What Testing Is

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What Testing Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of Manual Testing Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to manual testing concepts. This lesson belongs to the CNMCT Entrance section of the CNM Cyber Placement.


The predecessor lectio is What the Placement Is.


Testing can be defined as an endeavor undertaken to try somebody or something out to discover, evaluate, and/or measure the one's capacities and/or characteristics. The word originally came to English from Latin testis that meant a witness or one who attests. Testament literally means a product of witnessing.
In Old English, meanings of testing included trial to determine the correctness of something for a noun and examining the correctness of and putting to the proof for gerunds and verbs.
Another Latin word, contestari derived from the assimilated preposition meaning with, together and the verb, testari, meaning to bear witness. In English, the word, contest, literally means testing together.
In modern English, the term, testing may be used to describe a variety of actions and processes. However, all of those actions and processes involve two principal roles.
Being the principal of those capacities and characteristics that are the subject of testing is one role. This principle may be a human being, a group of people, non-human things, as well as any systems, including those that combine human beings and non-human things. The tested principal can be defined as someone or something that undergoes a test.
With regard to one or more human beings, blood test can indicate levels of hemoglobin, cholesterol, white and red cells, and so on. The Placement Admission Test that you have just successfully passed aimed to assess your general knowledge of CNM Cyber.
Sometimes, the tested person, people, or things are called testees or examinees.
Another role is somebody or something who conducts the test. Often, the testing person, people, or things are called testers or examiners. Educators and researchers conduct testing on a regular basis. Proctors are those who watch examinees taking an examination to make sure that the examinees do not cheat. Examiners may have plenty of other titles.

to administer a test

Test subject, testee, examinee Human vs machine tester Intervention vs observation

Key terms



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The successor lectio is What Manual Test Is.


Placement entrance exam