CNM Tech Board 2023-06-15

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CNM Tech Board 2023-06-15 is the meeting of CNM Technology Board‎ that occurred on June 15th, 2023. CNM Tech Board 2023-05-24 is the predecessor event; CNM Tech Board 2023-06-22 is the successor event.


Subject: CNM Technology Board

  1. Opening remarks
  2. Discussions (including past action reviews and hiring issues) on state of:
  3. Any Other Business
  4. Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Progress and action items

  • Educaship Jitsi:
    1. Gary to write to the selected Jitsi contractor with an invite to a meeting.
    2. Postpone until the current Educaship Proxmox sprint is closed or, at least, the current instance is finalized.
  • Educaship Proxmox:
    1. Natalia to review Muhammed's, who is the ProxpoxVE contractor, credentials for access and to update Gary via email.
    2. Based on Natalia's update, Gary to invite Muhammed to review the farm and attend a meeting to present the progress made.
    3. Based on Muhammed's update, Gary to invite Joseph, who is our expert, to review the farm and attend a meeting to present the progress made.
  • Educaship MediaWiki/Educaship LDAP:
    1. Natalia to experiment on Mediawiki and report on the progress made in the preceding meeting. Natalia also noted that she tried to update Mediawiki from version 1.38 to version 1.39, but one plugin was not supported.
    2. Based on Natalia's update, the board to make a decision in the presiding meeting regarding the media wiki contractor. Decide whether to proceed with the previous media wiki contractor, or move him to a separate Educaship LDAP sprint. At any rate, we will look for more contractors since the bulk of MediaWiki challenges will not be resolved during the current sprint.
  • CNM Tube/live streaming:
    1. Kevin to take over streaming and create requirements for the envisioned streaming goals.

Video (45:07)


Introduction and Welcome:

  • Kevin: So this meeting is being recorded and we are on the CNN Technology Board meeting on 15th June. In this call we have Gary and Natalia and we're going to talk about the following agendas and I'd like to share what we have on wiki which is more precise. Welcome everyone let's begin. I can invite you Gary to start us off with this agenda and then we can contribute as we go on.

Agenda Review:

  • Gary: So okay, so what I offer is just to go over what we have and we have a list right here and we will talk like where we are right now, what we are planning to do and what we, uh what we, kind of make a decisions where we will go right? Uh, your screen is not, I don't have like a sharpness on your screen. So I will, I will open it on my side
  • Kevin: Can you share your scree? Let me allow you to share your screen. So that we can capture it also in the recording.
  • Gary: Okay, but basically your screen is recorded but uhm, maybe we uhm, will get there, I just could open the link here and yeah! Okay, let's go, let's go we start with Educaship JitsI right?
  • Kevin: Right.

Educaship Jitsi:

  • Gary: So, so right now, what are our--what the situation is. We have one contractor whom we wanted to hire but this contractor withdrew the application so and I tried to communicate but it doesn't look like it's going anywhere. I don't know, should we continue to try to work with this contractor or we could offer working with someone else or what? Natalia what-what do you envision? What, where would we go from here? Because we have several contractors right? There are several so, should we- what is your oppinion? What do you think?
  • Gary: We are talking about Jitsi right now. Because we, we wanted to-- As far as I understand, there was a problem with authorization so we couldn't get people to attend only, those who attend would be moderator who registered in the system right? We have this issue right?
  • Natalia: Right.
  • Gary: So what like, we've several people there right? So should we try to find kind of the first one who we liked or we could pick like someone else what, where we will go?
  • Natalia: Try to pick the first
  • Gary: The first one?
  • Natalia: Yes. I uh..
  • Gary: Who will do this? Because right now Sonia is kind of, we will talk tomorrow to her but like it sounds to me like uh she's slowing down. She kind of, she mentioned that she's slow down, she kind of she considers some other options so I'm not sure whether we kind of- She's active on this project. We can either move Kevin there or move Rita there or we can communicate on our own. How we will get out from this situation?
  • Kevin: So, the challenge is getting someone else or reaching the first person first person that you had found the first time?
  • Gary: Yeah, getting someone else but everyone is in the upwork we have no any other, we posted only under upwork and everything is in upwork. So, where we will we go right now. I don't have any. any plan. So because I feel like we're already contacted him once, twice. Maybe he misunderstood maybe we misunderstood. It may be some miscommunication but like what--what should we do with this?
  • Kevin: I would suggest like maybe try contacting him one more time and if he is not responsive in our next meeting we can just go with someone else.
  • Gary: What if we assigned you Kevin to kind of do this project and but you didn't finish your project too and we will get to this when we get to mediawiki.
  • Kevin: Okay, okay, I can pick it up from where Sonia left and then I have something to report the next time we're meeting on this, the technology board meeting
  • Gary: So, we kind of I will put you, I will stop sharing. Uh so do-- oh I have kind of another laptop. Give me one second.
  • Kevin: Okay.
  • Gary: Yeah, I have another laptop. So, right now what we left? Maybe right now he he is kind of feeling that we will reach out to him. Again he withdrew his application as far as like the upwork says that application is withdrawn and I sent him invite to an open project which was media Wiki and he didn't respond to this invite too. And um, and the last is, in our last communication right now. I am opening our last communication. The last discussion was, Danish wait a second records withdrawn. Okay cool, good-good. The last communication was, on June 7. Like two a week ago, eight days ago. He wrote, if you want to improve the Jitsi then we need to migrate it to better infrastructure and I said this is what Natalia is working on right now. We plan to invite you to review when she finishes and he said okay maybe-- Natalia, you moved Educaship Jitsi to Educaship Proxmox right?
  • Natalia: Right
  • Gary: Where is it right now? It's under what URL?
  • Natalia: Inaudible (9:42)
  • Gary: Well what URL. Do you remember it was like; talk.bskol right? No?
  • Natalia: []
  • Gary: Okay and uh-
  • Natalia: This is not a problem, problem is uh is jitsi and YouTube
  • Gary: Jitsi and what:
  • Natalia: YouTube.
  • Gary: Oh we're talking about streaming, streaming will be kind of another--
  • Natalia: Register it is not a big problem they can they, can they can some sort of--
  • Gary: But what, what I want. I want kind of to write to this contractor and I'm writing right now and I will write him that Natalia finished, maybe invite him to the conference, another conference and to resolve like together. Why not?
  • Kevin: Sure.
  • Gary: The same conferences we did before, to do a conference with him and kind of to solve this problem on the spot.
  • Kevin: Yeah, but you were saying he's not responsive.
  • Gary: He's responsive, for a strange reason so he responds on like to Communications but he kind of doesn't do anything in application process because we cannot hire him without his application and his application right now is withdrawn, this is the kind of the thing.
  • Kevin: Oh yeah, okay
  • Gary: Okay what should I write to him? Right now Natalia finished uh-- to make a kind of a meeting with him. Yes Natalia
  • Natalia: Yes, yes okay
  • Gary: What time?
  • Natalia: Uh what time? After six pm in Madrid.
  • Gary: Okay, okay got it. Okay, uhm-- can we have another conference call and discuss where we can go from here? Uh, okay I wrote right now Natalia finished can we have another conference call and discuss where we can go from here. Yeah sounds good to me, I sent to him. Uhm let's see what he will kind of reply but what I want him to take a look at our this particular instance because this is on the proxmox, so it should work better than the instance which we are using right now but we have this authorization issue which will resolve I'm sure and maybe we can also start talking about streaming. How we can make kind of the streaming possible, available yeah. Okay so I'm done with jitsi I feel like we're in a good we're in a good position. At least we're moving somewhere.
  • Kevin: Okay.
  • Gary: Let's go to proxmox

Educaship Proxmox

  • Gary: Natalia right now what we have with the proxmox, are we ready to invite Muhammad or we, what is our next step?
  • Natalia: Yes we are ready to invite Muhammad and I want him to see our work and estimate it.
  • Gary: Yeah review what we have done, okay so do you want me to write him immediately and invite him like what will we do? The same anytime after 6 PM in Madrid or we will slow down or what?
  • Natalia: Anytime, anytime I-- just hold on.
  • Gary: One second. I like that Kevin uhm confirmed the time with you, this time.
  • Natalia: I uh, I don't think we should delay this meeting with Muhammad.
  • Gary: Muhammad is more important? More urgent. Okay cool. Okay we'll see who will kind of answer and right now I'm writing to Muhammad and I'm writing like; Yes we are ready, and the same; can we have a conference call? Or will give-- how will we give him to review? Together with us or we'll just give him kind of success and and he will review without us or what we would, how do we want it?
  • Natalia: I want that he might review with access to our proxmox and then we can meet--
  • Gary: Okay cool, so he has all--all excesses right now? He has kind of the full access to proxmox, correct?
  • Natalia: I'll check it, uh when I set up approximate maybe some passwords were changed.
  • Gary: Okay, so send me kind of uh like review of his uh credentials and if he has access so email me and I will email him and I will email him first, I will ask him to review. Kind of to take a look we need to mention that we use the (inaudible) right instead of (inaudible) we change (inaudible) to (inaudible) right?
  • Natalia: I have some some questions about uh about the windows VM and uhm (inaudible)
  • Gary: Yeah, yeah, yeah we can include it too. Maybe if he knows he will kind of because not everyone works with Windows uh but if he knows he will kind of maybe say something about this and then yeah and then we will have a conference call with him right?
  • Natalia: All right.
  • Gary: Okay, sounds good to me. Let's move to Media wiki.

Educaship MediaWiki

  • Gary: So where we are, where are we? Kevin you need to say something too. You kind of you started and so for now I will say what is going on in my view but I Natalia has more information; So uh, so we kind of hired this gentlemen with you Kevin and the first five hours from our perception he didn't do anything just charged. Just like opened the screen kind of research something clicks on something so he knows how to trick the system the first five hours from our views he probably worked no more than 30 minutes maybe 20. Most likely 15. And then he started doing the same next but he started doing something next week. So five five hours he already charged then he started doing something but also like slowly, slowly, slowly then after eight hours I wrote to him that kind of; we're not sure that what he's doing and I offered him to kind of to discuss. After this he said that he will need three hours more, no wait a second yes three hours more, eight more eight hours he needs like eight hours more because I asked him directly kind of how many how many hours do you need and he says it's like I need eight hours more and after this he started doing like kind of a lot of work. He started really working and when he took the like I gave him five hours of allowance when he exhausted this five hours I postponed the contract. Just kind of say we want to discuss we want to decide because at that point I decided just to move this uh contract to fix par instead of hourly and after when the contract was paused he started working even more and he did something and he did something there is something which we don't know one of the plugins is not supported not actually supported so and it is not clear right now whether basically what we want to do can be done. But for now, for now he wrote the last communication was with Natalia. He asked Natalia are you working on the server and Natalia said I'm not, and after this he kind of it was no more communication. So, Natalia do you, what do you feel where we are, how many hours does he need? Whether we need to talk to him or we will move to someone else or, what how do you envision to kind of to get out?
  • Natalia: (Inaudible) I didn't see where he worked. Maybe I mistake and now this we made significant progress with media wiki. We are almost there. And (Inaudible) we can try a different attempt to connect media wiki to LDAP. This time we have problems with version of media wiki and plugins but we can experiment with this. I think we can work on this project and maybe we need to ask him what he thinks about this project.
  • Gary: So will we experiment first and then contact him or we want to contact him and experiment in parallel?
  • Natalia: I try to experiment this week but only I go in our media wiki version and started working he wrote me; Natalia uh, I think you work here.
  • Gary: I remember that
  • Natalia: I uh, I can move to this project on another server and try uh continue obviously I think he made a lot of work.
  • Gary: Yeah, yeah it's kind of after the contract was postpone he really started working which was a surprise, maybe he needs to work with no contract instead of working with a contract. Uhm, I don't know, okay so like what is our next steps? So Natalia you will experiment, you'll try and see. We will get back next week and we will decide what, or what?
  • Natalia: Uhm I think we will get back next week but I can ask him about this project. I see that he tried to finish this project and receive videos about him work.
  • Gary: Okay, again I like the guy. I understand he has more experience in LDAP than on media wiki or PHP uhm so we see but he is not like LDAP guy he's like he positioned himself as a system admin so, so we'll see uh. I will so, on my side I will look forward hearing from you Natalia whether you finish experimenting or you decided to contact him so then I will write something or you will write on your own um and and if he asks what is going on then I will answer that we are kind of we are doing something on our side right now and when we finish we will contact him.
  • Natalia: Right, right. I tried to change media wiki version and a problem (inaudible)
  • Gary: So from what version to what version did you try to change?
  • Natalia: 1.38 now version 1.39.
  • Gary: Correct
  • Natalia: Uh I think we have some problem with media wiki and plugin (inaudible)
  • Gary: Yes so one plugin is not supported. Wow they have 1.40 pre-release it's like better testing. Okay more news right? Okay uh, got it so and then we also have like there are more people there right Kevin? What did you do with the rest of people we have like a maybe like 12 did you do anything? You didn't, you just kind of you dropped them and--
  • Kevin: Yeah there's this other guy that we were to consider if the person we awarded the contract did not meet our expectations, we had another one person that was, I think from my view is qualified to take up this position but the rest were not meeting our expectations so we only have one person that uhm--
  • Gary: So okay, because we need to wrap up this project so people like we need either communicate or kind of to get them but when you say that they are not meeting our like expectations we didn't have like real expectations. We said like what you want to do like from like one two three four five and so then say we want to work on one but but even like I remember we discussed kind of like this lady from from India and she said oh I will need to research maybe she already researched right and we wouldn't know she kind of she was not prepared for our interview but it doesn't mean that she's not she cannot possibly do this what we need so uh, so where we will go from from there? We need just like wait for one week and see what happens with the one whom we hired and then we will decide right?
  • Natalia: Right

Educaship LDAP

  • Gary: Okay, so I put separately LDAP because technically kind of the last contractor who we heard from media Wiki, he also touched our LDAP and our LDAP we don't have any documentation at least like on the page, we have just it's nothing, nothing on the page but we don't have any coordinator to take over okay let's talk about streaming.

CNM Tube/streaming

  • Gary: Uh, we want to. eventually we want to stream our events. We want to stream on YouTube immediately and we possibly want to stream on our platform too and for now for our platform we use Avideo right? Uhm at least like the last I think maybe like on tube, yes we use a video platform right? But no one really like does anything with this we don't have any like any coordinators for this and also there are more software is available right now so Avideo is not maybe is not the best part. So again we wanted to start streaming. So like some people will be able to join our us on the jitsi those who can't participate in the confidence, but more other people we want to-- we don't want everyone to jump to the jitsi and I could say crash to the event right so we want to kind of to stream and also it will make more easier on YouTube and it's better for marketing purposes to stream on YouTube. Uh jitsi has its own streaming by the way uh we may explore that one but then the question is to upload videos on tube too. Uhm I'm uploading to YouTube right now and you uploading Kevin uh but maybe it's not kind of the best way maybe after streaming it will be uploaded already uploaded right? So with the streaming how we can go, what should we do kind of to consider. Should we post like another job posting that if we need to make this job posting let's say on upwork, so what we will write there and whom we will look for and who will recruit those people and this is kind of the set of questions which I have. Uh are you experienced, do you have any experience with streaming on YouTube Kevin?
  • Kevin: Yeah there's a time we did some research and I was-- I think we can we can do it.
  • Gary: Yeah Sonia by the way did it. Sonia streams on her channel uh it's kind of a personal or like someone else's personal and we did like streaming and conference and then at the same time do you want to kind of to take over this project?
  • Kevin: Sure, sure
  • Gary: Kevin, because we need to, we need to create requirements create like what we want to do, like in the best case scenario I would prefer to stream simultaneously on our platform, because we want use our technology on YouTube and yeah. When I say our platform it may not be Avideo maybe we can switch because right now again when I go to and I will put let's say YouTube YouTube forms, right? Alternatives and I put like open source. PeerTube is decentralized it's not we it's not a good option NewPipe sounds much better and has many good reviews uh but it's only for Android right maybe not kind of the best. Individios also has many reviews lightweight, LBRY, L B R Y, DTube, Odysee. I heard about, I remember when we considered Avideo we also taken a look at MediaGoblin. We picked Avideo because it was called YouPHPTube and we at that time we really wanted to have PHP we kind of liked PHP. Yeah this one this is what we picked, this is right now it's called Avideo but you see for instance here they have like a 16 reviews and it doesn't look like they are moving like as fast as the others. It made me feel like viable option but I will but I will explore something else maybe it could be something which will better fit our needs. Okay Kevin kind of take a look at this project and kind of think for like how we can organize streaming on our platform, YouTube, kind of to stream our events some of them maybe not all but some of them. At least like I want more experience and more technology involved and it's kind of it's a good good move from there and we also talk to someone who could have Jitsi for us maybe they can say something. Okay, we also have Educaship Odoo and Educaship HumHub but I'm not sure we have time maybe right now we're talking for 45 minutes already maybe to move them to the next they are not urgent.
  • Natalia: Okay
  • Gary: Yeah, move to the next week. Uh, anything else or no?
Natali: No
  • Gary: I like our meetings. This way we will go on the record the only like the only issue which I have to call the names of the contractors before we awarded the contract which is kind of not and I for that reason I cannot show let's say um the account with the names because some of them May kind of may say oh when I applied for this job I didn't mean that you will discuss me on on the YouTube right? Maybe make some sense we need to resolve this issue. Maybe we will code our contractors somehow or maybe use an initial kind of to review um we also need to have kind of have more like line of communication like as I mentioned yesterday like social otherwise it's a good meeting Kevin thank you for organizing it you did kind of you put on the Meetup you kind of create the agenda which was also good, good job. Natalia do you want to say anything are we or we are adjourned?
  • Natalia: Good job. I like it.
  • Gary: Okay. We will do like more more specific instead of just general like for general stuff, more than once a week no, doesn't make sense. Just to review, to go over, no but we may consider some more like specific, more focused ones like say focus on Jitsi or LDAP or MediaWIKI. Anyway and I plan like as soon as you post this video on YouTube I'll, I'm planning to invite more people. We worked with some contractor just kind of to stay in touch with them, say like what our problems are maybe some some will get back. Specifically I'm thinking about uh [inaudible] who did our virtual VPS cluster virtual private server cluster maybe he expressed the interest in basically participation and coordination and we can like send a link to him so I'm looking forward to you posting this on YouTube anyway thank you thank you so much and great job and I'm looking forward and I will meet Natalia tomorrow and I will meet Kevin on Tuesday or Wednesday right?
  • Kevin: Yes