Real option

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Real option is a financial option that occurs when managers can influence the size and risk of a project's cash flows by taking different actions during the project's life. They are referred to as real options because they deal with real as opposed to financial assets. They are also called managerial options because they give opportunities to managers to respond to changing market conditions. Sometimes they are called strategic options because they often deal with strategic issues. Finally, they are also called embedded options because they are a part of another project.


According to Financial Management Theory and Practice by Eugene F. Brigham and Michael C. Ehrhardt (13th edition),

Real option. Occur when managers can influence the size and risk of a project's cash flows by taking different actions during the project's life. They are referred to as real options because they deal with real as opposed to financial assets. They are also called managerial options because they give opportunities to managers to respond to changing market conditions. Sometimes they are called strategic options because they often deal with strategic issues. Finally, they are also called embedded options because they are a part of another project.

According to Fundamentals of Financial Management by Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston (15th edition),

Real options. The right, but not the obligation, to take some future action.

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