Educaship WordPress
CNM WordPress (hereinafter, the Soft) is a CNM stable app built with WordPress. Previously, CNM Cloud developers struggled with the viruses, so an effective anti-virus strategy must be found.
Development of the Soft occurs under the WordPress for CNM Cloud project.
Product specification
- The Product specifications are:
Database system
It deploys MariaDB as its database management system -- why?
- Documentation that describes the software in technical details at CNM Wiki and access details at CNM Repo.
- Hands-on assignments that CNM learners can use to get accustomed with the software while using its hands-on training systems and applications.
- Lectios that provide CNM learners with knowledge about the deployed software.
- Presentations that presents the software to its new users in the multimedia, video, just audio, and/or just graphic formats.
- Software that powers core, hands-on training, and experiential systems and applications. This software tend to be titled in the "CNM/Opplet COTS-name" format. For example, CNM MediaWiki powers the CNM Wiki, Inplz Wiki, and Kryvi Wiki applications.
- User group at CNM Social; the group may organize software-related events and produce newsletters.