The Session at Cyber

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Versions of the Session (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the final lesson part of the Session Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to the CNM Cyber Welcome Session. This lesson belongs to the Session.


The predecessor lectio is What the Session Is.

Key terms


CNM Cert contains the official texts, but they are not really usable for your reference. If you plan to be neither a user of CNM Cyber nor a member of the CNM Cyber Workforce, you are encouraged to skip this very Session and use its lighter versions.
The complete contents of all the lectios, as well as all the exam and survey questions, are published at CNM Wiki. CNM Tube is another service that can be helpful; it publishes video versions of the lectios. In addition, the searchable version of this Session will soon be published at CNM Page.

Session Tips is the successor lectio.