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===Lectio quiz===
:The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
:*[[CNM Cabin]] is hosted by:<ol type="a"><li>[[CNM Cloud Next]]</li><li>[[WorldOpp Federated Farm]]</li><li>[[CNM EndUser Farm]]</li><li>[[CNM HandsOn Farm]]</li><li>None of the other answers is correct.</li></ol>
:*Which statement below is correct:<ol type="a"><li>[[CNM Cyber]] may include three identical [[CNM app]]s.</li><li>While taking this course, you work on the [[CNM EndUser Farm]].</li><li>Future administrators of [[CNM app]]s get [[hands-on training]] at the [[CNM Cloud Next]].</li><li>All of the other substantive answers are correct.</li><li>None of the other answers is correct.</li></ol>
===Placement entrance exam===
===Placement entrance exam===

Revision as of 03:13, 10 October 2020

What Cloud Next Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Cloud Next Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cloud. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cloud session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is CNM Lab vs Wiki.

Key terms


If CNM Cloud is the information technology that powers CNM Cyber, CNM Cloud Next is the future of that technology. CNM Cloud Next is the scene of technological research and development (R&D) undertaken to define and shape CNM Cloud.
Because of its experimental nature, the Cloud Next has no predefined structure. The Cloud Next may have one or more server clusters; nevertheless, it may have no clusters at all.
At least one computing server hosts those core apps that belong to the CNM Next Apps. The rest of the apps is called CNM bulk apps may be installed on the same computing server, other servers, or be made serverless and use a specially-provisioned part of the cloud.

Core vs Bulk Apps is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam