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In addition to AINurtz Career Day, here are some additional products that AINurtz could offer under its brand aimed at school students interested in AI skills and professions:

1. AI Education Kits: Comprehensive kits containing educational materials, hands-on projects, and tools to introduce students to AI concepts and programming languages commonly used in the field.

2. AI Career Exploration Workshops: Interactive workshops designed to give students a deeper understanding of various AI professions, including guest speakers from the industry, panel discussions, and hands-on activities related to different AI career paths.

3. AI Coding Bootcamps: Intensive coding bootcamps focusing on teaching students advanced AI programming languages and techniques, such as Python, TensorFlow, or PyTorch, with real-world applications and projects.

4. AI Mentorship Program: Pairing students with AI professionals for mentorship and guidance, providing insights into the industry, career advice, and support in pursuing educational and career goals in AI.

5. AI Competition Platform: Hosting AI competitions and challenges for students to showcase their skills, solve real-world problems, and compete with peers, with opportunities for recognition and rewards.

6. AI Career Pathway Assessments: Personalized assessments and career counseling sessions to help students identify their interests, strengths, and potential career paths within the field of AI, guiding them towards suitable educational and professional opportunities.

7. AI Summer Camps: Immersive summer camps offering hands-on AI workshops, projects, and activities in a collaborative learning environment, aimed at fostering creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork skills among students.

8. AI Online Courses: Accessible online courses covering a wide range of AI topics, from introductory to advanced levels, with interactive modules, video tutorials, quizzes, and assignments to cater to different learning styles and preferences.

By offering a diverse range of products and services, AINurtz can cater to the varying interests and learning needs of school students aspiring to build AI skills and pursue careers in the field.