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Workshop activity in Moodle enables the collection, review, and peer assessment of students' work. Here, Students submit their own work and then receive a number of submissions from other students which they must assess according to the teacher's specifications and set criteria. Assignments can be submitted in the form of Online Text, Files or both. The teacher can decide whether to show or hide the identities of the students to each other when assessing is taking place.

Setting your Workshop

Here , Teacher sets the general settings .These include settings for submissions, assessment, availability, and access restrictions. During this phase, the activity is not open to students. Steps are as follows:

  1. In the course where you want your workshop, turn on the editing and from the Activity Chooser, select 'Workshop'.
  2. Give it a name and a description telling students what the workshop is about.

Grading Settings

For Grading, students obtain two grades in a Workshop activity i.e. a grade for their submission, and a grade for assessing their peers' submissions. Both grades are recorded in the Gradebook. Their assessment criteria is set as 80% and 20% respectively and can be changed by the Teacher in settings. Teacher can also assess and make any required changes in the procedure .

Assessment Settings

Here you will allocate submissions for peer assessment and provide an assessment form. It will basically tell them briefly what to look for when assessing the work of their peers.

Other Features

  • Feedback option is also available which can be set as optional, required or turned off. It may give the students option of typing comments when they peer assess. Feedback can also include other types of files. All these settings are made by the teacher or authorized role.

You can also add a conclusion to the workshop which will display when it is over.

  • Another feature is Example Submission where you can give your students one or more Example submissions to practise on first. It could be optional or forced for the students.