CNM Tech Board 2023-06-15

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CNM Technology Board 2023-6-15 - is the CNM Technology Board‎ event on 15 June.

CNM Technology Board 2023-5-24 is the predecessor event.


Subject: CNM Technology Board

  1. Opening remarks
  2. Discussions (including past action reviews and hiring issues) on state of:
  3. Any Other Business
  4. Next Steps and Closing Remarks

Video (45:07)

Progress and Action items

  1. Gary: Write to the aspiring Jitsi contractor with an invite to a meeting.
  2. Natalia: Propose to invite a Proxmox contractor for a meeting to present the progress made.
  3. Gary: Write to the Proxmox contractor with an invitation to a meeting to review the progress.
  4. Natalia: Review Proxmox contractor's credentials for access and email Gary with a report.
  5. Gary: Reach out to the Proxmox contractor based on Natalia's report.
  6. Natalia: Experiment on Mediawiki and report on the progress made in the preceding meeting.
  7. Natalia: Noted that she tried to update Mediawiki from version 1.38 to version 1.39, but one plugin was not supported.
  8. Group: To make a decision in the presiding meeting regarding the media wiki contractor. Decide whether to proceed with the previous media wiki contractor or look for another one.
  9. Group: Made no decision for CNM LDAP.
  10. Kevin: Take over streaming and create requirements for the envisioned streaming goals.