CNMCyber Week 2023-04-26
CNMCyber Week 2023-04-26 is the CNMCyber This Week event on 26 April.
The predecessor event is CNMCyber Week 2023-04-19.
Meeting subject
In this meeting we will talk about Guided Tours, CNM practice job, CNM Event Organizer wiki page developments and CNM Welcome webinar.
Coordinator's reports
- Gary:
- Sonya: I worked on the CNM Jitsi page and the CNM Jitsi Guided Tour/CNM Jitsi Technology Board pages. I also described a little bit about the Jitsi instance that we usually use, I mean, I identified it as TalkHandsOn, but I'm not sure if that's right. I wrote instructions on how to make a recording with the virtual machine on the CNMCyber event page.
I've made the content public in the Welcome group on CNM Social, and also added some information on how to get started. I struggled again with subtitles on YouTube. Also, we were talking with Rita about the CNMCyber Welcome video.
- Kevin:
- Rita:I worked on creating a page where new people can easily look for links to different pages called CNM Cyber Navigation. I also worked on CNMCyber Practice Assignments page. Maybe we can use this as the main page for posting assignments and link the work the students have done. I am still working with Sonya and one of the items is the welcome video, she pointed out that we should show the the process of registration on World Opp, CNM Cert and how to ask questions in CNM Social. Then we want to start the welcome sessions.
- If you are interested in our topics or have questions, you can write them on the Discussion page.
CNMCyber Week 2023-05-03 is the successor event.