
From CNM Wiki
Revision as of 11:11, 30 May 2023 by Tasya (talk | contribs) (Body)
Jump to: navigation, search Home (prototype) is a wiki-based prototype of the landing page of The design developments are described on the CNMC landing design wikipage.

Navigation Bar/Menu

Cyber logo.png
Search CNMCyber About us Services LogIn

Search CNMCyber search box will allow users to look for specific content or information on

About Us

CNMCyber About us page is where visitors, clients, and audiences can learn the purpose of, its history, values, and the team behind the company. The page will have the following elements:

  • Company Overview: This section provides a quick summary of, including its name, mission, and what it offers visitors or customers.
  • Company History: This section includes a chronology or narrative outlining significant milestones, achievements, or turning moments in the's history. It could outline how the company was formed, how it has grown through time or other major events that have affected its development.
  • Core Values: This section communicates's core values, principles, and beliefs.
  • Staff and Team: This section introduces team and its key members. It includes photos, names, titles, and brief biographies of the founders, executives, and other team members, as well as their titles.
  • Contact Information: Contact information for, such as its address, phone number, email address, and links to social media profiles, will be displayed here.


CNMCyber Services page will contain information about the specific services offered by It is a dedicated page where visitors can learn about the various services and how they can benefit from them.

  • Services Overview: This section provides an overview of the services provided by In addition, the section provides a brief overview of's expertise, specialization, or the value it brings through its services.
  • Services Categories: provides a wide range of services. They are divided into categories, and each category has a short description that highlights the main features or benefits of the services within that category.
  • Services Detail Service Descriptions: There is a detailed description for each service or service category that provides more information about what the service entails. This description includes key features, deliverables, methodologies, or differentiating selling points that set our service apart from the competition.
  • Pricing or Service Packages: This section contains detailed information about the cost, pricing structure, and available service plans or packages provided by

Login and Sign up

This page is the entry point for users to create new accounts and access existing ones at It allows visitors who are new to the website to register for a new account or provides a login interface for users who already have an account.


Welcome Message

A welcome message to appears at the top of the page. Along the message, there are two buttons, one leading to a welcome video and the other to the CNMCyber about us page.

Featured Stories

This section will display all featured content especially featured stories from learners, members, partners, and workers.

Career App Suites

The section will display various career app suites including Competency Suite, Action Suite, and Work Suite. Overview Summary=

