CNMCyber Coordinator

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CNM IT Project Coordinator (hereinafter, the Coordinator) is a position within the CNM IT Office that administratively supports both the CNM Technology Board and CNM IT Taskforce.

Areas of operations


The CNM Digital Services team needs help with two types of documentation:
  1. Organizational documentation for the CNM Digital Services. This type shall include:
  2. Technical documentation for:
All types shall be maintained at the CNM Wikis.

Meeting organizing

The CNM Digital Services team needs help with two types of meetings:
  1. Meetings of the CNM Technology Board, which can be either open or close to the general public.
  2. Hiring events for the CNM IT Taskforce.

Owning the role

The CNM Digital Services team needs help with further development of the Coordinator's role.

Partnership building

The CNM Digital Services team needs help with sourcing, selecting, and onboarding partners. Historically, the team partnered with two Microsoft stores, in Pentagon City Mall and Tysons Corner, several employers, governmental, and non-profit organizations.

Personnel managing

Public relations administering

Training facilitating

Volunteer recruiting

Sourcing and onboarding

Sourcing handout

Handouts with the following text are periodically distributed at CNM meetings on Tuesday evenings:

Discover your career, build your credentials, and land your job in the IT field with CNM Digital

What: The CNM Digital Services team seeks its IT Project Coordinator.

What help is sought: An incumbent will coordinate various aspects of the project as required including meetings, announcements, introducing new team members, and documentation of CNM Technology Board Decisions.

Where and when: The bulk of the job can be done remotely, so this position can be virtual. The schedule can be flexible too. The time commitments start from 2 hours a week.

Who should consider:

Anyone who is motivated to learn Information Technology in order to obtain real IT skills and experience that can be put on the resume and used as a leverage for a new position in the information technology field.

This might be someone thinking of transitioning to IT or increasing their IT skills/knowledge that have been working in IT or someone interested in working in the roles that interface the business with IT such as a business analyst, project manager, product owner, etc.

No prior tech training is required in order to get started; vice versa, this opportunity could be considered as hands-on training. We need people with any type of skill set, but being motivated to learn new, open systems technology, is what we need the most. We can provide technical direction to anyone that is motivated.

How to join: If you are interested (or know of someone who may be interested or looking for a way to become more involved), please consider one or both options:

  1. Physically, the team organizes recruiting events usually in Vienna, VA on Tuesday evenings. You are welcome to check the tentative schedule at in order to RSVP.
  2. Virtual meetings may be scheduled upon your request -- please email your inquiry to Michael Confoy or Gary "Igor" Ihar at

About CNM Digital Services: This team of the Career Network Ministry (CNM) intends to provide CNM with a bundle of online and onsite services collectively called CNM Digital, which may include websites and video sharing resources, as well as customer relationship, project, learning, and enterprise management systems.
