Personalities and Work

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Personalities in Trade (hereinafter, the Lectio) is the second lesson part of the Nature of Occupations lesson that introduces its participants to occupations and related topics.

This lesson belongs to the Introduction to Employment session of the CNM Cyber Orientation. The Orientation is the second stage of the WorldOpp Pipeline.


The predecessor lectio is What Occupation Is.

Key terms

Holland Occupational Themes. Consultant, manager, specialist.


Some personalities are more disruptive, some are more conforming, some are more individual, some are more collective. American psychologist John Holland assumed that some occupations require particular personalities and identified six categories that require specific personalities.
Here are two different sets of dimensions, one is working ideas verses data and people verses things and clearly social works more with people and experiential or realistic work more with things. Ideas, we have artistic and investigative. So artistic basically create ideas and investigative find ideas or find what`s there behind the ideas and data. Enterprise and conventional, interestingly enterprising is not in ideas, enterprising is between people and data. It's more of persuasive, working with people and data. That's it for occupational themes. Next we will look at conditions of work.

Occupational Themes is the successor lectio.
