CNM Cloud IA
CNM Cloud IA (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the Cloud on the Web lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cabin. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cloud session of Employableu Foundation.
The predecessor lectio is CNM Cloud SSO.
- Known by its acronym, IA, information architecture refers to designing the tools and techniques that help to navigate and utilize informational contents. If you think of IA in terms of some text printed on a paper, you may consider the text organizing, like its title, design of its paragraphs, and putting the key info in the opening paragraph, as an example of IA
- When applied to a website, IA can be called website navigation. At minimum, this navigation includes website's menus, search engines, categories, links, and icons, as well as identifying landing pages and selecting their content. At maximum, we can add easiness of locating and accessing the sought content, as well as optimizing of search engine results and so much more.
- By default, website navigation of separate CNMCyber services follow IAs of those commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions that they deploy.
- The navigation throughout various services of CNMCyber is yet to be designed.
Key terms
- Is the concept of information architecture explained well? --Yes/No/I'm not sure
What Competency Suite Is is the successor lectio.