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In the United States, a tagline (alternatively spelled tag line or, simply, tag; hereinafter, the Tag) is an area, field, or space for a text that serves to introduce some marketable to its potential customers. Often, the Tag refers to the tagline text; however, the text itself is more correctly known as a tagline slogan and, to indicate its wider usage, an intro copy.


According to the CyBOK (version 1),

Signature. A more current definition is indicator of compromise.


Geographic diversity

Around the world, the Tag can be called:

Terms for the content

The following terms that are used for the content can also be used for the Tag:

According to the CyBOK (version 1),

Signature. A more current definition is indicator of compromise.

According to the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (4th edition)

Baseline. The gate‐controlled step‐by‐step elaboration of business, budget, functional, performance, and physical characteristics, mutually agreed to by buyer and seller, and under formal change control. Baselines can be modified between formal decision gates by mutual consent through the change control process. An agreed‐to description of the attributes of a product at a point in time, which serves as a basis for defining change (AnSI/EIA‐649‐1998).

Other terms

In information technology, a tagline area or tagline field could also refer to the Tag.



Main wikipage: Product intro copy
As a tagline text, the Tag is a reiterated phrase identified with a marketable.

HTML coding

In web documents, the Tag is the metadata element that describes the webpage. An example of the HTML code could be,

<meta name="description" content="Intro copy goes here!"/>

As a part of a web document, the Tag can be used by web browsers, web search engines, and/or other web services.