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Revision as of 11:17, 6 May 2020 by MariamKhalid (talk | contribs) (Choice Settings)
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A Choice activity allows you to present a single question to students with multiple responses as possible answers. Each student can then pick one of the given choices. Choice activities are intended for gathering information only and are not gradable. For example, Choices can be useful for quick survey of your class

Using Choice

Choice activity can be used in various ways such as:

  • Assessing Learner's Understanding: Choices is a useful way to gauge learner's understanding. Students can share their choices securely as questions are not asked in public and only teachers are allowed to see their responses.
  • As an Attendance Register or Contract: Choice activity can also be used as an attendance register where students may click 'Present', or a Contract having an option as 'I agree'.
  • Selecting Projects: Students may be given different choices to select any Project. Here, Choice activity can be helpful in selection.
  • Elections :Another interesting use of Choice activity can be in Elections and voting , for example Students union elections.

Choice Settings

Choice activity can be set as follows:

  • First, with the editing turned on, you need to click "Add an activity" and select Choice.

  • On the Adding a new Choice page, in the Choice name field, enter a name for the activity (required).To see all the settings expanded, click the link "Expand all" top right.

Activity Settings

  1. For activity settings, you can can click on Options which relates to the display of the results. You can choose to display results horizontally or vertically depending on the number of choices you have. Type the selections you wish to appear next to the radio buttons in the options fields.
  2. Setting 'Allow choice to be updated' will allow students to change their mind after they have voted.
  3. If you allow more than one choice to be selected, the checkboxes will display differently to alert students that they can make more than one selection.
  4. Also, you can use Limit box to limit and indicate students about the number of options they can choose. If you unintentionally check Limit box but don't add a number then your students won't be able to select any choices and will get confused. For group mode, any limit set is per group. For example , if set to 4, only 4 members of the group can select the option.
  5. You can select the Start and End date for Choice in Availability.


As a teacher you can always see the results, but you can also choose whether or not to allow learners to see each others' choices and whether or not to allow them to see the names or merely the percentage of votes. Teacher also has rights to make selection on Students behalf in case one fails to make any selection.

  1. To show results to students, under the Results heading, from the Publish results drop-down menu, choose between Show results options you want.
  2. You can also limit which results students may see when results are published, from the Privacy of results drop-down menu, choose between:

Click Save and return to course or Save and display.

View Choice Response

  1. On your course page, click the Choice activity name to open it. The Choice page will open showing the question.The Choice page will open showing the question you provided when you set up the activity, and a list of the specified allowed choices (i.e. you can cast your own vote).
  2. Click View (number of submitted) responses . The Responses page will open, showing the answer choices, the number of students who picked each one, and, under each answer, a list of names of the students who picked that answer.
  3. You may also delete and download the results of a Choice activity by clicking the 'View... responses' link and then selecting from the formats.

Note: A teacher would need to check the Site settings , in case Choice activity doesn't display as desired.

Group Choice activity

Related wikipage : Groups

It is a module similar to the Choice activity which allows students to select one or more groups they wish to be a member of in a course. Following their choice,they are automatically enrolled into the group(s)of their choice. Following are some details to set a Group choice activity. For more information, you may see Groups.

  1. As a teacher in your course, go to:
Course administration > Users >Groups 

and make sure you have the desired groups already created.

  1. With the editing turned on, add Group Choice from the Activity chooser.
  2. Give it a name and if required a description.
  3. Decide and set if the students can choose only one group or several, See the results etc .
  4. Choose the groups you wish the students to select from by clicking them in Available groups and moving them over to Selected groups. Several may be selected and added at once.