CNMCyber seminar

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Revision as of 12:51, 1 November 2023 by Gary (talk | contribs) (Agreement)
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A CNMCyber seminar (hereinafter, the Seminar) is any CNMCyber event that is educational in its nature and used to attract attention to CNMCyber and CNMCyber services. A CNMCyber webinar is the Seminar that is conducted online only.


Career Navigator LIVE is presenting an exclusive career day. It's an excellent opportunity to network with other employment candidates and recruiters. Have you ever wondered how to find and apply for a job? Our career day will share information on key topics to help you navigate toward success.

Start preparing to attend an event that will help you reach your career goals.

This special event and luncheon is 100% FREE and features one-of-a-kind activities to help you advance your career. Bring friends or colleagues so they can benefit from what's planned too!

You can look forward to:

  • Interactive Workshops
  • Employer Meet and Greets
  • Networking Breakfast and Lunch
  • Member Only Career Consulting!

Those who attend Career Days may receive exclusive benefits – personalized career consulting and resume reviews are just a few perks.

Career Navigator LIVE presents Career Day in the DC Metro Area.

Spring is the perfect season to focus on your career. Our one-day career program will connect you with like-minded fellows and top recruiters that also work with top government agencies. This exclusive event is free-of-charge and planned with the unique needs of DMV professionals top of mind.

Register now for one amazing day packed with professional skill-building opportunities, networking activities, and interactive workshops designed to help you exceed your career goals.

Registration is free and required to attend. Explore the agenda to see what to expect this spring.

Agenda 8:00 AM Registration & Breakfast Open 9:00 PM - 12:00 PM Workshops (Expect to attend workshops on the topics below or similar that will help advance your career in the DMV.)

  • Finding Your Career Path
  • Master Resume Writing
  • Career Transitioning in/out the DC Government

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Networking Activities

  • Meet the Speakers
  • Employer Showcase
  • Career Consulting – Member Perk!
  • Members may schedule appointments to receive one-on-one career advice, resume critiques and more individualized services from the experts.

Join and navigate to success!

Become a member today for exclusive benefits and resources to help grow your career.

Membership includes:

  • Discounts on meetings and courses
  • Career development
  • Professional networking
  • Free and discounted Journal articles
  • Free research activities
  • Life and health insurance


Based on Careerprise contractor agreement; a sample of its order matters is:

Contractor Services. The Services shall be provided according to requirements stated at:

  1. -- applicable generally to every CNMCyber event;
  2. -- applicable to the every CNMCyber seminar;
  3. -- applicable specifically to CNMCyber Welcome;

Requirements Backlog

  • As a webinar attendee, I would like CNM Talk to be made accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop device so that I would be able to attend the event comfortably on any of my device.
  • As a webinar host and manager, I would like "lobby" feature to be enabled on CNM Talk for additional security of the platform so that no participant can randomly enter without permission and prior to the event.
  • As a webinar host and manager, I would like "recording" feature to be enabled on CNM Talk so that sessions can be recorded on the same platform without any need of external software.
  • As a webinar host and manager, I would like plugin for slides to be added on CNM Wiki especially for webinars to format webinar content as highlights in slide view in order to enhance participant's learning experience.

See also

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