Обсуждение:Кампусна Ферма

Материал из Брацка Правки
Версия от 17:44, 6 августа 2022; Vitaliy (обсуждение | вклад) (Basing on Delova Farm)
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Basing on Delova Farm

Since you have already had an HA cluster, theoretically you have two main options.

  1. First you can add your storage capacity by adding all your proxmox nodes new harddisk/ssd/nvme, then you can add them to your current ceph storage system.
  2. And other option, you can attach iscsi or Nas storage to your proxmox cluster.

For that, you should upgrade your server hardware on your contabo server. You can use isci, NAS, or upgrade ssd on each nodes.

Предложения относительно реализации


For deployment, my recommendation is to go with docker.

3 VPS would be enough for this project.

The first example is on all VPS. (example from the picture) - MariaDB With Galera Plugin - Maxscale - Moodle - MediaWiki - Nginx Proxy (for cloudflare certificates and custom ports.)

Another example, Two small VPS for MariaDB and one nano node for MariaDB Arbiter Two VPS for Maxscale, Moodle, MediaWiki, and Nginx Proxy. A total of 5 VPS.

For MariaDB HA - We will use the Galera plugin and Maxscale for routing. For Real-Time Sync data, we would use lsyncd as needed, for some images or similar.

They would use CloudFlare to route to Nginx proxy and free certificates.