Talk:CNMCyber Week 2023-04-05

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Uncleaned Script

0:00 yeah so the meeting is being recorded yeah we will begin 0:09 oh yeah 0:14 who would want to go first 0:22 hi let's see let's review who wrote for who wrote anything who 0:30 who wrote anything on the Wiki page because like one hour ago it wasn't me 0:36 just me oh Sonia wrote something Rita didn't write Rita kind of ignores us 0:44 little doesn't like us you just said no like what the guy said what the stupid 0:51 guys I will be smarter I will not write anything 0:58 yes I may go first yeah 1:04 okay so I um 1:10 since the Network dropped last week it's also the recording stopped as well so I 1:16 have so many challenges trying to to join the two videos together and post 1:21 them on YouTube I've had a few challenges and then I had success with 1:26 clip jumps it's a it's an open source software the song that I used to combine 1:33 the two videos and uploading them on YouTube also um 1:57 [Music] the first meeting we had on the third on 2:03 the on March fast yeah 2:09 what I accomplished this week 2:18 okay is it me on someone else who's like 2:24 uh like for me Kevin is breaking up or do you have any problems yeah can you 2:31 hear me okay yeah so it's not me 2:38 I was 2:45 yeah it does kind of like yeah you were breaking up kind of 2:52 uh have a question uh so it really what what it what is integration what 2:59 did you try to integrate to when the Network dropped I I ended up with two videos so we started again I 3:06 needed it started recording again so I had two videos of the same meeting 3:12 so I needed to integrate them to to become one billion for standing oh I see 3:18 oh I see you kind of you okay you kind of you got it got it got it 3:24 um but you could post like two different two different parts it's okay too okay 3:30 but we I have a pro I have a program which 3:37 I'm using personally I'm using kind of where black professional program which I 3:44 purchased which is called Camtasia I have a license then I can put like on there yeah you 3:51 can share I consider right now how to create kind of a DDM which can allow 3:59 everything pretty much everything yeah that would be great 4:08 but I see you you tried but again like 4:14 with this you can possibly just 4:19 publish what do you have also we are discussing like we're trying 4:27 at least where friends something else we are trying 4:34 right now to instead of recording everyone's machine or everyone's 4:40 but can be capable of doing like all their tasks so I 4:48 where what trying this model 4:55 we will create a virtual machine on the same someone who is about to organize 5:02 the event we'll get to this machine start the conference start recording 5:10 and then conduct conference I'll kind of get out it will 5:17 be visible let's say like a record bought so people know that this is a 5:22 book it's not like it's not a human being just like a recorder or a record taker maybe what is a good word and and 5:32 then after the event and the person can go 5:38 there everything was recorded So resources of 5:46 your laptop is not used your we don't have any problem with 5:52 interaction interruptions because it's kind of virtual machine and they're in 5:57 the kind of uh in the very very safe like in data center okay so the 6:03 recording is will continue uh safe environment so 6:09 we will kind of we have for now we record as we okay got 6:15 it so sorry got bad uh let's we'll go back yeah I see like you missed 6:21 spelled the the page it's not synonym cyber event organizer it's just CNM 6:27 event organizer all right the word synonym 6:34 just only with the coordinator only with the coordinator I created it 6:40 here okay thank you thank you okay 6:48 anything else no 6:53 edits on this CNN event organizer like you you copied something from the 7:00 events what yeah I I don't I don't understand why 7:05 because event is event like the major it cannot like it's better to keep like 7:11 information in the wrong place because in this case if you really need to 7:17 correct in one place we will just correct in one place kind of the goal of any like document management it should 7:24 be like one single source of source of Truth which I don't 7:29 achieve at any time but at least like we we need to desire to do this all right 7:35 okay so scream which is uh you say script is delete oh 7:42 script is there on discussion yeah wow I didn't see that wow good job good job 7:51 Rika good job and Kevin good job good job good job yeah but it's not it's about ninety 7:57 percent good job so yeah really good 8:05 okay good job I like it I like it 8:17 uh she was Miriam [Laughter] 8:28 me me yes you do the same mistake it's Marion 8:42 but I recognize your mistake yeah okay 8:54 but it is it's a big work takes kind of their 8:59 scripting and editing because kind of it's 9:11 Aaron I said like Can you estimate how much let's say 9:18 like for one script for one like medium like one hour meeting how many hours did 9:25 it take to hello yeah hi hi sorry please go ahead 9:36 [Music] 9:42 how many hours do you kind of because we 9:48 it's kind of it's a cool information but I like the screen I like the ideal scripts okay let's go let's go let's go 9:55 sorry for interrupting everyone I I also I also see a need to develop 10:00 requirements for developing a script 10:09 correct yes 10:15 we need like a standard stand ing operating procedure 10:22 very kind of detailed 10:29 I used to initially I used to work with this transcription 10:34 guidelines on how you can transcribe yes oh no I just want one point that I 10:41 need to put across um 10:47 I worked with this transcription company that had standard procedures of how you 10:53 can develop the script from audio so maybe you can borrow something from that 10:58 and make a blueprint of what we need developed 11:05 yeah okay now I'm done 11:16 Sonia reads and me whom you want to go next Kevin 11:22 I'm Sonia and then return them very 11:33 I can if you want 11:43 um yep can I start yes 11:50 do you hear me okay um I worked on uh 11:58 right age um I added as much as possible 12:03 information from our meetings about the database system security 12:09 [Music] um I added a technical requirements and 12:20 operating principles looking for a solution a CNM cyber guide tour meetings 12:25 from Russian I'm doing 12:36 microscope translator directly into the CNM Dixie for free 12:44 so they offer a free account with different Services I think it's for for developers 12:52 and it includes a speech translator service with the ability to 13:00 I want to generate real-time speech translation into the 13:07 for free we can get to five uh 13:23 [Music] 13:39 for today with some 13:46 okay uh I'm reviewing right now and I'm WordPress page what I know 14:16 like cantabu you mentioned cantabo it's a hosting company on which our 14:25 like one of our instances is there but let's say for other instances we will 14:32 use other hosting so it's not like I would say this 14:39 I will probably take rename this um paragraph or six section as a hosting 14:46 and move it to to CNM 14:52 page web page so again WordPress is about software 14:58 it's not about instances or installations we can 15:03 mention installations but the details should be on that on those 15:09 like instance pages so again this paragraph most likely I put it kind of 15:15 something but at the same way we need to write about the web server too uh uh our 15:23 WordPress Works web server is um usually either either nginx 15:32 or Apache or sometimes 15:37 the best case scenario we use two we put nginx first and then Apache a second 15:45 it is just for your basic information so uh with their recording 15:53 it's difficult to say what kind of the solution can be uh but we need to try 16:00 we need also maybe move to English at least like to have a good plan that is 16:07 why I plan to team up you and Twitter so you will 16:12 move to English more from from Russian 16:18 so you will kind of and probably it will be kind of more convenient for you to 16:24 work together this makes sense yeah 16:30 okay so next next home will be next oh sorry did you 16:37 finish yeah right I can proceed 16:47 hi um so I was not able to do so much this 16:52 week why you could you wrote to me several times we have like yes I had a good 16:59 conversation so many questions it's good it's good I love questions 17:06 yes I would love 10 times more if you write 10 more 10 10 times more questions 17:13 okay they are coming they are coming okay um I I tried to post uh questions on CNM 17:24 welcome CNM cyber welcome page and I posted 10 questions and I think 17:32 Gary you edited some of them I ate it in Muslim most of them I even 17:38 extended them I even extended them because you asked about world up and I and then upload you 17:46 kind of messed up the question was about uh World up and the answer was about 17:53 Outlets so I decided oh it should be like two different questions so I made up kind of where I made up one question 18:01 yeah so those are the questions I made they were like I think 10 and uh they 18:08 were posted on the on the page as a frequently asked questions but 18:17 because we had this section before so yeah it makes sense 18:23 so I still have challenges that when it comes to recording a webinar 18:28 for welcome my laptop is refusing to install a few the software obvious 18:36 but I'm looking for a solution for it 18:42 Canon should make kind of you will organize a special like meet meet up 18:47 with Kevin and Kevin will kind of show you how he used because Sonia also 18:55 reported some problems with obs Studio but again many people like 19:03 I remember many people had a very very stable feedback for obs 19:11 so we can like need to find n plus if we play with this like 19:17 additional VM so you will not like you just go to this like I will explain so 19:25 like VM is a virtual machine so it will be something in the same server on which 19:32 our jitsi it will be a virtual machine you get from your laptop or whatever to 19:39 this virtual machine you plug like to conference start the 19:45 conference start recording and we can assign to this virtual machine pretty much any resources it has kind of the 19:53 128 like 20:00 not Mega gigger yeah I don't know like girls like the speed so like your 20:06 processor in your computer most likely have two four or eight and 20:14 then we have like a 128. so it's kind of faster than the fastest possible like 20:22 normal computer cannot accommodate that speed so it's kind of very we can assign more 20:29 resources to these and we can put like kind of software so in this way you 20:36 start the conference and then you forgot you can log out you can do whatever you want you participate 20:43 in the conference the conference ended go back and the recording is there so 20:49 this is kind of how it should work in my view but I may earn something I don't 20:55 know maybe there is something which I don't know let's say Natalia tried and 21:01 she said that there software ask like 21:06 how to plug your camera and kind of on and your audio it's not camera click on 21:13 this virtual machine so we need to find kind of these settings and if our 21:20 competence will be uh not enough we will try to find this and to move it but 21:30 when you into so events are getting to our main main 21:37 main main main main main [Music] promotional tool 21:43 okay okay Richard did you finish 21:48 yes yes I finished okay so I will kind of talk about what I wrote so first of 21:58 all like Rita develop this like pitch on synonym 22:03 cyber welcome which she made like she delivered like she 22:09 presented last meeting I found where 22:14 the source so it was initially that 22:19 peach was for everyone everyone who will kind of looking for our services that is 22:26 why it was so like I decided that we will use the CNM cyber 22:32 only for recruitment and if we need to do this CNM cyber 22:39 pitch only for recruitment we need to narrow it out 22:45 so I put like 10 points there um 11 so it's like it is job for you 22:51 where higher and folks like you will offer those jobs that you can lend 22:57 then I believe we need to emphasize like ladies like I will call it female 23:04 friendly offer so our jobs are tailored for latest needs 23:10 you can work from home on your schedule you have baby two babies five babies ten 23:17 day babies do whatever he needs with your babies got back right so 23:24 then I put like in-house preparation so we offer training or free courses one 23:33 explains what we offer another teach us what to do with what we will teach 23:39 and the third is just preparation for your practice 23:45 um we plan to do offer like I call it human touch we plan to offer mentors 23:53 then we need to save the snow fear our jobs for learning do your mistakes 24:00 will love your mistakes will love errors this is the only place only job where 24:06 your employer will love your errors right it's better to have errors than no 24:13 errors because if we have errors we can fix them if we don't have of Errors we 24:18 cannot fix them it's a career opportunity it's useful for vacation 24:25 we are not just computers where we have like a community and how to start go 24:32 there start so this is kind of what we probably need to work on if you have 24:39 additions it should be additions if not we need to 24:44 record this like good video most likely a lady not me not an old 24:51 kind of 60 year old guy kind of someone like you know like someone who will want 24:58 to attract and I believe like this speech will kind of will work better then we will say 25:04 kind of just some biggest words so I work on that I finished website 25:09 developer page uh and also develop website project page spring so let's say 25:15 right now there is a choice I'm not sure that this is a good page 25:23 um because I will probably instead of I will probably include it I will probably I I needed to 25:31 include synonym page let's say but I I have done what I have done it's kind 25:40 of it's a good enough to start and I also reviewed what Kevin did on event 25:48 organizer page I didn't like it much uh I will correct many things 25:55 what I cannot correct is recording so I plan 26:02 so what I'm playing right now I'm planning to team up Rita and Sonia and 26:08 you together will go to this like website developer page and try to act as 26:14 a website developers and ask questions and 26:21 and based on your questions we will create lectures or lectures 26:26 and we will record them and they will be a part of our future course because 26:32 right now courses are not available so instead of me creating something which I 26:38 still is good we will go vice versa we will 26:43 develop these lectures until you start working and 26:48 but also since it will be events so it makes sense to do like event organizer 26:54 as well so all together website developer and event organizer you can 27:00 test both I will develop 27:05 I will polish what Kevin did and I will add new events like page so 27:12 kind of collection of all the projects so this is pretty much it and I've I 27:20 would say uh I'm I like how many things I did on 27:27 the Wikia and I'm let's let's check who is kind of who is 27:32 the main contributor right now it's definitely me 27:39 do you know what I'm talking about do you know what I'm kind of looking at 27:45 thank you I go to a kind of I I look at the main contributor 27:50 and Gary 2000 actions 27:56 Rita five actions 28:01 Kevin 16 but Kevin has two accounts Kevin 28:06 escape and wangi 16 and Kevin just came in 16-2 you're lagging through different 28:14 two accounts right so I have two I have several so I gave kind of the 28:20 first one I gave Rita so she is right now Gary made it 28:27 um and Sonia 3 300 almost 300. Sonia is about like 28:37 13 of me it's good but Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin 28:45 Rita needs to kind of together but Kevin with regard to 28:51 Wiki edits it's not it should be done something 28:56 or maybe we will move you to the market you know okay that's it what I what I want to say do you have any questions 29:02 yes any yeah so we'll move on to the Q a section on the according to coordinators 29:08 work in case anyone has any questions or if Gary you have any questions on the work that the Wheels coordinators have 29:14 done this week this is the time say it again 29:20 we'll move on to Q and A on coordinator's work okay yeah 29:29 I have no questions I kind of we need to talk to Kevin kind of no one like my design is by the 29:37 way for our events my designer that you will say what you'll pick your project 29:44 you'll say what you are going to do like next time 29:49 um and we will have kind of some conversation before but no one of you 29:54 like wrote kind of what project that peaked or whatever you kind of discussed here only what you 30:02 have done last week but no one is of you according to this page 30:07 want to do anything next week right you are kind of decided okay 30:13 Well Done Right I want to move on like based on this page kind of what I need 30:19 to assume that you want to take a break right every every of you want to take a 30:24 break every of you wants to take a break it's kind of how I perceive so we need to kind of to figure out what 30:33 kind of uh uh what what you will do like Kevin 30:39 uh I will probably definitely we need like better 30:44 standard standard standing operating procedure kind of more detailed 30:49 recording part maybe latest will reach out to you or 30:55 or you will develop on your own and like my basic intent is to offer you 31:04 to concentrate more on marketing because I thought initially I thought 31:10 that we will kind of develop uh what we do this Pages courses and we 31:18 will do it by like end of the May and at the end of the may we will start 31:26 recruitment campaign but now I feel if we start these events 31:35 where you can learn on the fly so we can start earlier instead of late may we can 31:42 start maybe late April as soon as we can start getting make a schedule and start 31:49 making these like lectures we we can probably start advertising at 31:55 the same time it is my person my perception so if we start advertising 32:00 sooner so and you are like your best suit in my 32:07 view it's a marketing so then we will need to move there it's kind of what I 32:13 what I assume and again our ladies I plan to team them 32:19 up yeah um I probably sent email to both so you can 32:26 connect between each other and 32:31 I know for Sony it will be a good experience for her English I don't know Rita how really comfortable 32:40 with her English but possibly he Richard didn't have 32:46 experience working with her with someone in another country right only with kids 32:53 so for you it will be kind of interesting experience too and we will see what will happen so you will at 33:00 least at least like as soon as you try to work in the way how it's designed 33:08 you will find we will find what voice we have what problems we have so we will be 33:14 fixing these problems and go go 33:22 okay anyone I've done carry yeah I mean anyone who has a question 33:30 yeah okay it's uh with regards to the script eh where where did you post it 33:38 because I can't find it you say it again the script you mentioned about the 33:45 script the one that uh Kevin posted 33:55 oh it's on the discussion page if you see coordinators report oh I click there 34:01 if you go to coordinators report for our meeting I I'm looking at the Wiki page right for 34:09 our our event okay and if you see like Kevin posted kind of where he created the script it 34:17 must be in it must be cleaned it just has kind of some issues 34:22 but at least like it looks right it looks right 34:28 yeah also I have also another question about the script is is that the correct place to post it where it should be 34:35 posted I will post a normal page I don't like discussion you kind of I I see like 34:42 you're posting on discussion page Rita posting discussion page the problem with 34:47 the discussion page is discussion page is not for that like it's better to post on the normal 34:55 page so it will be searchable because no one like searches on kind of on 35:01 discussion pages I bet like no one even knows how to search on discussion pages 35:09 so so our goal for the scripts I will post 35:14 them just on the Wiki page the same wiki page like normal normal book page but 35:21 this is a good question yeah it's a good question that is why you cannot find it because 35:26 it's not findable it's on the discussion page not on the normal page oh 35:33 I will post it there and it looks good doesn't look good doesn't matter 35:39 like move it on 35:45 okay okay also like who yeah I also see like who's Mohan kind of it's our someone 35:52 joined us to do yeah so I'm new to this 35:59 um I'm trying to understand from what you talk about and I could see you talked 36:06 about website development and some remote work opportunities 36:11 yeah uh some career services so uh apart from like what uh opportunities you 36:18 provide uh remotely like they wanted to know maybe it sounds out of the box but I'm sorry for that 36:27 yeah no no problem so kind of in in place we offer 36:32 uh like practice jobs where we want to be a place for practice jobs so we are 36:39 not offering like a normal like employment which you will retire from okay it's not 36:46 it's not kind of it's not their a normal job which 36:51 you kind of start 36:57 in the into jobs and then you are kind of professional professional it's like 37:02 sir entry pre-entry level jobs even like for 37:09 those who don't know what they will look for and okay some real-time work you 37:16 mean um uh some real-time tasks 37:21 in what platforms you provide like where where built in this platform 37:29 right now we don't have kind of uh like this particular group is to 37:36 develop like the platform so we have like some platform but it is not on the 37:42 market it's not it's not kind of on the kind of it's not advertised yet we are working on let's 37:50 say in this way so but we have something it's like 37:55 decorations are going like for a few years right now 38:01 so it has several like several stages and we have like several applications 38:06 some but nothing in kind of this production marketable State okay 38:16 so you you can you you can you can email me or you can like write I will uh 38:23 connecting with me did you come through the Meetup you can send correct yeah so 38:28 that's where I found this and um some opportunities that was mentioned 38:35 and some cyber security Concepts I'm at uh entry level to this course 38:41 so I wanted to you know yeah so how does it work I will kind of 38:49 this is kind of the design it is kind of their how we 38:54 envisioned it so you are getting kind of into our program 39:01 you will start work at the web developer it's not web developer it's not a coding 39:07 it's website developer so it is about like DNS like records it will be about content 39:16 content content a little bit of SEO um 39:22 just basically like website basic basis of the basis of the website the second 39:28 part will be event organizing it basically what we are doing right now prepare for the event post on the Meetup 39:35 recording meeting make a script like something like that so getting the 39:42 input from the meetups I mean getting the inputs from the recording sessions for the ideologies you mean that way I 39:52 mean like events any events organizing events any events it's not any particular kind of it will be kind of 39:58 many different events where right now we have like uh two parts of events we have 40:03 this series which you attended right now which is called this week we also have a 40:09 technical meetups but right now this technical meetups 40:14 are conducted in Russian because we used to work in Ukraine mostly so Sony is in 40:21 Ukraine and kind of another person our like technical team mostly they're from 40:27 Ukraine but because we are the program for the last two years it was in Ukraine 40:34 and it was mostly conducted in Russian but because of the war because of many 40:39 different things where right now moving to eat to English and that is why we 40:45 kind of where in the transition stage right now so 40:51 and if you are good with this and that we need 40:57 operators for uh for the technology which um which we have and then we need to 41:04 have coordinators to hire experts to bring to our technology to 41:12 develop and after this if you have a like any specific let's 41:18 say you want to work on cyber security yeah you will work on cyber security 41:23 uh but it is not what we kind of it's not like what 41:29 probably it's not what will pay you as their this pre-entry level job if you 41:35 can do something more professional you can be a contractor so we can but we 41:41 need to have coordinators in order to hire contractors okay does this make sense yes this is difficult to digest 41:50 again send email and I will reply and you can go on a female like message to 41:55 the Meetup so can you show you I have if you have any 42:01 LinkedIn profile ID or we can connect there yeah you can find me like this Gary ehar 42:10 you you can find me I'm not I'm not a LinkedIn person after 42:15 I don't know why I just can I stopped doing this like before Oh a few years I 42:20 probably haven't been to my page so um meet up is is kind of better 42:30 market and you kind of and your accent is kind of you are like Desi right sound 42:36 like this uh button I kind of when the ux and you are kind 42:43 of this style right oh no so you like usually like many many 42:51 people on linked LinkedIn kind of like from many people like from Desi 42:58 countries like Pakistan India and so I'm from India actually yeah yeah okay I can 43:04 I can detect I can detect you in extra yeah 43:09 but what language do they speak Hindi or Punjabi or I do speak 43:16 Hindi Hindi and I'm from South part of India oh you you speak Tamil or Telugu Telugu 43:24 okay um yeah yeah you sound great 43:32 yeah got it so yes probably LinkedIn is not kind of but 43:39 just kind of send me through their through their uh to their Meetup 43:45 probably it will be kind of better okay foreign 44:00 yes thank you you know you know she's on the more like an Indian you better know 44:08 knowing Indian people you have met so many people yes 44:13 sorry sorry sorry 44:30 okay good so what like um 44:36 what else well we are done for today I believe you're done but I have 44:44 one like um were you a member of the Meetup Group before the CNN cyber Meetup 44:51 uh no I'm very new to this so I had no idea like the event is going 44:59 on I've joined it maybe I need to check if I'm the member of it or not I need to 45:04 be I'm not sure foreign 45:17 [Applause] 45:23 it would be more about uh cyber security Concepts 45:28 so and I could see in the description it is about some opportunities and career 45:36 services and entry-level jobs so so I ended there uh I mean to join in 45:43 this group and to join in this call at least yeah 45:51 um 46:04 it's good so again back to kind of to mind so if you are looking for 46:11 experience in anything we can help with pretty much anything you kind of you name it I'm 46:19 I'm like very expensive proprietary kind 46:24 of like software probably will not be able and the rest if you just need like any concept or 46:32 kind of any software or any experience we can accommodate that what we cannot 46:38 do is like to pay you kind of good money but again we are just this this is the 46:46 concept this place to start to get started right but uh I'm looking for kind of 46:54 yeah and email me kind of message me on the Meetup so I will I will get from 46:59 there so what else 47:06 can you have questions no no I'm done 47:12 Okay so thanks so much 47:18 thanks so much and 47:24 maybe we are moving somewhere we are moving to somewhere where it's good 47:29 [Music] probably pretty much 47:36 what I wanted to say right 47:41 yeah yeah okay thank you 47:49 bye-bye thank you too bye