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Marketing deliverables

CNMCyber to market

To attract adult participants to CNMCyber jobs, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages CW01 Description of the website to be
CW02 Wiki-based prototype Home (prototype) and descending pages
CW03 Graphic/UX design RFP CNMC landing design
CW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
CNMCyber pitch CS01 Pitch text CNMCyber pitch
CS02 CNMCyber persona‎‎
CNMCyber Meetup CM01 Description of the group to be CNMCyber Meetup
CM02 Group-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber YouTube Channel CY01 Description of the channel to be CNMCyber YouTube Channel
CY02 Channel-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber Facebook Page CF01 Description of the page to be CNMCyber Facebook Page
CF02 Page-managing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement

Careerprise to market

To attract developers to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages DW01 Description of the website to be
DW02 Wiki-based prototype Home (prototype) and descending pages
DW03 Graphic/UX design RFP
DW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
Careerprise pitch DS01 Pitch text Careerprise pitch
DS02 Careerprise persona‎‎
DS03 The list of funded projects Careerprise bizopp‎‎
Partnership DP01 Partnership RFP
DP02 Partner solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

Event-driven marketing

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages
CNMCT Common Hours EC01 Description of the events to be. "CNMCT" stands for CNMCyber Team. CNMCT Common Hours
EC02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber event EE01 General description of the events to be CNMCyber event
EE02 Workable recording SOP
EE03 Workable event-scheduling SOP
EE02 Working scheduling tool at CNM Social
EE05 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber This Week ET01 Description of the series to be CNMCyber This Week
ET02 "CNMCyber Patrons" space at CNM Social CNMCyber Patrons
ET03 Event-organizing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
ET04 Newsletter-production subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber Welcome Session EW01 Description of the event to be (CNMCyber Welcome Session wikipage)
EW02 Event-organizing subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
EW03 CNMCyber Welcome Space at CNM Social CNMCyber Welcome Space

iDosvid to market

To attract school students to the program, the following deliverables are sought:

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages SW01 Description of the website to be
SW02 Wiki-based prototype Home (prototype) and descending pages
SW03 Graphic/UX design RFP
SW04 Designer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
iDosvid pitch SS01 Pitch text iDosvid pitch
SS02 iDosvid persona‎‎
Partnership SP01 Partnership RFP
SP02 Partner solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan

Worksite deliverables

Work meetings

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages
CNMCyber Community Board MC01 Description of the meetings to be CNMCyber Community Board
MC02 "CNMC Com Board" space at CNM Social
MC03 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Technology Board MB01 Description of the meetings to be CNM Technology Board
MB02 "CNM Tech Board" space at CNM Social
MB03 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNMCyber Office Hours MH01 Description of the activities to be CNMCyber Office Hours
MH02 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
MH03 Script-development subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement CNMCyber script


Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages
CNMCyber job JJ01 General description of the jobs to be CNMCyber job
JJ02 Workable recruitment SOP utilizing CNM Odoo
JJ03 Workable time-tracking SOP utilizing CNM Odoo
JJ04 Workable job-bidding SOP
JJ05 Activity-coordinating subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Event Organizer JE01 Description of the job to be CNM Event Organizer
JE02 CNMCyber Event Projects, description of work choice
JE03 "Event Organizers" space at CNM Social CNM Event Organizers
CNM Website Developer JW01 Description of the job to be CNM Website Developer
JW02 CNM Website Projects, description of work choice
JW03 "Website Developers" space at CNM Social CNM Website Developers
CNMCyber Coordinator JC01 Description of the job to be CNMCyber Coordinator
JC02 CNMCyber Usable, description of work choice
JC03 "Cyber Coordinators" space at CNM Social CNMCyber Coordinators

End-user technology

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages
CNM MediaWiki AW01 Description of the service to be CNM MediaWiki
AW02 "MediaWiki Users" space at CNM Social CNM MediaWiki Users
AW03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Jitsi AJ01 Description of the service to be CNM Jitsi
AJ02 "Jitsi Users" space at CNM Social CNM Jitsi Users
AJ03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Tube AV01 "Video-Sharing Users" space at CNM Social CNM Video-Sharing Users
AV02 RFP to describe the service to be CNM Tube
AV03 Developer solicitation, selection, and onboarding plan
CNM HumHub AH01 Description of the service to be CNM HumHub
AH02 "HumHub Users" space at CNM Social CNM HumHub Users
AH03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Odoo AE01 Description of the service to be CNM Odoo
AE02 "Odoo Users" space at CNM Social CNM Odoo Users
AE03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement

Server-side technology

Topic Code Target deliverable Wikipages
CNM Ceph TC01 Description of the service to be CNM Ceph
TC02 "Ceph Users" space at CNM Social CNM Ceph Users
TC03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM LDAP TL01 Description of the service to be CNM LDAP
TL02 "LDAP Users" space at CNM Social CNM LDAP Users
TL03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM pfSense TS01 Description of the service to be CNM pfSense
TS02 "pfSense Users" space at CNM Social CNM pfSense Users
TS03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM Proxmox TP01 Description of the service to be CNM Proxmox
TP02 "Proxmox Users" space at CNM Social CNM ProxmoxVE Users
TP03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement
CNM WSO2 TW01 Description of the service to be CNM WSO2 IS
TW02 "WSO2 Users" space at CNM Social CNM WSO2 Users
TW03 Tech-supporting subject matters to Careerprise contractor agreement