CNM Registration Project
The CNM Registration Project is a project undertaken in order to create a process of registration of those patrons who attend CNM events on Tuesday evenings.
User stories
First-time attendee
- As someone who attends CNM events for the first time, I shall be:
- Offered to (a) scan a QR code, (b) type an URL in my device's web browser, or (c) click on the registration icon on the device available at the registration table and:
- Fill in the following fields:
- Name
- Email address
- Phone number (cell preferred)
- Select Yes or No for a question Attend MBC?
- Read that
CNM doesn't share with or sell your data to any other organizations.
- Click on a Submit button.
/ computer / in some future, app
Second interaction
Thank you for your interest in CNM. Please provide the following information, so we will be able to serve you better:
- Zip
- Agreed
Following interactions
QR code
- Tom
- Debbie
- Bob K.
- Bob P.
Admin management -- meetup model