DNS of CNM Cloud

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DNS of CNM Cloud (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Cloud on the Web lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cloud. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cloud session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is CNM Cloud Websites.

Key terms

DNS. The acronym for Domain Name System. Originally created for name mapping, DNS today also defines technical settings for its core mapping service. In addition, DNS is used to set up functionality for the emails using DNS record such as MX and TXT records.

address bar


In the World Wide Web, CNM Cyber is located at the CNMCyber.com hostname.
Various systems of CNM Cyber are available at subdomains such as cabin.cnmcyber.com for CNM Cabin, cert.cnmcyber.com for CNM Cert, social.cnmcyber.com for CNM Social, tube.cnmcyber.com for CNM Tube, or wiki.cnmcyber.com for CNM Wiki.
The CNM Next Apps, which are those versions of CNM apps that are installed on the CNM Cloud Next, feature the .next. field added to their hostnames such as cert.next.cnmcyber.com and social.next.cnmcyber.com.
Similarly, the CNM HandsOn Apps, which are those versions of CNM apps that are installed on the CNM HandsOn Servers, feature the .handson. field added to their hostnames such as tube.handson.cnmcyber.com and wiki.handson.cnmcyber.com.
To display any webpage, one needs to type its URL into the address bar of web browser. The bar is always located on the top of the page. It is often confused with an input field of web search engine. If you cannot locate the bar, most likely, you use a mobile app.
DNS stands for Domain Name System; it describes a system of hostnames, subdomains, etc. Similarly to whole CNM Cyber, its DNS is a living endeavor as well. For instance, CNM Cabin is temporarily located at opplet.net, not at its "right" subdomain.

What Competency Suite Is is the successor lectio.


Lectio quiz

The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:

Placement entrance exam