Developments at the Wiki

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Developments at Wiki Talks (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of Wiki Editing Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to wiki edit concepts. This lesson belongs to the CNMCT Entrance section of the CNM Cyber Placement.


The predecessor lectio is What Wiki Categories Are.


At CNM Wiki, a Talk page is any wikipage that is attached to a content page. Talk pages can be used for discussions related to the "content page" matters; Talk pages can be accessed via the "Discussion" tab in the page type menu.
The Talk pages of CNM Wiki may be used to publish any notes about the content pages, any wikitext drafts, and requirements. Those requirements that are published at those wikipages that belong to the Category:Product Epics are the primary deliverables of CNM Wiki as a development hub.

Development cycle

In CNM Agile, any target deliverable, its part, or feature, as well as all the other deliverables that need to be developed for the Project, are going to be developed in a few Sprints, which will continue until the particular target deliverable, its part, or feature is completely developed. These Sprints make up the development cycle as follows:

   Product epic Sprints (Sprints A0+) that aim to produce a product epic or a general description of the service or any product such as a software application that supports that service.
   User story Sprints (Sprints B0+) that aim to produce a user story or a specific description of the desired function from the end-user point of view. Product epics may serve as a source for user stories.
   SBI Sprints (Sprints C0+) that aim to produce a Sprint backlog through including user stories as PBIs into a product backlog and grooming that backlog.
   Prototype Sprints (Sprints D0+) that aim to produce a prototype of a future deliverable based on a SBI that is taken out of the Sprint backlog.
   MVP Sprints (Sprints E0+) that aim to produce a minimum viable product (MVP) out of the tested prototype.
   Marketable product Sprints (Sprints F0+) that aim to produce a marketable product as an improved MVP.

Product epic Sprint

   In CNM Agile, product epics are usually wikipages that describe those services and other products that are deliverables of the Project. All the Fellows are encouraged to work as product owners on product epics.
   To complete Sprint Zero, the Fellow may:
       Pick any unclaimed SBI at the Epics to be available sub-section of the requirements' backlog. Any SBI that doesn't have its Sprint version at the end is unclaimed.
       Mark the Sprint Zero version in the Sprint A0.x format at the end of the SBI text.
       Guess what this deliverable, its parts, and features should look like.
       Search for any relevant information in order to know the current state of the deliverable and its development, as well as to test your vision of the deliverable. You may ask questions, browse available sources, and test existing resources.
       List the possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements.
       Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the Sprint.
       Document the plan on the next CNM Cyber standup's wikipage of CNM Wiki.
       Attend a CNM Cyber standup. Contact the Customer and schedule a personal CNM Cyber standup if no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup is not convenient to attend.
       Shape your vision of the deliverable and estimates based on results of your search and update the documents.
   To complete Shippable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       Mark the Sprint version in the Sprint Ax.y format at the end of the SBI text.
       Work on the claimed SBI according to or close to the plan developed in Sprint Zero, if possible. While working, the Fellows cannot bill the Customer for any work outside of CNM Wiki. If one needs to work outside of CNM Wiki, he or she can do so as a volunteer only.
       Document the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki.
   To complete Billable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       After the Sprint version, publish a brief description of the work done and the link to the fuller report.
       Review your Sprint as a brief Sprint retrospective in the next CNM Cyber standup.
       Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
       Request the payment from the Customer.
   Product epic Sprints can be called Sprints A0+ because they are coded as Sprint A0, A1, A2, A3, etc.

User story Sprint

   In CNM Agile and other Agile methodologies, a user story is a brief description of a solution requirement to a desired system that is written from the point of view of a customer or end-user of this system. All the Fellows are encouraged to work as business analysts on user stories.
   To complete Sprint Zero, the Fellow may:
       Pick any unclaimed SBI at the Stories to be available sub-section of the requirements' backlog. Any SBI that doesn't have its Sprint version at the end is unclaimed.
       Mark the Sprint Zero version in the Sprint B0.x format at the end of the SBI text.
       Research the existing service, system, or component related to the claimed SBI and its product epic.
       Identify the differences between the existing service, system, and/or component as it is (i.e. its as-is status) and its product epic (i.e. its to-be status). These differences are problems to be solved in order to develop the deliverable.
       List the possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements.
       Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the Sprint.
       Document the plan on the next CNM Cyber standup's wikipage of CNM Wiki.
       Attend a CNM Cyber standup as a part of the research. Contact the Customer and schedule a personal CNM Cyber standup if no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for you or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule.
       Shape your plan of the Sprint based on results of your search and update the documents.
   To complete Shippable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       Mark the Sprint version in the Sprint Bx.y format at the end of the SBI text.
       Draft your user story or user stories that would reflect problems to be solved in order to develop the target deliverable, its part, or feature. For example,
           As a candidate to be the CNM project coordinator, I would like to obtain information about that position. This information shall be sufficient to know what I would do when hired.
       Publish your user story or user stories on the discussion page linked to the deliverable you picked.
       Document the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki.
   To complete Billable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       After the Sprint version, publish a brief description of the work done and the link to the fuller report.
       Review your Sprint as a brief Sprint retrospective in the next CNM Cyber standup.
       Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
       Request the payment from the Customer.
   User story Sprints can be called Sprints B0+ because they are coded as Sprint B0, B1, B2, B3, etc.

SBI Sprint

   In CNM Agile, a Sprint backlog item (SBI) is the requirement, usually, the user story, that is included in the Sprint backlog. Consequently, a Sprint backlog is a collection of those product backlog items (PBIs) that development is funded.
   To complete Sprint Zero, the Fellow may:
       Look for user stories published on the discussion pages of CNM Cyber's deliverables.
       Pick up any found user story.
       Mark the Sprint Zero version in the Sprint C0.x format at the end of the user story text.
       Prior to interviews, conduct preliminary research on the claimed SBI.
       List possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements. Listing and reaching out may occur many times in any sequence. When the list is updated, new reaching outs shall take place. This can happen at any point of the Sprint.
       Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the Sprint.
       Document the plan on the next CNM Cyber standup's wikipage of CNM Wiki.
       Attend a CNM Cyber standup as a part of the research. Contact the Customer and schedule a personal CNM Cyber standup if no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for you or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule.
       Shape your vision of the Sprint deliverable and estimates based on results of your search and update the documents.
   To complete Shippable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       Mark the Sprint version in the Sprint Cx.y format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should coincide with the Sprint Zero letter, the lowercase x should coincide with the Sprint Zero number, and the lowercase y should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint. If no Sprint has occurred, substitute with 1.The Fellow's mark would indicate that the SBI has been claimed.
       Work on the claimed SBI according to or close to the plan developed in Sprint Zero, if possible.
       Document the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki unless the work occurred on the shippable deliverables other than CNM Wiki.
   To complete Billable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       After the Sprint version, publish a brief description of the work done and the link to the fuller report.
       Review your Sprint as a brief Sprint retrospective in the next CNM Cyber standup.
       Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
       Request the payment from the Customer.
   SBI Sprints can be called Sprints C0+ because they are coded as Sprint C0, C1, C2, C3, etc.

Prototype Sprint

In CNM Agile and other Agile methodologies, a prototype is a partial or preliminary conceptual model of a deliverable developed or to be developed; this model is used as a reference, publicity artifact, or data-gathering tool. The Fellows are invited to execute what they or other product owners defined as to be done. If you choose to do so, you may:

   Select one of the first ten user stories in the primary backlog (scroll up or click here).
   Create a solution that would solve the problem that the selected user story represents. In order to do so, you are welcome to discover what has already been done and what needs to be done, analyze possible solutions, make decisions what they should do in order to solve it, and plan for their actions. Then, they undertaking whatever legal and ethical activities it takes in order to execute their plans and document their findings.
   Deliver the target result, which can be one deliverable of the target deliverables, its feature, or its requirements to the Customer.
   If Gary Ihar invites you to do so,
       Evaluate whether any of user stories published on discussion pages linked to the wikipages of the target deliverables can be moved to the primary backlog.
       Prioritize product backlog items in the primary backlog.
   Start your new Sprint while identifying a new problem to be formulated. If you have no problem in mind, you are welcome to pick another target deliverable up.
   Prototype Sprints can be called Sprints D0+ because they are coded as Sprint D0, D1, D2, D3, etc.

   To complete Sprint Zero, the Fellow may:
       Pick up one unclaimed SBI. The SBIs can be found in three Sprint backlogs, which are requirements', DevOps instruments', and shippable deliverables' backlogs.
       Mark the Sprint Zero version in the Sprint X0.x format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should be substituted with the Sprint phase letter (the concept of Sprint versions is detailed at the Development cycle section) and the lowercase x should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint Zero. If no Sprint Zero has occurred, substitute with 1.
       Prior to interviews, conduct preliminary research on the claimed SBI.
       List possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements. Listing and reaching out may occur many times in any sequence. When the list is updated, new reaching outs shall take place. This can happen at any point of the Sprint.
       Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the Sprint.
       Document the plan on the next CNM Cyber standup's wikipage of CNM Wiki.
       Attend a CNM Cyber standup as a part of the research. Contact the Customer and schedule a personal CNM Cyber standup if no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for you or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule.
       Shape your vision of the Sprint deliverable and estimates based on results of your search and update the documents.
   To complete Shippable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       Mark the Sprint version in the Sprint Xx.y format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should coincide with the Sprint Zero letter, the lowercase x should coincide with the Sprint Zero number, and the lowercase y should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint. If no Sprint has occurred, substitute with 1.The Fellow's mark would indicate that the SBI has been claimed.
       Work on the claimed SBI according to or close to the plan developed in Sprint Zero, if possible.
       Document the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki unless the work occurred on the shippable deliverables other than CNM Wiki.
   To complete Billable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       After the Sprint version, publish a brief description of the work done and the link to the fuller report.
       Review your Sprint as a brief Sprint retrospective in the next CNM Cyber standup.
       Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
       Request the payment from the Customer.

MVP Sprint

   In CNM Agile and other Agile methodologies, a minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a new marketable that includes sufficient features to satisfy early adopters and allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.
   MVP Sprints can be called Sprints E0+ because they are coded as Sprint E0, E1, E2, E3, etc.
   To complete Sprint Zero, the Fellow may:
       Pick up one unclaimed SBI. The SBIs can be found in three Sprint backlogs, which are requirements', DevOps instruments', and shippable deliverables' backlogs.
       Mark the Sprint Zero version in the Sprint X0.x format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should be substituted with the Sprint phase letter (the concept of Sprint versions is detailed at the Development cycle section) and the lowercase x should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint Zero. If no Sprint Zero has occurred, substitute with 1.
       Prior to interviews, conduct preliminary research on the claimed SBI.
       List possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements. Listing and reaching out may occur many times in any sequence. When the list is updated, new reaching outs shall take place. This can happen at any point of the Sprint.
       Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the Sprint.
       Document the plan on the next CNM Cyber standup's wikipage of CNM Wiki.
       Attend a CNM Cyber standup as a part of the research. Contact the Customer and schedule a personal CNM Cyber standup if no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for you or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule.
       Shape your vision of the Sprint deliverable and estimates based on results of your search and update the documents.
   To complete Shippable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       Mark the Sprint version in the Sprint Xx.y format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should coincide with the Sprint Zero letter, the lowercase x should coincide with the Sprint Zero number, and the lowercase y should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint. If no Sprint has occurred, substitute with 1.The Fellow's mark would indicate that the SBI has been claimed.
       Work on the claimed SBI according to or close to the plan developed in Sprint Zero, if possible.
       Document the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki unless the work occurred on the shippable deliverables other than CNM Wiki.
   To complete Billable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       After the Sprint version, publish a brief description of the work done and the link to the fuller report.
       Review your Sprint as a brief Sprint retrospective in the next CNM Cyber standup.
       Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
       Request the payment from the Customer.

Marketable product Sprint

   In CNM Agile, a marketable product is any marketable that can be sold on the market.
   Marketable product Sprints can be called Sprints F0+ because they are coded as Sprint F0, F1, F2, F3, etc.

   To complete Sprint Zero, the Fellow may:
       Pick up one unclaimed SBI. The SBIs can be found in three Sprint backlogs, which are requirements', DevOps instruments', and shippable deliverables' backlogs.
       Mark the Sprint Zero version in the Sprint X0.x format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should be substituted with the Sprint phase letter (the concept of Sprint versions is detailed at the Development cycle section) and the lowercase x should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint Zero. If no Sprint Zero has occurred, substitute with 1.
       Prior to interviews, conduct preliminary research on the claimed SBI.
       List possible stakeholders and reach out to them to collect their requirements. Listing and reaching out may occur many times in any sequence. When the list is updated, new reaching outs shall take place. This can happen at any point of the Sprint.
       Estimate the work on the claimed SBI and, particularly, suggest what the Fellow is going to do and what completeness of the claimed SBI the Fellow expects at the end of the Sprint.
       Document the plan on the next CNM Cyber standup's wikipage of CNM Wiki.
       Attend a CNM Cyber standup as a part of the research. Contact the Customer and schedule a personal CNM Cyber standup if no standup is scheduled or a scheduled standup's time frame doesn't work for you or doesn't fit the Sprint schedule.
       Shape your vision of the Sprint deliverable and estimates based on results of your search and update the documents.
   To complete Shippable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       Mark the Sprint version in the Sprint Xx.y format at the end of the SBI text. The uppercase X should coincide with the Sprint Zero letter, the lowercase x should coincide with the Sprint Zero number, and the lowercase y should be substituted with the ordinary number of a new Sprint. If no Sprint has occurred, substitute with 1.The Fellow's mark would indicate that the SBI has been claimed.
       Work on the claimed SBI according to or close to the plan developed in Sprint Zero, if possible.
       Document the Fellow's work at CNM Wiki unless the work occurred on the shippable deliverables other than CNM Wiki.
   To complete Billable Sprint, the Fellow may:
       After the Sprint version, publish a brief description of the work done and the link to the fuller report.
       Review your Sprint as a brief Sprint retrospective in the next CNM Cyber standup.
       Report the work at CNM Wiki using the format described in the Billable items section above.
       Request the payment from the Customer.

Key terms

Talk page


The successor lectio is What Project Work Is.


