Cognitive dissonance in election

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In 2016, some voters who said that they don't like Donald J. Trump, voted for him to become the President of the United States. If true, what organizational behavior concepts would this fact represent?

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  • I think it's voice,dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve conditions.
  • anchoring bias
  • Selective perception. The tendency to selectively interpret what one sees on the basis of one's interests, background, experience, and attitudes.
  • A change between a group's decision and individual decision that a member within the group would make; the shift can be toward either conservatism or greater risk but it generally is toward a more extreme version of the group's original position.
  • The fact represent groupshift. Groupshift is a change between a group's decision and individual decision that a member within the group would make; the shift can be toward either conservatism or greater risk but it generally is toward a more extreme version of the group's original position. In Trump's case the voters who said they don't like trump chose the greater risk.
  • Some people voted for Trump because they were blinded by the promises he could not achieve and convinced of the lies he made during the election. Because of Congregational psychology, people who live around voters were pursuaded to vote for Trump. Others voted for Trump because of emotional dissonance, inconsistencies between the emotions people feel and the emotions they project.
  • I think they are most likely to be controlled by their emotion during the speech time, as emotion can have long-lasting consequences. After the vote,their moods tell to themselves that actually they don’t like this man.
  • I think their emotions are disturbed by Trump's speech. In fact, some of the statements made during the presidential election are promises that cannot be realized. Under the promise, the voters were blinded by Trump’s speech. Trump is cleverly hooking up the public's expectation of future policy. Their thoughts have been shaken because of changes in mood. That's why they voted for the US president even if they didn't like Trump.
  • According to the emotion and the mood’s concept:emotions Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something.Maybe is because Trump’s atmosphere of the live speech affected most people.Or someone maybe don’t like his Presidential rival.That’s why they vote Trump.
  • This fact represent the emotion of the organizational behavior concepts. It is caused by specific event,and usually accompanied by distinct facial expressions,action-oriented in action. It is related to the affect and moods.
  • I thinks its the decision-making concept in organizational behavior.
  • I think that what the fact said is the combination of Situation strength theory and Trait activation theory.People have their own thoughts and decisions,so that they could make different choices.However,under the huge environment of that most people choose to vote for Donald J,these people will rethink their original thoughts so that they make different votes in the end.It is a common fact in our life,people always be pushed into the flow of more people's same thoughts,so that it would affect themselves.
  • Utilitarianism. A system in which decisions are made to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. Perhaps the American people think that Trump's election will bring more benefits to the American people.