CNM Cloud Essentials
What CNM Cloud Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the primary lecture that introduces its participants to CNM Cloud. The Lectio is the tenth part of the second learning activity, which is the CNM Cyber Entrance Exam preparation lesson, of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course. The Lectio is preceded by the What CNM Social Is and succeeded by CNM Cyber on the Web. The word, lectio, is used for a lesson part at CNM Cyber.
- CNM Cloud is the platform that integrates all the systems that CNM Cyber brings to you as its services. Every service of CNM Cyber is powered by one or more end-user applications. A combination of all end-user applications that power one service of CNM Cyber is called a CNM app.
- The names of services are normally included into the names of the CNM apps that they power. For instance, CNM Wikiware powers CNM Wiki, CNM Videoware powers CNM Video, CNM Mailware powers CNM Mail, etc. The exception is CNM Cabin, which, as a federated service, is powered by CNM Middleware.
- All CNM apps are installed on one of CNM Servers.
- There are four CNM Servers. WorldOpp Federated Server host CNM Middleware. The CNM Next Server hosts those systems such as Wiki Next, Video Next, and Mail Next that are used in hands-on training. The CNM Trial Server is used for training of CNM Cloud administrators and their experiments. All the other CNM apps are installed on the CNM Fellow Server.
- Temporarily, all the servers are based on the third-party cloud, but eventually they shall be returned to the private one.
- The CNM Cloud Project is the endeavor that is undertaken in order to develop CNM Cloud. That endeavor is divided into five phases and has just entered into its third phase called CNM Cloud Usable. The overall completion of CNM Cloud is estimated at 45% as of early 2020. 80% of the cloud completion is estimated to be needed in order to launch the complete CNM Cyber platform.
- The development occurs in two development hubs. CNM Wiki is used to develop product epics, user stories, and other requirements. All of those requirements are literally documents. CNM Lab is used to develop viable software and the services that that software powers.
Numeric data
- -- 300 words, 14 sentences
- Which of the following statements is correct:
- The complete CNM Cyber platform is now available to those who pass this welcome course.
- The overall completion of CNM Cyber is estimated at 45% as of early 2020.
- Developers, project coordinators, and other contributors, both paid and volunteer, are wanted in order to complete CNM Cyber.
- CNM Cloud must be completed prior to CNM Cyber completion.
- None of the other answers is correct.
- CNM Cabin is hosted by:
- -- (wlcm--prvw)