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:So you are moving somewhere you mentioned several important things but at the same time there is more work that needs to be done before someone will then create a front page because what we have right now the front page that we use is not the best. It needs to be updated.  
:So you are moving somewhere you mentioned several important things but at the same time there is more work that needs to be done before someone will then create a front page because what we have right now the front page that we use is not the best. It needs to be updated.  
:I would prefer to take [[CNMCyber.com Home (prototype)]] and move it to [[employable]] you probably take this out, the (Or allow our fellows to make some magic for you) section, keep (success stories) section, I will leave your apps and take out (Beyond CNMCyber, they can develop…)section.
:I would prefer to take [[CNMCyber.com Home]] and move it to [[employable]] you probably take this out, the (Or allow our fellows to make some magic for you) section, keep (success stories) section, I will leave your apps and take out (Beyond CNMCyber, they can develop…)section.
:But for CNMCyber since I decided this is a part of a big information architecture to leave this name CNMCyber for introductory jobs it makes sense to structure it that way. I remember like [[Welcome Session]], we build the front page on all these points, Job to begin with, New career, and Best-fit profession.  
:But for CNMCyber since I decided this is a part of a big information architecture to leave this name CNMCyber for introductory jobs it makes sense to structure it that way. I remember like [[Welcome Session]], we build the front page on all these points, Job to begin with, New career, and Best-fit profession.  

Latest revision as of 15:32, 7 April 2024

CNMCyber.com IA

Website IA sprint (office hour, 06-24-2023) Script

Website IA sprint (office hour, 06-24-2023) is the office hour event on June, 24th about CNMCyber.com IA sprint.

Preview video

https://youtu.be/-l7gJNlinso?si=cswjkQ-tlkwrA2en (32:06)


Welcome my name is Gary that is Erastus on the screen and we are in the office hour discussing about CNMCyber.com IA.
I wanted to post on the Meetup but I didn't on Monday we'll have another session discussing something else.
Erastus: Yes, that Monday we will have a discussion about some changes, I'm supposed to take over This week meetings.
Gary: This session will be recorded and will be posted on our channel. We are recording this is for other people who may participate, so they can know how it happened.

Site Structure

Site structure means what the areas of this website will have. The content page is good. It will be like many pages, how many pages do you envision? I assume that there will be hundreds of pages on this website.
I meant it could be like navigation Pages, error page or contact page. It will be many basic Pages, kind of one page one topic one page.


Design means graphic design by the way and we need to book it like separately.


Breadcrumbs it's a good idea. Basically, breadcrumbs and site structure are a little bit related too because let's say if we have different areas on the side, they will reflect on breadcrumbs.
Erastus: My idea was that breadcrumbs might be on a certain page and you can be able to navigate.
Gary: it's a good idea, I love breadcrumbs.


Gary: I'm not sure about sitemaps do you feel like it's a good idea? A list of all pages.
Erastus: Probably in terms of SEO because I understand you were talking about the part of SEO as well.
Gary: Yeah, the question is I'm not sure about XML sitemaps, whether they are automatically generated or not. Compared to Wiki, you can go to Special pages and you can see let's say all pages. It has a list of the pages, but it is not like a real sitemap because in this Wiki engine, all pages have kind of the same block value but technically it can be groups of pages. I don't know what you particularly meant, I am open to experimenting.
Erastus: I kind of focused much on once the website is up, there is the idea of search engine optimization and sitemaps play a big role in that and in terms of ranking.
Gary: Could be, in the company which I worked for they didn't have it for SEO, mostly they work through content and like lists and links and many pages which were automatically updated every day because Google’s search engine will go through the pages and try to see where the activity is, where there is like any movement is and it basically ranks the pages higher as more activities there. We didn't work with the sitemaps but that was a long time ago so it might have changed.
Erastus: My understanding is that for a search engine to identify your website, the bots have to identify the XML, and sitemaps they use the sitemaps to rank, index, and crawling. For crawling, your website must have some sitemaps.
Gary: Sounds like you know better than me, so let's go for it.
You don't like the wording “job offering”, in marketing they prefer offering meaning the general offering and offers it's more like specific like particular but if you feel like “job offers” is better then okay.


I would say it's a good start, you didn't expand on personas because we didn't kind of find any.


Labels and breadcrumbs are interrelated.


Idea is separate from a site structure.


So you are moving somewhere you mentioned several important things but at the same time there is more work that needs to be done before someone will then create a front page because what we have right now the front page that we use is not the best. It needs to be updated.
I would prefer to take CNMCyber.com Home and move it to employable you probably take this out, the (Or allow our fellows to make some magic for you) section, keep (success stories) section, I will leave your apps and take out (Beyond CNMCyber, they can develop…)section.
But for CNMCyber since I decided this is a part of a big information architecture to leave this name CNMCyber for introductory jobs it makes sense to structure it that way. I remember like Welcome Session, we build the front page on all these points, Job to begin with, New career, and Best-fit profession.
Based on what you did, you did something which moved the information the information architecture further, it's not maybe kind of the first print but definitely not the last one.
What I wanted you to do is use the discussion page and put let's say sprints.


1 (Kevin)

Kevin ran the first sprint in early-June of 2023. He reached out to CNMCyber customer while collecting business requirements and updated personas. Later, he moved to another project and Erastus took over the development.
Gary: He didn't close his sprint, closing means presented like for instance right now you're presenting so you can say your sprint is closed and you can move to other projects.

2 (Erastus)

Erastus ran the second sprint in the second half of June 2023. He added several sections, and gave ideas for XML sitemaps, breadcrumbs, navigation menus, information grouping, and site functionality. No visual depictions were created yet.
Gary: So we will give it to someone else. You did a good job anyway. Also, we need to put a category to this page.
In CNMCyber.com IA there's no category too, we need to put categories. I will copy form CNM Website Projects and use that structure, I don't need to reinvent the wheel.
For now, I will use this page Hereafter the main page is called ``IA page`` and its development called the ``project`` is included in CNM Website Projects and occurs under the Website for CNMCyber endeavor.
I'm missing the category too, I need to work with these categories but right now it looks okay because we will rename not as discussion page it will be a project page. On the wiki, every page will be the project and we will use this sprints and we'll talk to our next Media wiki contractor.

Wiki markup documentation

With media Wiki by the way, we need also to update. So here in challenges after Guided tour we need to put Wiki markup documentation. I want to find the CSS file and take a look at what classes for instance for the tables are there. Based on the CSS file we can develop the markup documentation and we can also create a page on the mediawiki.org and it will be our getting back.

Discussion page rename

Whomever will work on Media Wiki on this endeavor this person will ask and we can expand what we want and what we get
So we need these categories.


Basically it's what I prefer to see, is that you started the Sprint for this project, you created something, documented it, reported it and you moved on.
Erastus: That sounds good, it works like an agile project.
Gary: yeah, could be. I'm playing with this basically it's kind of agile. Our challenge is and I wrote it there why I thought about how to create this new structure because people are coming, because we don't offer full-time long-term jobs for instance Sonia came learned something and moved on right Kevin left twice and got back three times. We need to do something that is more flexible because the goal of our CNM cyber jobs is like there are temperature jobs by definition.
Okay we're done for today, it was a good session see you on Monday and I will put it on the Meetup if I don't, remind me.

CNMCyber.com IA and IA generally (office hour, 06-15-2023) Script

CNMCyber.com IA and IA generally (office hour, 06-15-2023) is the office hour event on June, 15th about CNMCyber.com IA.

Preview video

https://youtu.be/7fXkON5rtVw?si=yjDxheTFhV18q6-n (27:16)


Welcome everyone to this office hour and we are with Erastus and Kevin discussing the project that Erastus is working on, CNMCyber.com IA.

CNMCyber.com IA: Personas

We started doing something last time and I see Kevin added Tony which is good we can create some stories. Here we have someone who is in this high school or completed high school and they look for exploration. We have two potential partners, a counselor of an employment agency and a college principal maybe also a high school principal too. I feel we can possibly collaborate with the schools too.
The page needs to be developed and should have one more Persona; we have someone who is exploring, someone working some job but looking for another, someone looking for experience and someone looking for recommendations. Those are good stories I don't see anything else to add. We just discussed with Erastus and we decided that introductory jobs will be the best name for it, to explain what we offer. CNMCyber.com technically can be defined as a home for introductory jobs.

CNMCyber: Welcome Session page

Erastus will take over this sales pitch. We can improve on the CNMCyber page, instead of a pre-entry level job incubator, let's put introductory job incubator so basically when people get to this CNMCyber.com, they should see like home for introductory jobs. Yeah, if introductory sounds better than pre-entry level because like this “Pre” maybe people are missing the point and I remember Kevin was trying to cut it off, which kind of alternated the name so I feel like in introductory will be better and more understandable.
From here (CNMCyber.com) we can use the same points on the website because someone who will get to cnmcyber.com needs to see that this is about introductory jobs that they can start from scratch and it can be used for vocation, in-house training preparation depending on your needs and also it is good for ladies they have that human touch, there are no obligations no fear. Instead of CNMcyber welcome we will have just have CNMCyber and on welcome we will put our links.
CNMCyber.com maybe for someone who just exploring and welcome will be for those who already have decided to enroll so then will be welcomed.

CNMCyber.com IA: Idea

Under the idea, we wrote something before but this is not really an idea and can write the idea right now.
We can start The site shall present CNMCyber introductory jobs to the general public, so someone who is interested in such jobs can get started and someone who is interested in partnership can be directed to the appropriate resource.

Business requirements

We need to decide on the CNMCyber whether we will keep our offer to people who want to partner or not.
I want to make the Talk Pages our project page. On the IA page, you need to write like Sprint one: Kevin started and Erastus finished and then the website will emerge from the idea.

Information Architecture

Kevin: We can go over the information architecture page I believe I wrote something there.
Gary: Kevin, good job. so basically I put only “See also” and “Related lectures” and you did everything else. Really good setup. In the Information Architecture, we need to say that there is a “big IA vs small IA” Information Architecture can be created for Enterprises let's say how the information will flow in CNMCyber between us. Where you will be reporting, where you will get started where you will use the help desk where everything else will happen. Small IA usually can be a website, normally, but any other system can be too. In pidoco.com they call it little not small and there it is big vs little. They are completely different but usability will be one of the parts.
usability.gov used to be a good resource, but they decided to abandon it's no longer updated but here they have a good overview because initially, they started it just to help educate people and then decided that they needed to create requirements only for the government sites which are good too. Besides usability, if we talk about information architecture it's also I will give you an example what the difference between UX which they are talking about and information architecture. From my understanding, user experience or usability is to make people have a friendly service, right? We have our website for instance and they can navigate it and find the information that is credible instead of saying we are the best of the best, we will say like 25 schools in Kenya find us credible, go there, and check whether it's correct.
So, it should be accessible, valuable, and desirable, it is kind of more of UX right? If we talk about Information Architecture it should serve also the business, the Enterprise goals for instance if we want to create one user experience for paid customers and another experience for not paying customers. The UX doesn't take business interests (Enterprise goals) into consideration compared to the Information Architecture.
I don't want to put people in awkward positions so that is why right now I decided just to abandon the idea of services like CNMCyber as it was designed initially as a kind of full range of services but people will need to start working so instead of people to push start working first and then to give them everything but for like non-paying customers, most likely we will use [employableu.com]. I like this name because it's a cool name, it's our domain name but nothing is going on there.
So Information Architecture should take into consideration not only usability but also the enterprise objectives.
They always differ on what to focus on, for instance in any company there is a parking space right in front of the building, the best parking space now your challenge is to give this parking space to your employees or to give this parking space to your customers, whom you value. You can give more services to customers to serve more business goals to make more money as profits.
What you wrote here Key components of information architecture is correct, but on the user side. We also need to think about the Enterprise side for instance why we should create these personas and roadmaps because we don't want people just to use the information, we want people actually to get educated and if it fits them enroll and get started. We have our Enterprise goals and our objective is to serve our goals.
Erastus will do something on the enterprise page with Kevin’s help but I really want Kevin to concentrate on technology board. We will try to fix Erastus’ connection and give this week to him and move Rita to technology and move you to something else, maybe move you to the welcome session because we might pause Sonia’s involvement or kind of reduce it. When Sonya did technology board meetings for a few months, I felt like we needed to move faster.
Let’s end the session for now and continue later, bey bey, see you soon.