Talk:CNM Technology Board
[hide]Tech-Board requirements (Part 1) Script
- Tech-Board requirements (part 1; office hour, 06-13-2023) is the office hour event on June, 13th about CNM Technology Board
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- Someone else joined Kevin, Gary screen. Okay so we are we are in the meeting, Gracie joined. it's our office hour and we are discussing Tech Board meetings. Tech Board meetings is the primary event where we will discuss our technology, where we are, what contracts we need to give. First of all, I will start with this CNM technology board.
Key members
- We have key members, have you been here Kevin?
- Kevin: Yeah
- Gary: Have you been to this page so what did you feel? Natalia, Sonia, and Kevin should be a host here everyone else can join too, to get the feeling of what it is I'm not sure about, are kind of making any sense of what is written here? Current Endeavors meeting software, Jitsi, registration. It's not for this registration project, product backlog. It's kind of outdated things all that are here are outdated.
- This is what Michael added, mentoring, it must be moved to kind of to another part.
- We have several meetings, events that Sonia created let's take a look at the last one CNM Technology Board 2023-5-24 and the last one was on May 24th.
- Meeting subject, we have reviewed our CNM Jitsi challenges and have removed the connectivity problem which has already been resolved. We agreed to an interview on 5-25 which we plan to hire one or two of the potential contractors. We also tested how it works CNM Jitsi instance on DigitalOcean but there were problems. Yeah, basically this is the meeting with Natalia where we are resolving our technical issues. Where we are, what we need to do, what the problems are, and how to resolve these problems.
- This week's event is more for coordinators or someone who kind of does something and this is specifically for technology how we are resolving technology issues including this one, right? You see on the screen we still like we still struggle with these wiki things. Now we have to hire someone because you dropped, you disappeared you didn't do anything you didn't text anyone you just dropped the ball in the middle, you kind of disengaged kind of now it's not my thing but our media Wiki issues are not resolved and one person will not resolve everything, right?
- So, why did you? I don't know Someone needs to take where you dropped and this is why we need the technology board and let's say with Sonia, Sonia wrote here CNM Technology Board 2023-5-24, we need contractors and then she disappeared. But again technology board is the place where we have our main challenges which are resolving right now. Your moderation you need to kind of to create the structure maybe ask Natalia what we will be discussing, ask me and I can tell you what we will be discussing we need to discuss how to resolve how to finish Jitsi, Proxmox because it's really related to Jitsu media Wiki and LDAP. I will separate this issue separately. Also, we need to start streaming these are our urgent needs. Do we need to start doing audio because
- I want those who are enrolled like Erastus, Sonia, or you to be in the company clocking in, and clocking out. This is what I should use like Odoo because in a normal company, you will not just participate in the meeting and then bill me, right, so, it should be something if we want to emulate a normal company work, we need to do that.
- Kevin: Yeah.
- Gary: Any more questions you have about technology board? Try to prototype let's say I will go to YouTube right and I will type like technology board meeting, will it show me anything? Advisory Commission, wow! School board meeting, Evolution board. Not really I don't see any specific of there. Tech University Board of Trustees. I will say it's kind of normal you can find a prototype, like a normal board meeting but this is a board meeting just for technology. The comparison between our This Week event is about everything, like a summary, and Technology we need to concentrate on our issues with the technology and how to move it further.
- Kevin: Can we use this meeting to employ contractors?
- Gary: Yeah, of course, and kind of to resolve the issues include contractors, and we will invite some people and we'll say like our meeting will be dedicated to let's say Jitsi and invite people who are familiar with Jitsi and try to resolve it on the spot. Yes, sure.
- For everything related to technology let's say we go to the YouTube Channel which I am making right now, CNMCyber. So website initiation, This week, what is missing from here, of course, we need to do the playlist better, what is missing here? is technology where is this like Jitsi. I will probably think about how to move kind of the names instead of CNMCyber with the date which says nothing, and maybe put the key topic like one key topic that was discussed first and then CNMCyber. Because I like how this name came up like website IA (information architecture) initiation and then in parenthesis office hour and the date. It's kind of a good format. Anything else? Or we can finish this recording?
- Kevin: No, I think that is all from the Tech Board meeting, I’m sure be able to get questions and then send them.
- Gary: Okay I will finish this recording and I will upload it as a discussion about the TechMeeting. It will be kind of in the requirements.
Tech-Board requirements (part 2) Script
Tech-Board requirements (part 2; office hour, 07-05-2023)
- Tech-Board requirements (part 2; office hour, 07-05-2023) is the second Technology requirements office hour event on July, 5th.
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- My name is Gary and we have Rita in an office hour to discuss Tech Board meeting requirements. It's not the first session, the first we did with Kevin.
Change of Task Assignment
- Yesterday we had a brief, we exchanged a couple of thoughts. I asked Rita to remind me to state that she will be switching to Technology Board, before she used to do This week. The main difference is that This week meetings basically are our reports, the coordinators share a report on what they did and this will create updates on the CNM cyber like Endeavor development. No decisions are made in This week meetings but Technology Board is different, it is literally for making decisions. Decisions on whom to hire, whom to fire, what to deploy what kind of technology to go with, and so on and so forth. That is why we put it here in Deciding on… team's culture, endeavor, services, and technology in the CNM Technology Board page. Initially, on the same page, we tried to mention it. Kevin updated it, I see key members. We did it before, like current Endeavors it's outdated, and also the description is outdated.
- He never asked questions about this, we had one meeting with him and then I expected there would be more, defining terms and so forth. I cannot say that he didn't do anything, but this page should be developed at the same time. Right now, I'm trying to move our job to deliverables instead of topics or projects.
Talk: CNMCyber Meeting Recap
- Let's take a look at what I wrote, CNM Technology Board, I will say there are three deliverables that I envision and all of them are very valuable. One is the description, this wiki page should have what are the policies, how it works, how we make decisions, how we follow up on decisions and so on and so forth.
CNM Technology Board Recap
- I also believe that in some tech board space is where we will be getting updates, kind of statements. Because right now let's say we did decide something for instance, let's take a look at what we decided a week ago. He put all events with the same name, it's not categories, and that’s not really convenient. It should be categories, similar as how we did in This week.
CNM Technology Board Recap: Technology Board 2023-06-22
- It's not report it's just kind of statements. CNM Jits: The selected Jitsi contractor exhibited dismissive behavior leading to the decision that a Jitsi contractor is currently unnecessary. I'm not sure, it's kind of his statement. I didn't say that we would liked this contractor but he just he's not engaging. Natalia updated me, but at the same time Kevin doesn't know about this. I invited him and he didn't reply when I asked him about attending the meeting, he didn't reply but he did something. Kevin to organize a focused meeting on the sole purpose, yes, he tried …we plan to meet later today. He did something I would say, perhaps instead of putting Board report I would chunk it on the topics because right now our topics are like Jitsi, Proxmox and live streaming and put like all together because right now I need to take a look at board report then I need to take a look at Agenda then I need to take the progress and action items. Instead of this, probably I would do Jitsi, report agenda, and action items as different items that way it will be easier to follow up. It's not described on the CNM Technology Board wiki page, it should be here. How it should be we follow who speaks. In board meetings, at least which I am familiar with, I work with several companies small and big and I participate in different boards normally people say like old businesses meaning what is already set up then new businesses, something new which kind of just emerged and then kind of just an open mic where anyone who has anything to bring on. Maybe we can follow the same model.
CNM Technology Board Recap: Deliverables
- Back to the deliverable, the description of the Wiki page itself must be much better. We then need to have this Tech space.
CNM Technology Board Recap: CNM Social
- CNM Social right now it looks like a trash can. Because many different things are going on and like welcome and if I go to Dashboard, CNMCyber technology, so it is something. Location, participants, declined, yeah, basically Sonia used the calendar to post it here. We have a calendar. You posted today? Gary asked. Yes, I did, Rita answered. Gary continued, wow! it's a good job but this is not 11 P.M, it is supposed to be 11 A.M, this is a good job at least you tried, that is good. What seems to be missing on CNM social? Rita asked. Gary replied, right, first of all, the organization, we need better names. If I sign in, the third point; Find an orientation course, there is no orientation course in there. It's impossible to find a normal orientation course and if someone finds it he or she will not be registered. To answer your question, what's wrong? The information is wrong.
- In March, it used to be CNMcyber is a brand name for future free-of-charge tech power Career Services, but because it's so complicated, later I pushed the idea that CNM cyber is just introductory jobs. The social is like Facebook let's call it this way so the idea why we need this like social space for instance someone will be on the board for example Michael was on the board he attended the meetings but when we switched to Ukraine and to Russian he dropped out but we can reach out to him and say we have these meetings and if he cannot attend or I cannot or Natalia or someone cannot attend this person will have updates there and whatever Kevin posted there it should be on our board social space we had this meeting we decided that. Wiki is a tool but this is not designed to be like a document archive social can play that role.
CNM Technology Board Recap: Contract-based Approach
- For the contract, I want the same approach as I told you before, similar to This week. My goal is to make contracts, to move to a contract so let's say we have finished development we have a contractor, who can be you, right, or someone else and we'll say for leading the board we will pay you like per week or per board meeting and with follow-ups for one week we will also pay you. This is what we need. Again, the board’s main purpose is to make decisions and likely it is where I need to make decisions mostly on technology for instance for our video streaming we don't know what software to use, Jitsi right now is a temporary solution but we still cannot move to the permanent one. Natalia set up yesterday a new instance but it didn't work well.
- We will be moving to a new model and I will talk today about this. In the new model, I will ask you if want to do a Tech board meeting, and how much we will charge for sap. Let's say we have these three deliverables (Event-based activities) instead of paying per hour we do a fixed-price project. The task is to decide what should be on the CNM tech board space to create the description, decide what should be there, and define the policies, and how much will we charge. Because I want you to be more concentrated on the results.
CNMCyber Guided tours
- We also have CNM cyber guided tours which is another part, we missed this by the way, guided tours. Guided tours are more of our marketing part. We will charge money for them, we need to make money someday right? The idea with the guide tours was to give people tours on our technology and free one time and then to charge subsequently.
- But we couldn't get there because of several reasons, particularly because all our guided tours were in Russian and I don't know how to sell them in Russian.
- I will do the scripts, you did scripts before I remember they are time-consuming but maybe we can give somehow younger ones, not because of their age but their position in our initiative those who came later Gracie or Erastus. It takes some time and we don't need to put everything, I don't know how you did, we only need to put the major stuff, filter out, and only leave the main stuff.
Wiki Pages
- I would prefer standard names because when it comes to marketing, they can be marketed differently. Sonia didn't get it or maybe I meant incorrectly, but the names in my view should be kind of consistent because they sort like alphabetically. We to have the same name in the at the beginning. But fortunately, J comes before T which is why they appear in that order. Everything that I said should be written in SOP because when we have some technology that starts with a later after T like video share it will be sorted as the last one, and it will be difficult to find which is the latest one. Let's create a new, one. Successor meeting, he didn't understand the category, that was the problem, he missed the category which is why the page didn't match. He didn't put any category at all, when he copied, he missed the category generally.
- He put a link to a preceding meeting but didn't create tomorrow's meeting, right?
- I prefer dates zeros because when we have zeros it will kind of it will put alphabetically in the right order. It's not preceding meeting, it's successive meeting that he created this category too. Created the event but he called it preceding and we will use the same category. Category can be in any place on the page but usually people put it at the end because it's kind of easier to find. So now we have this board event on July 6.
- Let's start with the agenda. Natalia didn't write anything, she wanted to follow the same pattern as Sonia with This week events but it didn't work that way. Let us put agenda, opening remarks disclaimer that it will be recorded and recording will be posted, Old businesses, New businesses, and then Open mic.
- We can then clarify, and put a list of old businesses right. We'll talk about first let's say Proxmos. Next, we have Update then Decisions and topic of Discussion.
- Rita: You don't need to know what Natalia does like knowing installations I can just say okay I'm going to work on updating and as you said the events page looks not so good, they're all in one place they can be moved like trying to update it.
- Gary: We're talking about what?
- Rita: The CNM Technology Board.
- Gary: The meetings? What exactly.
- Rita: No, can we start by cleaning up the page I would say.
- Gary: You are talking about the page, yes, we can of course we should. Technology board description or do you mean kind of particular events?
- Rita: Particularly events okay.
- Gary: First of it looks like a mess, probably Kevin added this manually. Instead, you should perhaps take the category. I don't like the category name honestly, I will move this category to Tech board meetings. CNM Jitsi Technology Board this name is kind of, Sonia made it. The idea was that we have some general meetings periodically right now we do it once a week. In the best-case scenario I will do them once a month and in other weeks we will do specific meetings for instance state of CNM Jitsi and concentrate only on Jitsi or state of Proxmox and concentrate on Proxmox, this is what I would prefer to have.
- Rita: What are your expectations from me?.
- Gary: I have no expectations, do your best, there are two different things, one is to develop these general deliverables, project deliverables, and conducting meetings. What Kevin has been doing is pretty good. Just to make it a little bit faster and we have agendas, let's start with Proxmox. I will say something and Natalia will say something we then decide what the goal is, and what we want from this. For example, with Proxmox it will depend on what Natalia contributes. But my point is we are waiting for Muhammad to say whether he's interested in participating if not we move to another contractor. We then are done with Proxmox we discuss Jitsi, and Tube streaming, now we call the live streams Media Wiki. This technology I believe is enough for us to start Media Wiki and LDAP is kind of related, Proxmox, Jitsi, and Tube, these four are our Old businesses. New businesses will be Odoo and Humhub. Humhub is the software behind Social we may start doing something there too.
- We will follow the agenda, starting with Old business the New business what the updates are then who would like to speak. It is not like This week meetings, it's more strict like, Gary speaking, Kevin speaking, Rita speaking Sonia spoke but here's more like an open floor.
Assistant search
Job Title: Virtual Assistant to Technology Project Manager
Job Summary:
We are seeking a highly motivated and organized Virtual Assistant to support our Technology Project Manager in managing projects from conception to delivery. As a Virtual Assistant, you will provide administrative support, coordinate tasks, and ensure seamless communication among team members and stakeholders. We are open to considering candidates with less experience, but require a corresponding adjustment in hourly rate.
Provide administrative support to the Technology Project Manager, including email management, calendar organization, and data entry Coordinate and schedule meetings, appointments, and tasks Prepare and edit project documents, reports, and presentations Assist in project planning, monitoring, and control, including tracking progress and identifying potential issues Facilitate communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients Manage and maintain project documents and files Perform research and data analysis as needed Develop and implement efficient workflows and processes Collaborate with other teams and departments as necessary
1-2 years of experience as a Virtual Assistant or in a similar role (less experienced candidates considered, but must be willing to accept a lower hourly rate) High school diploma or equivalent required Excellent organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills Ability to work independently and as part of a distributed team Strong attention to detail and ability to prioritize tasks effectively Experience with virtual communication tools (e.g., Zoom)
Nice to Have:
Proficiency in Google Workspace and project management tools Experience in the technology or software development industry Knowledge of project management methodologies (e.g., Agile, Waterfall) Familiarity with time tracking and billing software
What We Offer:
Competitive hourly rate (adjusted based on experience level) Opportunity to work with a dynamic and innovative team Professional development and growth opportunities Flexible work arrangements, including remote work options
We are open to negotiating hourly rates based on experience level. If you are a less experienced candidate, please include your expected hourly rate in your application. We are willing to invest in the right candidate and provide training and support to help you grow in your role.
To recruit entry-level workers in Eldoret, Kenya, consider using vehicles that are popular, affordable, and accessible to a wide range of people. Here are some options:
Public Transportation: Utilize local buses, matatus (minivans), or boda bodas (motorcycle taxis) to reach a large audience. Social Media: Leverage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to target entry-level workers. Job Boards: Post job openings on popular Kenyan job boards like BrighterMonday, Jobweb, and Career Point. Campus Recruitment: Visit local universities and colleges, such as the University of Eldoret, to connect with students and recent graduates. Local Radio: Advertise job openings on popular local radio stations like Kass FM, Homeboyz Radio, or Radio Citizen. Community Centers: Post job openings at local community centers, libraries, and other public gathering places. Referrals: Encourage current employees to refer their friends and family in exchange for incentives. Job Fairs: Host or participate in local job fairs and career events to connect with potential candidates. Local Newspapers: Advertise job openings in local newspapers like the Daily Nation, The Standard, or the Eldoret North newspaper.
Remember to tailor your recruitment strategy to your target audience and the local culture. Good luck with your recruitment efforts!
Job board budgets
The budget for job boards in Eldoret, Kenya can vary depending on the specific job board, the type of job posting, and the duration of the posting. Here are some approximate costs for popular job boards in Kenya:
BrighterMonday: Basic job posting: KES 2,500 - 5,000 (approximately $22 - $44 USD) Premium job posting: KES 5,000 - 10,000 (approximately $44 - $88 USD) Jobweb: Basic job posting: KES 2,000 - 3,000 (approximately $18 - $27 USD) Premium job posting: KES 3,000 - 6,000 (approximately $27 - $55 USD) Career Point: Basic job posting: KES 1,500 - 3,000 (approximately $13 - $27 USD) Premium job posting: KES 3,000 - 5,000 (approximately $27 - $44 USD)
These costs are subject to change, and there may be additional fees for features like sponsored job postings, resume database access, or job posting promotions. For a general estimate, a budget of KES 5,000 - 20,000 (approximately $44 - $177 USD) per month should cover basic to premium job postings on multiple job boards. Keep in mind that these costs are estimates, and you should check with each job board for the most up-to-date pricing information.
Recruitment agencies