Narrated Fact vs Opinion

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Narrated Fact vs Opinion (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of Technical Report Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to technical report concepts. This lesson belongs to the CNMCT Entrance section of the CNM Cyber Placement.


The predecessor lectio is What Reporting Is.


Any natural language such as English may serve a variety of purposes. Language modality conveys the notion of that variety. Two categories of grammatical modes can be found in all of the languages.
Irrealis modes express desired, irreal, possible, or uncertain actions or situations. Imperative phrases such as Please compare! express commands or requests. Subjunctive phrases such as I wish you compared! express desires or wishes. Other irrealis phrases include conditional, hypothetical, interrogative, optative, potential, and presumptive phrases. Grammatically, verb auxiliaries such as could and should, verb modes, and modal constructions such as if you go, I will follow convey the modality type.
Grammatically, the realis mode expresses real actions or situations. However, realis phrases do not necessarily express real events, state of affairs, or anything else that is worthy of reporting. No grammatical indicator exists to distinguish between different types of realis statements; only one's logic can do so.

These phrases may include factual, normative, and opinion statements and each of those types of statements shall accomplish its specific objective.

Key terms



The successor lectio is What Tech Report Is.


