GIFT format

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The GIFT format (hereinafter, the Format) is the most advanced plain-text file format that allows test question creators transferring question banks to those learning management systems including Adobe Captivate, Docebo, and Moodle that support the Format. The Aiken format serves the same purpose, but it is limited to one-right-answer multiple-choice questions.



Two plain-text question import tools, the Format and Aiken format, have been created in order to help human test creators to import their questions to managed learning environments in general or learning management systems in particular. XML-based tools such as QTI are used to transfer question banks between various learning management systems.

Generic syntax

As the Format uses plain text, its generic syntax is ::Question title with double colons:: Question goes here { =Right answer goes here ~Wrong answer goes here}.


Paul Shew initially developed this Format in 2003 as missing-word questions' import filter for Moodle. According to the Moodle community,

This filter was written through the collaboration of numerous members of the Moodle community. It was originally based on the simple missingword format. In July 2003, Thomas Robb wrote the original code for the percentage answer weight parser and comment insertion. Paul Tsuchido Shew rewrote the filter in December 2003 incorporating community suggestions for a more robust question format, and adding the question name parser and additional question types.


According to the author, Paul Shew, GIFT is the acronym for general import format template. It also seems that many, including Adobe, wrongly de-abbreviated GIFT as general import format technology.


Canvas LMS and Sakai LMS use QTI format for question import and export. Desire2Learn (D2L) appears like using their own format based on csv.



Import to QTI