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Database activity in CNM Cert allows you to build, display and search a bank of entries on topic of your choice. These files include files, images, links to websites, text etc. This data may be moderated before approval, commented on, rated . Database activity entries can be displayed in a List and individually in Single view.

Adding a Database Activity

  • Same like other activities, you first have to turn the editing on and then click "Add an Activity" and choose Database.
  • Give your new database a name which will form a link students will click on to access your database.
  • Type a description. For the description if "Display description on course page" is ticked, the description will appear on the course page just below the name of the Database.

Other activities are expanded by clicking the links.

  • Entries: Here you have to decide whether or not to moderate the entries before they appear. Such as approved or not, should students be able to edit their entries and / or comment on entries , should there be a limit of maximum number of entries and/ or entries they can add before they can view others.
  • Availability: Where teachers select database visibility such as "Available from/to", "Read only from/to", Grade to pass to access the database.
  • Additional settings include Grade, RSS, Ratings where you define permissions about who (other than teachers by default) can rate the database, Common Module settings, Restrict access/ Activity Completion with the options for students as Require view, Require grade, Require entries, Expect completed on and Site administration settings.
  • Select your options, Click the "Save and display"
  • Define the fields or use a preset (defined later in the section).
  • Define the templates. (defined later in the section).