CNM Social Essentials

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Lectio 8. What CNM Social Is

Lectio 8 content

CNM Social is the social networking system of CNM Cyber and a part of its Action Suite. Social networking systems are usually designed to help people build relationships with other people who share similar activities, backgrounds, interests, or real-life connections.
CNM Social facilitates a social network of those people who use CNM Cyber. Those people can participate in this network through online communities called "spaces." CNM Social provides every community space with its announcement board and messaging feature. Each community space can also have its private wiki.
Some spaces are open to everyone and you are welcome to join any of those in order to post your questions, share your experiences, or get in touch with someone else. If you don't know where to start, you can take advantage of the "Welcome Space". To discuss anything related to CNM Cyber and/or to access its administrators, you can join the special space called CNM Cyber User Community. If you speak not only English, you can also explore those spaces that are designed for those users who speak languages rather than English.
-- 173 words, 10 sentences

Lectio 8 review

If you have tried to pass the CNM Cyber entrance exam, and your grade is not failing, but not enough to complete the course, you can:
  1. Assuming that CNM Social facilitates the community space called Welcome Course Re-Takers, join that space
  2. Find the answers published at CNM Wiki
  3. Try the exam again at CNM Cert
  4. All of the other substantive answers are correct
  5. None of the other answers is correct
Which of the following statements is correct:
  1. CNM Social "spaces" are open just for the users with good standing status
  2. CNM Social is language-restricted platform
  3. All of the other substantive answers are correct
  4. None of the other answers is correct
-- (wlcm-social-00001-prvw)