Careerprise Funnel
CNM Cyber Funnel. On one hand, marketing products are not equal. On another hand, Cyber consumers shall go through several stages from "barely aware" to, in the best case, "highly loyal". The marketing funnel concept is deployed to map out the journey consumers undertake while making purchases, re-purchases, and/or advocating actions from the marketer's perspective. This concept utilizes a funnel as an analogy because the number of "barely aware" consumers is much larger than "highly loyal" ones.
A purchase funnel is the marketing funnel that is viewed from the buyer's perspective. A sales funnel represents the portion of the marketing funnel that describes a sales stages. It has three clearly-distinctive conversion points: (a) a visitor to a lead, (b) the lead to an educated prospect, and (c) the educated prospect to a customer.
The funnels need to be taken into consideration in building Marketables such as Website developments and their marketing campaigns. The Coords are encouraged to be aware of the various levels of the funnel and marketing products that are utilized at those levels.
Top of the funnel
- The top of the funnel, which is also known as ToFu, refers to lead generation, which aims to convert an unaware to a lead. That unaware is someone who is unaware of a product; that lead is someone who is interested in that product enough to act in order to learn about it. Two levels can be distinguished at ToFU:
- Attract attention of potential consumers or, in other words, move an unaware to a visitor. At this level, potential consumers haven't got to Cyber websites yet, but those consumers shall get either (a) their domain names through marketing products like advertising, marketing outlets, public relations (PR), publicity, and word of mouth or links to the websites via search engine optimization (SEO) or other online resources.
- Build awareness and prompt consumers' discovery or, in other words, move a visitor to a lead. At this level, potential consumers have got to Cyber websites, probably, to their lead-generation websections.
- In the case of the Cyber, lead-generation websections are expected to attract consumers' attention in order to generate traffic to Cyber's prospect-education websections. Every Cyber website has some lead-generation websections. At the Cyber,,,,, and websites are fully dedicated to lead generation.
Middle of the funnel
- The middle of the funnel, which is also known as MoFu, refers to prospect education, which aims to convert a lead to a prospect. That prospect is someone who has started product's purchase process. Two levels can be distinguished at MoFU:
- Present deals to potential consumers to prompt their consideration or, in other words, move a lead to an educated lead.
- Address doubts to eliminate potential consumers' objections to their purchase or, in other words, move an educated lead to a prospect.
- At those levels, potential consumers have got to prospect-education websections of Cyber websites. Other marketing products that can be helpful at MoFU include personal selling and educational resources of the Cyber such as CNM Cyber Welcome Session.
- In the case of the Cyber, prospect-education websections are expected to prompt consumers' purchase consideration in order to generate traffic to Cyber's deal-closing websections. At the Cyber,,, and websites feature prospect-education websections. They also feature lead generation; in addition, provides its customers with services at the Bottom of the funnel.
Bottom of the funnel
- The bottom of the funnel, which is also known as BoFu, refers to customer acquisition, adoption, and engagement which aim to convert a prospect to a customer. That customer is someone who has purchased at least once at least one Cyber product and, preferably, is loyal to it and advocating in its behalf. Three levels can be distinguished at BoFU:
- Close deals to finalize purchases; deal-closing websections and personal selling may be especially helpful in deal closing. In the case of the Cyber, deal-closing websections are those websection boxes of that are expected to prompt prospects' purchase.
- Support acquisitions of customers to build loyalty; customer support, help desk, and UX design may be especially helpful in retention.
- Engage customers to build their advocacy; stakeholder communications may be especially helpful in engaging.