Diversity impact on organizations

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Suggest whether diversity tends to increase or decrease effectiveness of an organization. Does diversity tend to increase or decrease its efficiency?

Best answers

  • Diversity appears to increase group conflict, especially in the early stages of a group’s tenure. When most people had roughly the same level of tenure, effectiveness was high, but as tenure diversity increased, effectiveness dropped off. However, if members can weather their differences, over time diversity may help them be more open-minded and creative and to do better. But even positive effects are unlikely to be especially strong. Diversity tend to decrease its efficiency.
  • diversity tends to increase effectiveness of an organization. diversity tends to decrease its efficiency
  • Diversity will increase effectiveness of an organization. and decrease the efficiency.
  • diversity take both side of increase and decrease,for example deep-leveldiversity differences in values, personality, and work preferences that become more important for determining similarity as people get to know each other,then they will cooperate better,but when unfair diacrimination appears,it will decrease effciency.
  • I think that If an organization manages diversity effectively, it tends to increase effectiveness of an organization and incress its efficiency 。、Otherwise ,not
  • First,the effects of diversity were more pronounced during complicated tasks that required the interdependent work of several groups. Second,benefits from diversity training are perennially difficult to measure, but such measurement is possible. Benefits from diversity ought to be measurable. These measures could include better relationships among diverse staff members, fewer grievances and complaints, improved labor relations; reduction of noose, graffiti, and hate incidents; and more diverse hiring. Employee climate surveys could be used in addition to employment data bases. Other metrics could include gaining improvements in productivity, developing innovation and creativity, improving job satisfaction, career development over time, retention, decrease in pay disparities, performance on exit interviews, ranking of company in terms of best places to work, and becoming an employer of choice.
  • Diversity tends to increase effectiveness of an organization. In different situation,diversity can both increase and decrease its efficiency.
  • The goal of diversity is to create a workforce that understands the various customers and people that businesses face.Diversity can increase effectiveness but can not increase effeciency.
  • It is suggested that diversity does not reduce effectiveness but efficiency.

Partially valid answers

  • (Great logic) Diversity tends to increase effectiveness of an organization. Diversity management makes everyoone more aware of and sensitive ro the needs and differences of others. Diversity is much more likely to be successful when we see it as everyone's business than when we believe it helps only certain groups of employees. It depends. When it comes to a problem, the diversity makes the organization solve the problem with different viewpoints, which is time consuming but comprehensive.
  • People tend to think of diversity as simply demographic, a matter of color, gender, or age. However, groups can be disparate in many ways. Diversity is also based on informational differences, reflecting a person's education and experience, as well as on values or goals that can influence what one perceives to be the mission of something as small as a single meeting or as large as a whole company. Diversity among employees can create better performance when it comes to out-of-the-ordinary creative tasks such as product development or cracking new markets, and managers have been trying to increase diversity to achieve the benefits of innovation and fresh ideas.
  • diversity means The extent to which members of a group are similar to, or different from, one another. Different degree of people can provide different view about one thing. I think it will increase effectiveness of an organization. And diversity brings the brainstorming to the organization. It make them to deal with problem efficiently.
  • diversity plays an effective role in some organizations.however sometimes it could cause a organization low productivity.
  • I think diversity will decrease a organization’s effectiveness,because different race have different culture and custom,if they can not adapt each other,they will have conflicts.
  • The goal of diversity is to create a workforce that understands the various customers and groups that enterprises face. Some people say that the concept of diversity is very rich, not just about race. Others argue that expectations of diversity are too high.
  • I think diversity does increase its efficiency. People tend to work with those who have the same way of thought or same behavior.In this way people may not be able to hear a different or opposite sound and they are less likely to deal with uncertain and complicated problems. The process will slow down due to the situation above
  • In my opinion, diversity increase effectiveness of an organization. Diverse teams benefit from differing perspectives. Diversity in function, education, and expertise are positively related to team performance.
  • Diversity tends to increase effectiveness of an organization.
  • It depends.By making diversity management a central part of its policies and practices ,Target has created a gender-balanced,multiethnic ,and inclusive workplace.Sometimes,it tends to increase effectiveness,but sometimes, it will decrease the effectiveness.It depends on its actual situation whether diversity tends to increase or decrease efficiency.
  • It depends. By making diversity management a central part of its policies and practices, the organization may create a gender-balanced, multiethnic, and inclusive workplace.
  • It will decrease effectiveness because if a company tends to progress diversity products,it will cause people lose,financial be sepreated and equiptment lost effect.And the most important is it will hard to manage in the organization.So,I think it will casue low efficiency and effectiveness both.But!sometimes,diversity can scale up the company and more department can imput the employees incomes that it can increase them effectivenss and efficiency.
  • Not always. It depends.On the one hand,diversity in an organization could colorful the structure of the organization and improve their employees incentives so that increase its efficiency. On the other hand,diversity also leads to some conflicts and troubles.Diversity in organization make more changes because employees need to adapt to complicated surroundings and different people form different areas.So that decrease its efficiency.
  • Diversity tend to increase its efficiency.While diversity can have some negative effects,the overall effect should be positive.
  • Diversity tend can also be good and bad,the key is the method organization taken. Organizetion need to now how to manage diversity and make good use of it. The manager should know diversity can be a very useful thing to increase effectiveness and efficiency.
  • I suppose diversity tend to increase its effectivency cause the same member may stuck in the same problem.
  • Diversity tends to increase both effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Yes,it can increase the efficiency.If the manager wants their employees as a group,the efficiency can help the group finished the task more quickly.Because the idea will be more.
  • Diversity tends to increase effectiveness of an organization.Because older workers can bring experience and a strong work ethic to a company. Workers from other countries, such as India, China and Japan, often have an exceptional education, here or abroad, in science and more technical fields.Diversity tends to increase its efficiency,people from different cultures and countries will give you a lot of different new ideas.