WorldOpp roundtable on August 2nd of 2018
- Event title: WorldOpp Roundtable, August 2, 2018
- Physical location: This meeting will be done online and as such will not need a Physical location
- Description : Tis event will revolve around getting to understand Friends of CNM and the partcipipants.
- Agenda:
Opening the meeting - Event Organiser/Host Introduction of the participants: Participants will not be required to give their names, location or any contact details. However they may be asked to say 'Hello, mention their interests/hobbies and probably give their reasons/motivation for Joining WorldOpp as well as their expectations
- This event will be recorder and later posted on the CNM Wiki for future learners***
- Joining the Event
The event will be hosted on the **Jitsu** Web conferencing software. The conferencing tool is web- based and does not require users to download or sign in. Participants are requested to log in at least 10 Minutes to the start of the session and ensure the mics are off at the time of joining the meeting.