WorldOpp roundtable on August 8th of 2018

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Description: This session will happen remotely using the Jitsi Web conferencing tool and will be recorded for future learners. The session is scheduled to occur remotely at 3 PM EST or 10.00 pm EAT (East African Time) on August 8, 2018.

Agenda :

  • Introduction: The Event host will open the meeting and set expectations for the meeting- Event Host (5 Minutes)
  • Introduction of participants - The participants in attendance will be given a chance to say 'Hello' and say something interesting about themselves -- this is to enable the participants bond but will be voluntary. (10 Minutes)
  • Follow - up from the last meeting - Gary will brief the team on the progress since the last meeting. Gary will also discus the action points and what the team needs to work on before the next meeting - (25 Minutes)
  • Challenges - the event organizer will request all participants in attendance to describe any challenges/ concerns they may have and where possible what the best course of action should be (15 Minutes)
  • Wrap up the event organizer will recap on all issues discussed thank the attendance and declare the meeting closed. (5 Minutes)

Recording the meeting

This event will be recorded and later posted on CNM Wiki for future learners.

Joining details

The event was hosted on the Jitsi, which is a webconferencing software tool. This tool is web-based and does not require users to download or sign in. Participants are requested to join in at least 10 Minutes to the start of the session and ensure the mics are off at the time of joining the meeting.

Link to join the meeting -- -- click on or copy and paste this URL on your browser.

PS: If you have any challenges joining the call, Kindly post the challenge here and the event host will resolve that.

Event Highlights

  • The event was recorded and posted on youtube. Follow this link to view the full session
  • Gary stressed on the need to complete the prototype
  • Gary also mentioned that development of the main focus was the development of the Wiki and welcomed any progress.
  • Social Media channels - Kevin was tasked with management of the Facebook page were future events would be advertised t so as to get more participants.
  • The meeting had 3 three participants i.e. Michael, Kelvin and Gary.