Introduction to CNMCyber
Introduction to CNM Cyber (hereinafter, the Session) is a learning session introducing its participants to CNM Cyber. The Session consists of three lessons, each of which is made of three to five lesson parts, called lectios. Every lectio includes a presentation and a quiz. The official version of the Session is published at CNM Cert. Its materials are also published at CNM Page, CNM Page, CNM Wiki, and various channels for marketing and convenience purposes.
The Session is the first of four sessions of the CNM Cyber Welcome Course.
The predecessor activity is the CNM Cyber Welcome Course Preview.
CNM Cyber Essentials
- Main wikipage: CNM Cyber Essentials
- CNM Cyber. The web-based career enhancement platform (CEP) that the CNM Cyber Team designs and the Friends Of CNM delivers to the general public as a set of career services.
- Career enhancement platform (CEP). A set of services that are designed to facilitate one's career administration, job search, and workforce development.
- Career service. A service that is designed to help one to find, land, or enhance one's employment.
- CNM Cyber service. Any CNM app that end-users of CNM Cyber can use to learn, land better jobs, and/or better position themselves on the job market.
- Employment placement. A service of placing a worker into a job. That job can be some work within the same organization or in another one. A business that employs workers to temporarily work for another organization is commonly called a temp agency and those workers are referred as contingent workers. In many countries, the governments regulate and, in few countries, ban those businesses that place workers into jobs in other organizations for a fee. In some countries, the governments support or even subsidize those organizations that place special categories of workers, especially the disabled, into jobs. This practice is called supported employment. Educational institutions may place their students into jobs as a part of their learning. This learning is often called residency training. Some educational institutions place their graduates into work as a hidden fee for education.
- Learning activity. Something that a learner does or is offered to do for his or her learning.
- Professional credential. An employment credential that specifically refers to one's professional capacity.
- CNM Cyber in-house service. Any service that CNM Cyber solely manages.
- Education. The product and/or process of facilitating the acquisition of one's knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA).
- Career administration. The process or the set of activities of (a) discovering one's vocation, (b) identifying one's target industry and/or occupation, (c) suggesting one's target employment, (d) identifying work-related competence needed for a particular position, (e) analysis of one's KSAs, (f) development of one's employment credentials, and/or (g) landing one's job, often, but not always, in the target occupation and/or target industry.
- Employment project support. A service that administratively and/or technologically supports those who in projects related to employment.
- CNM Cyber joint service. Any service that CNM Cyber designs, produces, and/or markets in collaboration with Careerprise partners.
- Careerprise. A one-stop shop for career services that the Friends Of CNM brings to patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) and the general public.
- WorldOpp. The economic development programme that features workforce development, employment, and entrepreneurial support. The programme is delivered by Friends Of CNM worldwide. A part of the programme, WorldOpp Fellowship, features economic training and employment for vulnerable communities worldwide.
- WorldOpp Pipeline. The five-stage process that a not-job-ready individual goes through in order to land his or her job using the WorldOpp programme.
- CNM Cyber Welcome Course. The course that is designed to onboard potential customers to CNM Cyber.
- CNM Cyber Orientation. The introduction to employment, recruitment, careers, and education that the CNM Cyber Team designs and the Friends Of CNM delivers to the patrons of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) and the general public.
- CNM Cyber Placement. The combination of learning content delivery and practical instruction that is designed to place its participants into CNM Cloud or IT Project Coordinator positions.
- WorldOpp Bootcamp. The course in enterprise administration designed by Bracka School and also delivered through Bracka Leadership Academy as the pre-apprenticeship training for WorldOpp fellows.
- WorldOpp Employment. The process in which graduates from WorldOpp Bootcamp start out as apprentices working at the WorldOpp Fellow Staff and gradually move to independent work for their own companies and/or other employers.
CNM Cloud Essentials
- Main wikipage: CNM Cloud Essentials
- CNM Cloud. The information technology that powers CNM Cyber.
- System. A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network to form a complex whole.
- End-user application. A software application that functions are initiated by end-users rather than by another software application or algorithm. To interact with end users directly, every App shall have its user interface (UI).
- Cloud. A shared pool of configurable computing resources (both hardware and software, e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that are located at a remote physical location managed by a vendor, an Internet hosting provider, rather than on the client's premises.
- CNM app. One or more inter-related end-user applications of the CNM Cloud that can be delivered as a standalone service.
- CNM Certware. An instance of e-learning software, Moodle, that is configured to power either CNM Cert or Cert Next.
- CNM Labware. A combination of several inter-related software instances including Redmine for project management and Apache Subversion (SVN) for version control that is configured to power either CNM Lab or Lab Next.
- CNM Linkupware. An instance of customer relationship management software (CRM software), SuiteCRM, that is configured to power either CNM Linkup or Linkup Next.
- CNM Mailware.
- CNM Middleware.
- CNM Pageware.
- CNM Socialware.
- CNM Talkware.
- CNM Tubeware.
- CNM Ventureware.
- CNM Wikiware.
- Internet. The largest network of interconnected computing devices that use the Internet protocol suite, TCP/IP, to link the devices globally.
- Mobile app.
- World Wide Web (WWW, www). The part of the Internet that contains inter-linked hypertext documents, especially webpages, and web applications. The web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and accessible via the web browsers. The other parts of the Internet include email, VoIP telephony, and file exchange.
- Web browser. Any end-user application that allows for browsing web documents published at the World Wide Web. To request the Browser display some website, a user enters into the Browser the website's hostname. Then, the Browser utilizes DNS to locate the sought website in the World Wide Web and to get its landing page's web document in order to display this webpage in the Browser.
- Website. A collection of webpages that are located at the same hostname.
- Landing page. A single webpage that welcomes a visitor to the website to which the Page belongs. The Page casually returns in response to user's clicking on a search result delivered by a web search engine, marketing promotion, marketing email, or an online advertisement, as well as typing the website's hostname into web browser's address bar.
- DNS. The acronym for Domain Name System. Originally created for name mapping, DNS today also defines technical settings for its core mapping service. In addition, DNS is used to set up functionality for the emails using DNS record such as MX and TXT records.
- Hostname. A humanly readable label or alias that is assigned to a particular IP address or another identification for a host device that is a part of the Internet or another computing network.
- Subdomain.
Digital Transformations
- Main wikipage: Digital Transformations
CNM Cyber for Competence is the successor session.