What the Session Is
What the Session Is (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the third lesson part of the Welcome Session Essentials lesson that introduces its participants to WorldOpp Orientation. This lesson belongs to the Session.
The predecessor lectio is For Whom Cyber Exists.
Slide stack
- WorldOpp Orientation is the collection of four lessons that have been created to introduce you to the Career Network Ministry (CNM), CNMCyber Team, and EmployableU Concepts.Coursework for KSA Certified Digital Operators
- You are at the first lesson, which is called Welcome Session Essentials. At CNMCyber, a lesson is a learning activity that is made up of several parts that are called lectios. Each lectio consists of a brief opening, a brief, up to 550 words long, lecture or another learning content, and closing. The closing represents at least one question, either a quiz or survey one.
- You are in the third lectio of the first lesson. This lectio is called What the Session Is. You have already completed two survey questions prior to this lectio. As a friendly reminder, you initially answered "Yes" to the question whether you are ready to move forward. Later, you answered "Yes" to the question whether you believe that CNMCyber can be helpful for you.
- The question can be multiple-choice, true/false, type-in-blank, or survey. The number of attempts to pass the quizzes is unlimited. Everyone who needs to pass is going to pass, but not everyone is going to pass fast.
- To obtain your system access to CNMCyber services, you would need to complete more than a hundred of lectios of this and the following course called EmployableU Concepts. Plan on setting aside at least twenty hours for both courses if you need that access. Just in case, all the texts and illustrations are posted online and can be viewed without any requirements 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Key terms
- Which statement below is correct:
Tips for Course Takers is the successor lectio.
User data
- The answer is recorded for the lectio completion purposes.
Placement Entrance Exam
- Maxim number of attempts to pass quizzes of WorldOpp Orientation is "three".