===
8. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see Volunteer time log so that volunteer positions
and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
*CNM Team: Senior members of CNM, who oversee various types of volunteering needed for CNM activities.
9. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to get in touch with Volunteers quickly and
efficiently so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
10. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see what types of volunteering people are
available for so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
11. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see what days and times are covered or need to
be filled so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
Roles Involved
 CNM Team
 Job Seeking Candidates
 Volunteers
 Recruiters
 Instructors
 CNM Digital Users
Types of Professional Training
 Courses
 Workshops
 Seminars
 Presentations
CNM Team: Senior members of CNM, who oversee various types of volunteering needed for
CNM activities.
Attributes of CNM Team (Members): Name, Email Address, Location.
Attributes of CNM Team (Members): Name, Email Address, Location.
Job Seeking Candidate: Somebody who does not have a job or somebody who has a job, and is
*Job Seeking Candidate: Somebody who does not have a job or somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.
unhappy, or knows their contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry, Location.
Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry,
*Volunteer: A person who freely gives up their time for the benefit of others, in this case CNM.
Attributes of Volunteers: Name, Email Address, Location, Type of Volunteering, Volunteering Day, Volunteering Time, Number of hours volunteered, Availability.
Volunteer: A person who freely gives up their time for the benefit of others, in this case CNM.
Attributes of Volunteers: Name, Email Address, Location, Type of Volunteering, Volunteering
Day, Volunteering Time, Number of hours volunteered, Availability.
Recruiter: A professional who matches companies looking for a specific candidate with that
*Recruiter: A professional who matches companies looking for a specific candidate with that particular candidate.
particular candidate.
Attributes of Recruiters: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Industry.
Attributes of Recruiters: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Industry.
Instructor: A professional who offers live or online courses/workshops/seminars/presentations.
*Instructor: A professional who offers live or online courses/workshops/seminars/presentations.
Attributes of Instructors: Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Company Title, Company
Attributes of Instructors: Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Company Title, Company Location.
*Professional Training: A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for a profession or job.
Professional Training: A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for a
Attributes of Professional Training: Type (Courses/workshops/seminars/presentations), Title, Description, Session Capacity, Date, Time, Location, Instructor Name, Prerequisites (optional), Live/Recorded, Free/Fee-Based
profession or job.
*CNM Digital Users: All users who are part of CNM.
Attributes of Professional Training: Type (Courses/workshops/seminars/presentations), Title,
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
Description, Session Capacity, Date, Time, Location, Instructor Name, Prerequisites (optional),
Note: If a course is fee-based, the software needs to accommodate a link to PayPal or have a Credit Card payment feature.
Live/Recorded, Free/Fee-Based
Note: There is no need for CNM Digital Users attributes, since we are referring to everybody who uses CNM and our focus is Professional Training Reports.
CNM Digital Users: All users who are part of CNM.
Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information
about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.
Note: If a course is fee-based, the software needs to accommodate a link to PayPal or have a
Credit Card payment feature.
Note: There is no need for CNM Digital Users attributes, since we are referring to everybody
who uses CNM and our focus is Professional Training Reports.
CNM Team (Members) attributes provided -
CNM Team (Members) attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Location, mandatory:
*Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Company Title - free text, optional
*Company Title - free text, optional
Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
*Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing), multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not filled
multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not filled
appear in searches, if this field is not filled
*Location, mandatory:
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job
Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not
Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above
Volunteer attributes provided -
Volunteer attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Location, mandatory:
*Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
Type of Volunteering - choose a type from predefined list, mandatory
*Type of Volunteering - choose a type from predefined list, mandatory
List of Volunteering Instances, where instance is defined by Day, Time, Duration:
*List of Volunteering Instances, where instance is defined by Day, Time, Duration:
o Volunteering Day - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Day - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Time - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Time - choose from calendar, mandatory
o Volunteering Duration (per instance) - number from 0 to max 12, mandatory
o Volunteering Duration (per instance) - number from 0 to max 12, mandatory
Total number of hours volunteered - number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory
*Total number of hours volunteered - number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory
Availability - choose from calendar, mandatory
*Availability - choose from calendar, mandatory
Recruiter attributes provided -
Recruiter attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Company Title - free text, mandatory
*Company Title - free text, mandatory
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
Instructor attributes provided -
Instructor attributes provided -
Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
*Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
Email Address - free text, mandatory
*Email Address - free text, mandatory
Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
*Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),
Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
*Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
Company Title - free text, mandatory
*Company Title - free text, mandatory
Location, mandatory:
*Location, mandatory:
o State - choose a state
o State - choose a state
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
o City - choose a city based on the state selection above
Professional Training attributes provided -
Professional Training attributes provided -
Type - choose a type from predefined list (valid values: Course, Workshop, Seminar,
*Type - choose a type from predefined list (valid values: Course, Workshop, Seminar, Presentation), mandatory
Presentation), mandatory
*Title - free text, mandatory
Title - free text, mandatory
*Description - free text, mandatory
Description - free text, mandatory
*Area of interest - free text, optional
*Session Capacity - integer number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory only for live sessions
*Date - choose from calendar or enter date, mandatory only for live sessions
*Time - enter time, mandatory only for live sessions
*Location - Room No, mandatory only for live sessions
*Instructor Name - free text, mandatory
*Prerequisites - choose from a list of other Training titles, mandatory
*Choose Live or Recorded, mandatory
*Cost - Free or Enter $ amount, mandatory
*As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
*As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
*As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
*As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
*As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities.
*As a CNM Digital User I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of professional training offered at CNM.
===User Stories (Reports, CNM Team Members)===
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday .
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteer attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.
===User Stories (Reports, Job Seeking Candidates)===
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates within specific Job Industries.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates with specific Job Titles.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates within specific locations.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates within specific companies.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteers attendance frequency.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
#As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.
===User Stories (Reports, Volunteers)===
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know the type of CNM volunteering I contributed with.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know the number of hours of CNM volunteering I contributed with.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know the calendar days of CNM volunteering I contributed with.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know my availability.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other CNM volunteers availability.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteers attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
#As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.
 Area of interest - free text, optional
===User Stories (Reports, Recruiters)===
 Session Capacity - integer number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory only for live sessions
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
 Date - choose from calendar or enter date, mandatory only for live sessions
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
 Time - enter time, mandatory only for live sessions
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
 Location - Room No, mandatory only for live sessions
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
 Instructor Name - free text, mandatory
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
 Prerequisites - choose from a list of other Training titles, mandatory
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
 Choose Live or Recorded, mandatory
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know various Recruiters in specific industries.
 Cost - Free or Enter $ amount, mandatory
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know various Recruiters in specific companies.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
complete picture of CNM activities and members.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteers attendance frequency.
As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
#As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
 As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a
complete picture of CNM activities and members.
As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete
picture of CNM activities and members.
 As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete
picture of CNM activities.
 As a CNM Digital User I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a
complete picture of professional training offered at CNM.
User Stories (Reports, CNM Team Members)
1. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
2. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday .
3. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
4. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
5. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
6. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training
programs availability each Tuesday.
7. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team
members attendance frequency.
8. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking
Candidates attendance frequency.
9. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters
attendance frequency.
10. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors
attendance frequency.
11. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM
===User Stories (Reports, Instructors)===
Volunteer attendance frequency.
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
12. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
programs availability and frequency.
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
User Stories (Reports, Job Seeking Candidates)
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
2. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
3. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Volunteers attendance frequency.
4. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.
5. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training
programs availability each Tuesday.
6. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job
Seeking Candidates within specific Job Industries.
7. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job
Seeking Candidates with specific Job Titles.
8. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job
Seeking Candidates within specific locations.
9. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job
Seeking Candidates within specific companies.
10. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM
Team members attendance frequency.
11. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job
Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
12. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters
attendance frequency.
13. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM
Volunteers attendance frequency.
14. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors
attendance frequency.
15. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training
programs availability and frequency.
User Stories (Reports, Volunteers)
1. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM
Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
2. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job
Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
3. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM
Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
4. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many
===User Stories (Reports, CNM Digital Users - Professional Training)===
Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what live online professional training is being offered each Tuesday.
5. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report
#As a CNM Digital User. I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is being offered.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is being offered by a certain instructor.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is being offered in a certain area of interest.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training has prerequisites.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is free or paid.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is live or recorded.
#As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see online training programs availability and frequency.

Revision as of 21:22, 31 May 2018

CNM Digital (hereinafter, the Requirements) is requirements developed for computer-based supplements for face-to-face meetings of the Career Network Ministry jointly called CNM Cloud (hereinafter, the Software). These Requirements were developed by Loredana and used during the Software development.

The Software:

  1. Is being created to help people find jobs, while having access to a multitude of online services.
  2. Provides online services of connecting, collaborating, access to training and knowledge/advice, access to recruiters.
  3. Also provides online access for the CNM Team to job seekers, volunteers, speakers, instructors,

recruiters. The development of the Software occurs under the CNM Cloud Project.

Connecting Job Seeking Candidates

Roles Involved

  • Job Seeking Candidates


  • Job Seeking Candidate (Unemployed): Somebody who does not have a job.

Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates (Unemployed): Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Location, Interests/Hobbies.

  • Job Seeking Candidate (Employed): Somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their

contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities. Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates (Employed): Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry, Location, Interests/Hobbies (optional). Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.


Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, optional
  • Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),

multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not filled

  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job

Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not filled

  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state

o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above

  • Interests/Hobbies - free text, optional


As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to connect with similar Job Seeking Candidates so

that we learn from each other's experience, network, socialize.

User Stories

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to enter data about myself so that I can be found

by similar Job Seeking Candidates.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by job title

so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in my profession. There should be an option that allows to look up candidates who did not fill in this field.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by industry

so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in my industry. There should be an option that allows to look up candidates who did not fill in this field.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by location

so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates in or around my location.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by

interests/hobbies so that I can find other Job Seeking Candidates with similar interests/hobbies.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by name

so that I can find a specific Job Seeking Candidate.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search other Job Seeking Candidates by email

address so that I can find a specific Job Seeking Candidate.

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to filter the list of Job Seeking Candidates by

combinations of the following attributes: industry, job title, company title, location, hobbies/interests. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when you select one of them, the available list of the others will be filtered based on that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the list of possible companies will be limited to only companies in that industry, the list of Job Titles will be limited to only the ones available for the companies mentioned, etc.

Recruiters Find/Are Found by Job Seeking Candidates

Roles Involved

  • Recruiters
  • Job Seeking Candidates


  • Recruiter: A professional who matches companies looking for a specific candidate with that particular candidate.

Attributes of Recruiters: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Industry.

  • Job Seeking Candidate: Somebody who does not have a job or somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.

Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry, Location. Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.


Recruiter attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, mandatory
  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -
  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, optional
  • Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),

multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that Recruiters who are looking for candidates might not find them if this field is not filled

  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that Recruiters who are looking for candidates might not find them if this field is not filled
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above


  • As a Recruiter, I want to be able to browse through a Job Seeking Candidate list so that I find the

ideal candidate for a job.

  • As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to browse through a Recruiter list so that I find the

best recruiter match for my job search.

User Stories

  1. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by industry so that I find the ideal candidate for a specific industry.
  2. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by company title so that I find the ideal candidate within a company.
  3. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by job title so that I find the ideal candidate for a specific job title.
  4. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by location so that I find the ideal candidate who lives close to work.
  5. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by name so that I can look up a specific candidate.
  6. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to search for Job Seeking Candidates by email address so that I can look up a specific candidate.
  7. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to filter the list of Job Seeking Candidates by combinations of the following attributes: industry, job title, company title, location. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when you select one of them, the available list of the others will be filtered based on that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the list of possible companies will be limited to only companies in that industry, the list of Job Titles will be limited to only the ones available for the companies mentioned, etc.
  8. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by industry so that I find a specific recruiter in a specific industry.
  9. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by company title so that I find a specific industry recruiter.
  10. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by name so that I find a specific recruiter.
  11. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to search for Recruiters by email address so that I find a specific recruiter.
  12. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to filter the list of Recruiters by combination of attributes: industry, company title. The values available for these attributes are interdependent, meaning when you select one of them, the available list of the others will be filtered based on that selection. For example, if you select Industry A, then the list of possible companies will be limited to only companies in that industry.

Online Professional Training

Roles Involved

  • Job Seeking Candidates
  • Instructors

Types of Professional Training

  • Courses
  • Workshops
  • Seminars
  • Presentations


  • Instructor: A professional who offers live or online courses/workshops/seminars/presentations.

Attributes of Instructors: Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Company Title, Company Location.

  • Professional Training: A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for a profession or job.

Attributes of Professional Training: Type (Courses/workshops/seminars/presentations), Title, Description, Session Capacity, Date, Time, Location, Instructor Name, Prerequisites (optional), Live/Recorded, Free/Fee-Based Note: If a course is fee-based, the software needs to accommodate a link to PayPal or have a Credit Card payment feature.


Instructor attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing), mandatory
  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, mandatory
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city based on the state selection above

Professional Training attributes provided -

  • Type - choose a type from predefined list (valid values: Course, Workshop, Seminar, Presentation), mandatory
  • Title - free text, mandatory
  • Description - free text, mandatory
  • Session Capacity - integer number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Date - choose from calendar or enter date, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Time - enter time, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Location - Room No, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Instructor Name - free text, mandatory
  • Prerequisites - choose from a list of other Training titles, mandatory
  • Choose Live or Recorded, mandatory
  • Cost - Free or Enter $ amount, mandatory


  • As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to access professional training online so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills.
  • As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer professional training so that people can have access to it.

User Stories

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to find specific professional training so that I can take that training.
  2. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to find a specific instructor so that I can take professional training with that specific instructor.
  3. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to view or listen to specific recorded professional training so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills. Note: Added flexibility can be provided to the Job Seeking Candidate to download the specific recorded professional training for later viewing or listening.
  4. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to register for specific live professional training so that I can further my knowledge, expertise, skills. Note: Registration will be allowed only up to available capacity.
  5. As an Instructor, I want to be able to enter data to populate all the fields about the professional training I offer so that people can have access to it.
  6. As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer live/recorded courses/presentations so that people can have access to them.
  7. As an Instructor, I want to be able to offer seminars/workshops so that people can have access to them.

Volunteer Staffing

Roles Involved

  • Volunteers
  • CNM Team


  • Volunteer: A person who freely gives up their time for the benefit of others, in this case CNM.

Attributes of Volunteers: Name, Email Address, Location, Type of Volunteering, Volunteering Day, Volunteering Time, Number of hours volunteered, Availability.

  • CNM Team: Senior members of CNM, who oversee various types of volunteering needed for CNM activities.

Attributes of CNM Team (Members): Name, Email Address, Location. Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address.


Volunteer attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city based on the state selection above

  • Type of Volunteering - choose a type from predefined list, mandatory
  • List of Volunteering Instances, where instance is defined by Day, Time, Duration:

o Volunteering Day - choose from calendar, mandatory o Volunteering Time - choose from calendar, mandatory o Volunteering Duration (per instance) - number from 0 to max 12, mandatory

  • Total number of hours volunteered - number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory
  • Availability - choose from calendar, mandatory

CNM Team Member attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory


  • As a Volunteer, I want to be able to look up volunteer needs, choose the day, time, kind of volunteering job I do, log in my time accordingly, mark unavailability (temporary or long term) so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  • As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to access the Volunteer list, see Volunteer availability or unavailability, see Volunteer time log, be able to get in touch with Volunteers quickly and efficiently so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.

User Stories

  1. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the day I plan to volunteer so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  2. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the time I plan to volunteer so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  3. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to choose the type of volunteer job I want to contribute with so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  4. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to mark my availability so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  5. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to mark my unavailability (temporary or long term) so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  6. As a Volunteer, I want to be able to log in the time I volunteered so that I and others have an accurate account of my CNM volunteering.
  7. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see Volunteer availability so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
  8. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see Volunteer time log so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
  9. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to get in touch with Volunteers quickly and efficiently so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
  10. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see what types of volunteering people are available for so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.
  11. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to see what days and times are covered or need to be filled so that volunteer positions and needs are met effectively and smoothly.


Roles Involved

  • CNM Team
  • Job Seeking Candidates
  • Volunteers
  • Recruiters
  • Instructors
  • CNM Digital Users

Types of Professional Training

  • Courses
  • Workshops
  • Seminars
  • Presentations


  • CNM Team: Senior members of CNM, who oversee various types of volunteering needed for CNM activities.

Attributes of CNM Team (Members): Name, Email Address, Location.

  • Job Seeking Candidate: Somebody who does not have a job or somebody who has a job, and is unhappy, or knows their contract is ending, or looks for new opportunities.

Attributes of Job Seeking Candidates: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Job Title, Industry, Location.

  • Volunteer: A person who freely gives up their time for the benefit of others, in this case CNM.

Attributes of Volunteers: Name, Email Address, Location, Type of Volunteering, Volunteering Day, Volunteering Time, Number of hours volunteered, Availability.

  • Recruiter: A professional who matches companies looking for a specific candidate with that particular candidate.

Attributes of Recruiters: Name, Email Address, Company Title, Industry.

  • Instructor: A professional who offers live or online courses/workshops/seminars/presentations.

Attributes of Instructors: Name, Email Address, Job Title, Industry, Company Title, Company Location.

  • Professional Training: A process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for a profession or job.

Attributes of Professional Training: Type (Courses/workshops/seminars/presentations), Title, Description, Session Capacity, Date, Time, Location, Instructor Name, Prerequisites (optional), Live/Recorded, Free/Fee-Based

  • CNM Digital Users: All users who are part of CNM.

Note: To protect our member's privacy, we want to collect the minimum amount of information about them, e.g. city location, rather than full address. Note: If a course is fee-based, the software needs to accommodate a link to PayPal or have a Credit Card payment feature. Note: There is no need for CNM Digital Users attributes, since we are referring to everybody who uses CNM and our focus is Professional Training Reports.


CNM Team (Members) attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above

Job Seeking Candidate attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, optional
  • Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing), multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not filled
  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, multi select, optional - The Job Seeking Candidate should be informed that they might not appear in searches, if this field is not filled
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city, based on the state selection above

Volunteer attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city based on the state selection above

  • Type of Volunteering - choose a type from predefined list, mandatory
  • List of Volunteering Instances, where instance is defined by Day, Time, Duration:

o Volunteering Day - choose from calendar, mandatory o Volunteering Time - choose from calendar, mandatory o Volunteering Duration (per instance) - number from 0 to max 12, mandatory

  • Total number of hours volunteered - number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory
  • Availability - choose from calendar, mandatory

Recruiter attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, mandatory
  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory

Instructor attributes provided -

  • Name [First + Last] - free text, mandatory
  • Email Address - free text, mandatory
  • Job Title - free text (to accommodate the multitude of titles that virtually mean the same thing),


  • Industry - enter free text or choose an industry from a list, mandatory
  • Company Title - free text, mandatory
  • Location, mandatory:

o State - choose a state o City - choose a city based on the state selection above

Professional Training attributes provided -

  • Type - choose a type from predefined list (valid values: Course, Workshop, Seminar, Presentation), mandatory
  • Title - free text, mandatory
  • Description - free text, mandatory
  • Area of interest - free text, optional
  • Session Capacity - integer number from 0 to max TBD, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Date - choose from calendar or enter date, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Time - enter time, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Location - Room No, mandatory only for live sessions
  • Instructor Name - free text, mandatory
  • Prerequisites - choose from a list of other Training titles, mandatory
  • Choose Live or Recorded, mandatory
  • Cost - Free or Enter $ amount, mandatory


  • As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
  • As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
  • As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
  • As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities and members.
  • As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of CNM activities.
  • As a CNM Digital User I want to be able to run/see/print various reports so that I can have a complete picture of professional training offered at CNM.

User Stories (Reports, CNM Team Members)

  1. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
  2. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday .
  3. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
  4. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
  5. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
  6. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
  7. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
  8. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
  9. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
  10. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
  11. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteer attendance frequency.
  12. As a CNM Team member, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.

User Stories (Reports, Job Seeking Candidates)

  1. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
  2. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
  3. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
  4. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
  5. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
  6. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates within specific Job Industries.
  7. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates with specific Job Titles.
  8. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates within specific locations.
  9. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other Job Seeking Candidates within specific companies.
  10. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
  11. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
  12. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
  13. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteers attendance frequency.
  14. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
  15. As a Job Seeking Candidate, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.

User Stories (Reports, Volunteers)

  1. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
  2. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
  3. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
  4. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
  5. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
  6. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
  7. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know the type of CNM volunteering I contributed with.
  8. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know the number of hours of CNM volunteering I contributed with.
  9. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know the calendar days of CNM volunteering I contributed with.
  10. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know my availability.
  11. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know other CNM volunteers availability.
  12. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
  13. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
  14. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
  15. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteers attendance frequency.
  16. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
  17. As a CNM Volunteer, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.

User Stories (Reports, Recruiters)

  1. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
  2. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
  3. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
  4. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
  5. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
  6. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
  7. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know various Recruiters in specific industries.
  8. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know various Recruiters in specific companies.
  9. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
  10. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
  11. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Volunteers attendance frequency.
  12. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
  13. As a Recruiter, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.

User Stories (Reports, Instructors)

  1. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many CNM Team members attend CNM each Tuesday.
  2. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Job Seeking Candidates attend CNM each Tuesday.
  3. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Volunteers attend CNM each Tuesday.
  4. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Recruiters attend CNM each Tuesday.
  5. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know how many Instructors attend CNM each Tuesday.
  6. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability each Tuesday.
  7. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know CNM Team members attendance frequency.
  8. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Job Seeking Candidates attendance frequency.
  9. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Recruiters attendance frequency.
  10. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Volunteers attendance frequency.
  11. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know Instructors attendance frequency.
  12. As an Instructor, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I know training programs availability and frequency.

User Stories (Reports, CNM Digital Users - Professional Training)

  1. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what live online professional training is being offered each Tuesday.
  2. As a CNM Digital User. I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is being offered.
  3. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is being offered by a certain instructor.
  4. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is being offered in a certain area of interest.
  5. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training has prerequisites.
  6. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is free or paid.
  7. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see what online professional training is live or recorded.
  8. As a CNM Digital User, I want to be able to run/see/print a report so that I can see online training programs availability and frequency.