Talk:CNMCyber Office Hours

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The CNMCyber persona:

  1. Noted CNMC introductory job commercial
  2. Registered with CNMC
  3. Got trained to organize meetings, capture video records, and transform those records into documents
  4. Organized a learning session and conference.
  5. Organized an Office Hours meeting, captured video records, and developed wiki-based requirements
  6. Started getting trained to develop websites
  7. Discussed with the customer on the requirements of the project
  8. Analyzed the SOPs of a given project with the client
  9. Presented on the progress of the project to the client

Erastus: CNMCyber Office Hours, in my opinion, are meetings where cordinators meet with the customer to discuss project deliverables, goals, and objectives. They should define a clear project road map from start to finish, including the requirements, expected results, and how long it should take to deliver expected results.

Rita: In addition, the contractor should be in position to discuss the challenges and come up with solutions to navigate them.

Draft to discuss-- as frequently as necessary, depending on the specific needs and requests for coordinators to submit their challenges and progress of what projects they have taken on. In addition to this questions about CNMCyber are also welcome in this session. Anyone is welcome to this event.


  • To the customer
  • 1. What are your thoughts on utilizing a standardized agenda template for organizing the initial two or three office hour events? For instance, considering that all projects share common prerequisites, would it be beneficial to leverage these shared requirements to structure the agenda for the initial office hours of any project?
  • For instance the agenda of the first office hour may include;
  • i). Determine what the goal of the project is.
  • ii). Define the deliverables of the project
  • iii). Understand the customer's expectations.
  • iv). Determine documentation of the meeting outcome. i.e., Action items and requirement documentation.
  • iv). Determine the duration of the entire project.
  • v). The project plan (breaking down the task into smaller tasks, i.e. phases)
  • vi). Determine communication channels, i.e., email, Viber, Social etc.
  • vii). Determine the expectations before the next office hour meeting.
  • To test it's practicality, kindly assist with your responses for each of the above agendas in regards to the CNMCyber Office Hours event development project.
  • 2. Should the customer receive a draft agenda for review beforehand? The agenda should be specific to the project. If so, how long before the meeting should the agenda be shared with the customer?
  • 3. What is your take on implementing a phased approach to project management, strategically scheduling office hours to focus on specific phases of the project, with each office hour dedicated to addressing the corresponding phase?
  • The primary goal of this approach is to enable effective follow-up and progress tracking by ensuring that the objectives and milestones set for each phase are met before proceeding to the next office hour/the next phase of the project. This ensures a systematic and structured project progression, facilitating comprehensive tracking and evaluation of project advancements.
  • 4. Do we need a moderator for office hours?
  • In situations such as;
  • i). Where the contractor, a.k.a. Mary (18-year-old girl from Eldoret), does not have any meeting moderation skills
  • ii). To ensure the agendas are addressed and that time is managed well by both parties.
  • 5. What is your take on the Office Hours space on CNM Social?