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[[CNM Digital Services]] (alternatively known as [[CNM IT Taskforce]]; previously known as [[CNM Tech Skills Training Team]], [[CNM Tech Team]], [[CNM Computer Services]]; hereinafter, the ''Team'') is the team of [[Career Network Ministry]] ([[Career Network Ministry|CNM]]) that provides [[Career Network Ministry|CNM]] with online and onsite services collectively called [[CNM Digital]].
[[CNM Digital Services]] (alternatively known as [[CNM IT Taskforce]]; previously known as [[CNM Tech Skills Training Team]], [[CNM Tech Team]], [[CNM Computer Services]]; hereinafter, the ''Team'') is the team of [[Career Network Ministry]] ([[Career Network Ministry|CNM]]) that provides [[Career Network Ministry|CNM]] with a bundle of online and onsite services collectively called [[CNM Digital]].

Revision as of 01:24, 15 May 2019