CNM Tech Board 2023-06-15

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CNM Technology Board 2023-6-15 - is the CNM Technology Board‎ event on 15 June.

CNM Technology Board 2023-5-24 is the predecessor event.


Subject: CNM Technology Board

  1. Opening remarks
  2. Discussions (including past action reviews and hiring issues) on state of:
  3. Any Other Business
  4. Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Video (45:07)

Progress and Action items

Gary wrote to the aspiring Jitsi contractor with an invite to a meeting.
Natalia proposed to invite a Proxmox contractor for a meeting to present the progress made. And Gary wrote to the contractor, with an invitation to a meeting to review the progress.
Natalia to review Proxmox contractor's credentials for access and email Gary with a report, where Gary will further reach out to the contractor.
Natalia to experiment on Mediawiki and report on the progress made in the preceding meting. She also noted she tried to update mediawiki from version 1.38 to version 1.39 and noted one plugin was not supported.
For media wiki contractor, a decision will be made in the presiding meeting whether to proceed with the previous contractor or look for another one.
For CNM LDAP no decision was made.
Kevin to take over streaming, create requirements for what the board envision the streaming should go,