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This is the education service provider section of introduction to education lecture. Here we will talk about educational institutions, work for developers and self-education. Straining with educational institution, educational institution can be defined as any entity in the business of education and every one of us have met or dealt with many educational institutions. Like a preschool grants education to children before they go to an elementary school. An elementary school grants primary education that is why in many countries it`s called primary school. Secondary school grants children with secondary education and in many cases they grant high school diplomas. In the united states secondary school is a combination of middle school and high school. Middle school could be called lower secondary and high school upper secondary school. Elementary school, and secondary school give education which is maybe called compulsory which is mandated by the state. Technical schools and vocational schools are technically beyond secondary education. Technical school which can also be called college, university or post-secondary school facilitate learning beyond compulsory education and they grant academic credentials higher than high school diplomas. Vocational schools doesn`t grant academic credentials but instead it concentrates on those occupations that do not require academic advanced academic credentials and those KSA`s that are needed in order to start working in those occupations. It is generally the most likely educational service provider but there are many various providers on the market. At the same time, not every education comes from educational institution. Workforce developers, any work force developer can be considered as a part of this education. We talked about many of them in the previous lectures including carrier administrations service providers, and here we will mention apprentice host employer which is the employer that employs one or more apprentices and also self-education, the biggest chunk of your education or my education came from self-education, which is education without guidance or masters like teachers and professors or education institutions. Self-learner chooses the subject of study, their learning tools and educational formats. Many great people were not ever been educated, for example Leonard Davinci was never educated in anything but arts or George Washington, the founder of United States of America was never ever been to any school. It didn`t prevent them of making a new nation. Many business people were drop outs like Mark Zuckebarg, Bill Gates, they were admitted to schools but at the same time they dropped almost immediately. Some joke that the fact that they dropped out of the school helped them more that they would graduate from the school but it is just a peculation.

The last piece I wanted to mention is observation. We all mention several times observation, observation is a data gathering technique that is based on watching something or someone. Here you can watch being present to some place, you can watch from a distance also remote sense observation is another piece but getting back to education, a very important cognitive consideration of what you saw or what you have seen and this grants one learning kind of some education but in many cases cannot be given as a paper but at the same time your education can lead to performance which can be a credential itself. Saying this we are ready to jump into carrier price services.