Revision as of 11:51, 1 May 2020 by MariamKhalid (talk | contribs)
Badges are a great way to motivate users by celebrating their achievement and progress. In Moodle, badges may be awarded on the basis of variety of criteria chosen by the Teacher. You can upload your own images as badges or get them from any external site (backpack service). Badges are displayed on a user's profile and have the following categories:
- Site badges - available to users site-wide and related to the site wide activities, like finishing a set of courses. They can only be awarded by Administrators or others with appropriate permissions.
- Course badges - available to users enrolled in the course and related to the activities that happen inside the course. They can be awarded by teachers within a course.
Managing Badges
- Badges are enabled by default in Administration>Site administration>Advanced features and can be managed from Administration>Site administration>Badges>Manage badges.
File:Manage Badges 2.jpg
- Also , teachers in a course cannot by default access site badges unless they have been given a system role with badge managing capabilities by the administrator.
- Individual users can also manage their badges from Navigation>My profile>My badges. From here, they can view, search for and download badges.This then displays "badges" in the profile
Managing and Using Site Badges
- An administrator can add a site badge from Administration > Site administration > Badges > Add a new badge.
File:Manage Badges.jpg
- Next, Badge is given a Name, Description and other optional information, issuer details (self or the organization) and a suitably sized image file is uploaded.
File:Badge details.jpg
- Admin then specifies Criteria after clicking "Create badge" button which may include setting the Criteria manually or from the options available.
File:Badge Criteria.jpg
- Last step is clicking the "Save" button.
Managing and Using Course Badges
- To enable teachers awarding badges at the course level, administrator should follow Administration>Course administration>Badges>Managing badges.Course level Badges offer a slightly different set of criteria for example Course Completion, Completing an activity or Manually issued by a role (such as teacher).
- A teacher can add badges from Administration > Course administration > Badges > Add a new badge.
- Then Badge Details, Issuer Details, Badge expiry date specified and badge is enabled.A teacher is then able to look at the badges in a course and the recipient list of who earned the badge and when they received it.
Other information
- As discussed earlier, Site and Course badges may be manually awarded or automatically awarded (calculated based on their actions in the system), depending on activities completed.
- If a badge is awarded my mistake, it may be Revoked from the 'Badge recipients' page. Only badges which were awarded manually may be revoked.
- Badge can also be deleted once awarded. There are two options for deleting it, available by clicking the X icon for the badge in question from the Manage badges screen for site or course badges.
- Delete, but keep existing issued badges where the deleted badge will no longer be available but students who have earned the badge will still have it displayed on their profiles.
- Delete and remove all existing issued badges where the badge will no longer be available and students who earned the badge will no longer have it displayed on their profiles.