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===Lectio quiz===
:The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purpose:
:*[[CNM Cabin]] is hosted by:<ol type="a"><li>[[CNM Cloud Next]]</li><li>[[WorldOpp Federated Farm]]</li><li>[[CNM EndUser Farm]]</li><li>[[CNM HandsOn Farm]]</li><li>None of the other answers is correct.</li></ol>
:*Which statement below is correct:<ol type="a"><li>[[CNM Cyber]] may include three identical [[CNM app]]s.</li><li>While taking this course, you work on the [[CNM EndUser Farm]].</li><li>Future administrators of [[CNM app]]s get [[hands-on training]] at the [[CNM Cloud Next]].</li><li>All of the other substantive answers are correct.</li><li>None of the other answers is correct.</li></ol>
===Placement entrance exam===
===Placement entrance exam===

Revision as of 03:48, 10 October 2020

Clusters in CNM Farms (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the lesson part of the CNM Farm Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to CNM Cloud. This lesson belongs to the Introduction to CNM Cloud session of the CNM Cyber Orientation.


The predecessor lectio is Data within CNM Farms.

Key terms

CNM Farms. The combination of computing servers that host CNM Cloud, as well as those parts of the cloud that are provisioned to run serverless systems.


Backups are used to restore the data, but they cannot prevent work interruptions. Imagine that you are in the middle of exam or another project at CNM Cloud. If its computing server fails, you should wait until the latest backup is restored. Plus, your latest data, most likely, would be lost.
To make CNM Cloud stable, WorldOpp Federated, CNM EndUser, and HandsOn Farm are run in computing clusters. Each cluster includes two or more identically-functioning servers. If one of them fails or is not available, another would continue running. This feature of the CNM Farms is called redundancy.
Special load balancers make sure that the servers in one cluster work synchronously to cover for each other and the Cloud users access the server that serves them best.
No user, but the Farms administrators, can detect that feature. Any cluster acts as a single computing server; only an emergency can possibly help to identify the Cloud's redundancies.
To accommodate experiments of the CNM Cyber Team, CNM Cloud Next is more flexible than the other, more conservative, parts. Depending on the experiments' nature, this part of the Farms may have any number of server clusters or no clusters at all.

What the Middleware Is is the successor lectio.


Placement entrance exam