Psychological empowerment

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Psychological empowerment is elevation of one's belief in the degree to which he or she affects his or her environment, the competence, the meaningfulness of one's functions, and their perceived autonomy in their activities.


According to Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge (17th edition),

Psychological empowerment. Employee's belief in the degree to which they affect their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and their perceived autonomy in their work.


Providing encouragement (or, vice versa, discouragement) for an individual pertaining to his or her performance or ability to perform or complete a job task, or to achieve a certain behavior. The effectiveness of verbal persuasion is directly influenced by the level of credibility; where there is more credibility there will be a greater influence. In the example above, a pep talk by a manager who has an established, respectable position would have a stronger influence than that of a newly hired manager.

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