Educaship Mattermost

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what open-source software is similar to mattermost, but lacks the channel feature? Meta AI There are several open-source software options similar to Mattermost that lack the channel feature. All of these options offer many similar features to Mattermost, but with a different approach to organizing conversations. Yes, some of the options I mentioned support voice calls. Yes, some of the options I mentioned can work with AI-powered notetakers.


1. Rocket.Chat is a popular alternative to Mattermost that offers many similar features, but without channels. Instead, it uses a "rooms" concept for organizing conversations. 1. Rocket.Chat Rocket.Chat has voice and video call capabilities, including screen sharing and conferencing features. It supports WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) for peer-to-peer voice and video calls.


2. Zulip is another open-source team collaboration platform that uses a "streams" concept instead of channels. It's known for its threaded conversations and powerful search functionality. 2. Zulip Zulip does not have built-in voice call support, but it integrates with other services like Zoom, Google Meet, and Jitsi Meet for voice and video calls.


3. Wire is a secure and private team collaboration platform that uses a "conversations" approach instead of channels. It's known for its end-to-end encryption and privacy features. 3. Wire Wire has voice and video call capabilities, including end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls. It also supports conferencing and screen sharing features.


4. Misskey is a lightweight, open-source team collaboration platform that uses a "notes" concept instead of channels. It's known for its simplicity and ease of use. 4. Misskey Misskey does not have built-in voice call support, but it has a plugin architecture that allows developers to add new features, including voice and video calls.

1. Rocket.Chat Rocket.Chat has an open API and a large community of developers, which makes it possible to integrate with AI-powered notetakers like:
   Google Cloud Speech-to-Text

2. Zulip Zulip also has an open API and supports integrations with various services, including AI-powered notetakers like:

   Zoom's automated captioning feature
   Google Cloud Speech-to-Text
   Microsoft Azure Speech Services

3. Wire Wire has a more limited set of integrations, but it does support some AI-powered notetakers like:


4. Misskey Misskey has a plugin architecture, which allows developers to create integrations with AI-powered notetakers. However, there are no pre-built integrations available at this time. So, if you're looking for a seamless integration with AI-powered notetakers, Rocket.Chat and Zulip are the two options that are most likely to support it.