CNMCyber Week 2023-07-12

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Revision as of 16:02, 27 August 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Coordinator's report)
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CNMCyber Week 2023-07-12 is the CNMCyber This Week event on 12 July

The predecessor event is CNMCyber Week 2023-07-05

Coordinator's report

  • Gary. Strongly believes that concentration on Talk:CNMCyber deliverables is the priority. A few prototypes have been developed; it is time to move to deliverables.
  • Kevin
  • Rita I moderated CNM Tech board last week, we discussed about the updates on the tools like Proxmox, MediaWiki, and the best 'CEPH' to use. Gary connected me to Natalia , were she gave me access to connect to Virtual machine and test it out. The challenge I got was Jisti being in Russian anD natalia rectified it. I am still testing it.
  • Erastus On Thursday, I met Gary unexpectedly, and we talked about the CNMCyber contract offer and target deliverables I'd like to handle. I was supposed to attend a Tech-Board meeting later in the day, but I couldn't find the correct link. I'll be hosting the meeting today. I did remind everyone about the meeting 15 minutes earlier on Meetup and in the WhatsApp group.
  • Gracey : I continued working on Friends Of CNM website IA. Planning on meeting with Gary so that we can discuss on the deliverables he had put forward on what I can work on.


If you are interested in our topics or have questions, you can write them on the Discussion page. CNMCyber Week 2023-07-19 is the successor event.

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